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{- git-annex ssh interface, with connection caching
- Copyright 2012-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.Ssh (
) where
import Annex.Common
import Annex.LockFile
import qualified BuildInfo
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Url
import Config
import Annex.Path
import Utility.Env
import Utility.Hash
import Types.CleanupActions
import Annex.Concurrent.Utility
import Types.Concurrency
import Git.Env
import Git.Ssh
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import Annex.Perms
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Annex.LockPool
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
{- Some ssh commands are fed stdin on a pipe and so should be allowed to
- consume it. But ssh commands that are not piped stdin should generally
- not be allowed to consume the process's stdin. -}
data ConsumeStdin = ConsumeStdin | NoConsumeStdin
{- Generates a command to ssh to a given host (or user@host) on a given
- port. This includes connection caching parameters, and any ssh-options.
- If GIT_SSH or GIT_SSH_COMMAND is enabled, they are used instead. -}
sshCommand :: ConsumeStdin -> (SshHost, Maybe SshPort) -> RemoteGitConfig -> SshCommand -> Annex (FilePath, [CommandParam])
sshCommand cs (host, port) gc remotecmd = ifM (liftIO safe_GIT_SSH)
( maybe go return
=<< liftIO (gitSsh' host port remotecmd (consumeStdinParams cs))
, go
go = do
ps <- sshOptions cs (host, port) gc []
return ("ssh", Param (fromSshHost host):ps++[Param remotecmd])
{- Generates parameters to ssh to a given host (or user@host) on a given
- port. This includes connection caching parameters, and any
- ssh-options. Note that the host to ssh to and the command to run
- are not included in the returned options. -}
sshOptions :: ConsumeStdin -> (SshHost, Maybe Integer) -> RemoteGitConfig -> [CommandParam] -> Annex [CommandParam]
sshOptions cs (host, port) gc opts = go =<< sshCachingInfo (host, port)
go (Nothing, params) = return $ mkparams cs params
go (Just socketfile, params) = do
prepSocket socketfile host (mkparams NoConsumeStdin params)
return $ mkparams cs params
mkparams cs' ps = concat
[ ps
, map Param (remoteAnnexSshOptions gc)
, opts
, portParams port
, consumeStdinParams cs'
, [Param "-T"]
{- Due to passing -n to GIT_SSH and GIT_SSH_COMMAND, some settings
- of those that expect exactly git's parameters will break. So only
- use those if the user set GIT_ANNEX_USE_GIT_SSH to say it's ok. -}
safe_GIT_SSH :: IO Bool
safe_GIT_SSH = (== Just "1") <$> getEnv "GIT_ANNEX_USE_GIT_SSH"
consumeStdinParams :: ConsumeStdin -> [CommandParam]
consumeStdinParams ConsumeStdin = []
consumeStdinParams NoConsumeStdin = [Param "-n"]
{- Returns a filename to use for a ssh connection caching socket, and
- parameters to enable ssh connection caching. -}
sshCachingInfo :: (SshHost, Maybe Integer) -> Annex (Maybe FilePath, [CommandParam])
sshCachingInfo (host, port) = go =<< sshCacheDir'
go (Right dir) =
liftIO (bestSocketPath $ dir P.</> hostport2socket host port) >>= return . \case
Nothing -> (Nothing, [])
Just socketfile ->
let socketfile' = fromRawFilePath socketfile
in (Just socketfile', sshConnectionCachingParams socketfile')
-- No connection caching with concurrency is not a good
-- combination, so warn the user.
go (Left whynocaching) = do
getConcurrency >>= \case
NonConcurrent -> return ()
Concurrent {} -> warnnocaching whynocaching
ConcurrentPerCpu -> warnnocaching whynocaching
return (Nothing, [])
warnnocaching whynocaching = do
warning nocachingwarning
warning whynocaching
nocachingwarning = unwords
[ "You have enabled concurrency, but git-annex is not able"
, "to use ssh connection caching. This may result in"
, "multiple ssh processes prompting for passwords at the"
, "same time."
{- Given an absolute path to use for a socket file,
- returns whichever is shorter of that or the relative path to the same
- file.
