Converted file mode setting to it, and follow-on changes. Compiles up through 369/646. This commit was sponsored by Ethan Aubin.
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{- .git/objects
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Git.Objects where
import Common
import Git
import Git.Sha
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
objectsDir :: Repo -> RawFilePath
objectsDir r = localGitDir r P.</> "objects"
packDir :: Repo -> RawFilePath
packDir r = objectsDir r P.</> "pack"
packIdxFile :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath
packIdxFile = flip P.replaceExtension "idx"
listPackFiles :: Repo -> IO [FilePath]
listPackFiles r = filter (".pack" `isSuffixOf`)
<$> catchDefaultIO [] (dirContents $ fromRawFilePath $ packDir r)
listLooseObjectShas :: Repo -> IO [Sha]
listLooseObjectShas r = catchDefaultIO [] $
mapMaybe (extractSha . encodeBS . concat . reverse . take 2 . reverse . splitDirectories)
<$> dirContentsRecursiveSkipping (== "pack") True (fromRawFilePath (objectsDir r))
looseObjectFile :: Repo -> Sha -> RawFilePath
looseObjectFile r sha = objectsDir r P.</> prefix P.</> rest
(prefix, rest) = B.splitAt 2 (fromRef' sha)
listAlternates :: Repo -> IO [FilePath]
listAlternates r = catchDefaultIO [] $
lines <$> readFile (fromRawFilePath alternatesfile)
alternatesfile = objectsDir r P.</> "info" P.</> "alternates"
{- A repository recently cloned with --shared will have one or more
- alternates listed, and contain no loose objects or packs. -}
isSharedClone :: Repo -> IO Bool
isSharedClone r = allM id
[ not . null <$> listAlternates r
, null <$> listLooseObjectShas r
, null <$> listPackFiles r