- If no path can be constructed that is a valid socket, returns Nothing. -}
bestSocketPath :: RawFilePath -> IO (Maybe RawFilePath)
bestSocketPath abssocketfile = do
relsocketfile <- liftIO $ relPathCwdToFile abssocketfile
let socketfile = if S.length abssocketfile <= S.length relsocketfile
then abssocketfile
else relsocketfile
return $ if valid_unix_socket_path socketfile sshgarbagelen
then Just socketfile
else Nothing
-- ssh appends a 16 char extension to the socket when setting it
-- up, which needs to be taken into account when checking
-- that a valid socket was constructed.
sshgarbagelen = 1+16
sshConnectionCachingParams :: FilePath -> [CommandParam]
sshConnectionCachingParams socketfile =
[ Param "-S", Param socketfile
, Param "-o", Param "ControlMaster=auto"
, Param "-o", Param "ControlPersist=yes"
sshSocketDirEnv :: String
{- Returns the directory where ssh connection caching sockets can be
- stored.
- The directory will be created if it does not exist.
sshCacheDir :: Annex (Maybe RawFilePath)
sshCacheDir = eitherToMaybe <$> sshCacheDir'
sshCacheDir' :: Annex (Either String RawFilePath)
sshCacheDir' =
ifM (fromMaybe BuildInfo.sshconnectioncaching . annexSshCaching <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
( ifM crippledFileSystem
( gettmpdir >>= \case
Nothing ->
return (Left crippledfswarning)
Just tmpdir ->
liftIO $ catchMsgIO $
usetmpdir tmpdir
, do
d <- fromRepo gitAnnexSshDir
createAnnexDirectory d
return (Right d)
, return (Left "annex.sshcaching is not set to true")
gettmpdir = liftIO $ getEnv sshSocketDirEnv
usetmpdir tmpdir = do
let socktmp = tmpdir </> "ssh"
createDirectoryIfMissing True socktmp
return (toRawFilePath socktmp)
crippledfswarning = unwords
[ "This repository is on a crippled filesystem, so unix named"
, "pipes probably don't work, and ssh connection caching"
, "relies on those. One workaround is to set"
, sshSocketDirEnv
, "to point to a directory on a non-crippled filesystem."
portParams :: Maybe Integer -> [CommandParam]
portParams Nothing = []
portParams (Just port) = [Param "-p", Param $ show port]
{- Prepare to use a socket file for ssh connection caching.
- When concurrency is enabled, this blocks until a ssh connection
- has been made to the host. So, any password prompting by ssh will
- happen in this call, and only one ssh process will prompt at a time.
- Locks the socket lock file to prevent other git-annex processes from
- stopping the ssh multiplexer on this socket.
prepSocket :: FilePath -> SshHost -> [CommandParam] -> Annex ()
prepSocket socketfile sshhost sshparams = do
-- There could be stale ssh connections hanging around
-- from a previous git-annex run that was interrupted.
-- This must run only once, before we have made any ssh connection,
-- and any other prepSocket calls must block while it's run.
tv <- Annex.getState Annex.sshstalecleaned
join $ liftIO $ atomically $ do
cleaned <- takeTMVar tv
if cleaned
then do
putTMVar tv cleaned
return noop
else return $ do
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar tv True
-- Cleanup at shutdown.
Annex.addCleanup SshCachingCleanup sshCleanup
let socketlock = socket2lock socketfile
getConcurrency >>= \case
NonConcurrent -> return ()
Concurrent {} -> makeconnection socketlock
ConcurrentPerCpu -> makeconnection socketlock
lockFileCached socketlock
-- When the LockCache already has the socketlock in it,
-- the connection has already been started. Otherwise,
-- get the connection started now.
makeconnection socketlock = debugLocks $
whenM (isNothing <$> fromLockCache socketlock) $
-- See if ssh can connect in batch mode,
-- if so there's no need to block for a password
-- prompt.
unlessM (tryssh ["-o", "BatchMode=true"]) $
-- ssh needs to prompt (probably)
-- If the user enters the wrong password,
-- ssh will tell them, so we can ignore
-- failure.
void $ prompt $ tryssh []
-- Try to ssh to the host quietly. Returns True if ssh apparently
-- connected to the host successfully. If ssh failed to connect,
-- returns False.
-- Even if ssh is forced to run some specific command, this will
-- return True.
-- (Except there's an unlikely false positive where a forced
-- ssh command exits 255.)
tryssh extraps = liftIO $ withNullHandle $ \nullh -> do
let p = (proc "ssh" $ concat
[ extraps
, toCommand sshparams
, [fromSshHost sshhost, "true"]
{ std_out = UseHandle nullh
, std_err = UseHandle nullh
withCreateProcess p $ \_ _ _ pid -> do
exitcode <- waitForProcess pid
return $ case exitcode of
ExitFailure 255 -> False
_ -> True
{- Find ssh socket files.
- The check that the lock file exists makes only socket files
- that were set up by prepSocket be found. On some NFS systems,
- a deleted socket file may linger for a while under another filename;
- and this check makes such files be skipped since the corresponding lock
- file won't exist.
enumSocketFiles :: Annex [FilePath]
enumSocketFiles = liftIO . go =<< sshCacheDir
go Nothing = return []
go (Just dir) = filterM (R.doesPathExist . socket2lock)
=<< filter (not . isLock)
<$> catchDefaultIO [] (dirContents (fromRawFilePath dir))
{- Stop any unused ssh connection caching processes. -}
sshCleanup :: Annex ()
sshCleanup = mapM_ cleanup =<< enumSocketFiles
cleanup socketfile = do
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
-- Drop any shared lock we have, and take an
-- exclusive lock, without blocking. If the lock
-- succeeds, nothing is using this ssh, and it can
-- be stopped.
-- After ssh is stopped cannot remove the lock file;
-- other processes may be waiting on our exclusive
-- lock to use it.
let lockfile = socket2lock socketfile
unlockFile lockfile
mode <- annexFileMode
noUmask mode (tryLockExclusive (Just mode) lockfile) >>= \case
Nothing -> noop
Just lck -> do
forceStopSsh socketfile
liftIO $ dropLock lck
forceStopSsh socketfile
{- Stop all ssh connection caching processes, even when they're in use. -}
forceSshCleanup :: Annex ()
forceSshCleanup = mapM_ forceStopSsh =<< enumSocketFiles
forceStopSsh :: FilePath -> Annex ()
forceStopSsh socketfile = withNullHandle $ \nullh -> do
let (dir, base) = splitFileName socketfile
let p = (proc "ssh" $ toCommand $
[ Param "-O", Param "stop" ] ++
sshConnectionCachingParams base ++
[Param "localhost"])
{ cwd = Just dir
-- "ssh -O stop" is noisy on stderr even with -q
, std_out = UseHandle nullh
, std_err = UseHandle nullh
void $ liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ withCreateProcess p $ \_ _ _ pid ->
forceSuccessProcess p pid
liftIO $ removeWhenExistsWith removeLink socketfile
{- This needs to be as short as possible, due to limitations on the length
- of the path to a socket file. At the same time, it needs to be unique
- for each host.
hostport2socket :: SshHost -> Maybe Integer -> RawFilePath
hostport2socket host Nothing = hostport2socket' $ fromSshHost host
hostport2socket host (Just port) = hostport2socket' $
fromSshHost host ++ "!" ++ show port
hostport2socket' :: String -> RawFilePath
hostport2socket' s
| length s > lengthofmd5s = toRawFilePath $ show $ md5 $ encodeBL s
| otherwise = toRawFilePath s
lengthofmd5s = 32
socket2lock :: FilePath -> RawFilePath
socket2lock socket = toRawFilePath (socket ++ lockExt)
isLock :: FilePath -> Bool
isLock f = lockExt `isSuffixOf` f
lockExt :: String
lockExt = ".lock"
{- This is the size of the sun_path component of sockaddr_un, which
- is the limit to the total length of the filename of a unix socket.
- On Linux, this is 108. On OSX, 104. TODO: Probe
sizeof_sockaddr_un_sun_path :: Int
sizeof_sockaddr_un_sun_path = 100
{- Note that this looks at the true length of the path in bytes, as it will
- appear on disk. -}
valid_unix_socket_path :: RawFilePath -> Int -> Bool
valid_unix_socket_path f n = S.length f + n < sizeof_sockaddr_un_sun_path
{- Parses the SSH port, and returns the other OpenSSH options. If
- several ports are found, the last one takes precedence. -}
sshReadPort :: [String] -> (Maybe Integer, [String])
sshReadPort params = (port, reverse args)
(port,args) = aux (Nothing, []) params
aux (p,ps) [] = (p,ps)
aux (_,ps) ("-p":p:rest) = aux (readPort p, ps) rest
aux (p,ps) (q:rest) | "-p" `isPrefixOf` q = aux (readPort $ drop 2 q, ps) rest
| otherwise = aux (p,q:ps) rest
readPort p = fmap fst $ listToMaybe $ reads p
{- When this env var is set, git-annex runs ssh with the specified
- options. (The options are separated by newlines.)
- This is a workaround for GIT_SSH not being able to contain
- additional parameters to pass to ssh. (GIT_SSH_COMMAND can,
- but is not supported by older versions of git.) -}
sshOptionsEnv :: String
toSshOptionsEnv :: [CommandParam] -> String
toSshOptionsEnv = unlines . toCommand
fromSshOptionsEnv :: String -> [CommandParam]
fromSshOptionsEnv = map Param . lines
{- Enables ssh caching for git push/pull to a particular
- remote git repo. (Can safely be used on non-ssh remotes.)
- Also propigates any configured ssh-options.
- Like inRepo, the action is run with the local git repo.
- But here it's a modified version, with gitEnv to set GIT_SSH=git-annex,
- and sshOptionsEnv set so that git-annex will know what socket
- file to use. -}
inRepoWithSshOptionsTo :: Git.Repo -> RemoteGitConfig -> (Git.Repo -> IO a) -> Annex a
inRepoWithSshOptionsTo remote gc a =
liftIO . a =<< sshOptionsTo remote gc =<< gitRepo
{- To make any git commands be run with ssh caching enabled,
- and configured ssh-options alters the local Git.Repo's gitEnv
- to set GIT_SSH=git-annex, and set sshOptionsEnv when running git
- commands.
- If GIT_SSH or GIT_SSH_COMMAND are enabled, this has no effect. -}
sshOptionsTo :: Git.Repo -> RemoteGitConfig -> Git.Repo -> Annex Git.Repo
sshOptionsTo remote gc localr
| not (Git.repoIsUrl remote) || Git.repoIsHttp remote = unchanged
| otherwise = case Git.Url.hostuser remote of
Nothing -> unchanged
Just host -> ifM (liftIO $ safe_GIT_SSH <&&> gitSshEnvSet)
( unchanged
, do
let port = Git.Url.port remote
let sshhost = either error id (mkSshHost host)
(msockfile, cacheparams) <- sshCachingInfo (sshhost, port)
case msockfile of
Nothing -> use []
Just sockfile -> do
prepSocket sockfile sshhost $ concat
[ cacheparams
, map Param (remoteAnnexSshOptions gc)
, portParams port
, consumeStdinParams NoConsumeStdin
, [Param "-T"]
use cacheparams
unchanged = return localr
use opts = do
let sshopts = concat
[ opts
, map Param (remoteAnnexSshOptions gc)
if null sshopts
then unchanged
else do
command <- liftIO programPath
liftIO $ do
localr' <- addGitEnv localr sshOptionsEnv
(toSshOptionsEnv sshopts)
addGitEnv localr' gitSshEnv command
runSshOptions :: [String] -> String -> IO ()
runSshOptions args s = do
let args' = toCommand (fromSshOptionsEnv s) ++ args
let p = proc "ssh" args'
exitcode <- withCreateProcess p $ \_ _ _ pid -> waitForProcess pid
exitWith exitcode
{- When this env var is set, git-annex is being used as a ssh-askpass
- program, and should read the password from the specified location,
- and output it for ssh to read. -}
sshAskPassEnv :: String
runSshAskPass :: FilePath -> IO ()
runSshAskPass passfile = putStrLn =<< readFile passfile