A couple of these were probably actual bugs in edge cases. Most of the changes I'm fine with. The fact that aeson's object returns sometihng that we know will be an Object, but the type checker does not know is kind of annoying.
307 lines
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307 lines
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{- git-annex transfer information files and lock files
- Copyright 2012-2019 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Logs.Transfer where
import Types.Transfer
import Types.ActionItem
import Annex.Common
import qualified Git
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.Percentage
import Utility.PID
import Annex.LockPool
import Utility.TimeStamp
import Logs.File
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Annex.Perms
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Control.Concurrent
describeTransfer :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> String
describeTransfer t info = unwords
[ show $ transferDirection t
, show $ transferUUID t
, decodeBS' $ actionItemDesc $ ActionItemAssociatedFile
(associatedFile info)
(transferKey t)
, show $ bytesComplete info
{- Transfers that will accomplish the same task. -}
equivilantTransfer :: Transfer -> Transfer -> Bool
equivilantTransfer t1 t2
| transferDirection t1 == Download && transferDirection t2 == Download &&
transferKeyData t1 == transferKeyData t2 = True
| otherwise = t1 == t2
percentComplete :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Maybe Percentage
percentComplete t info =
<$> keySize (transferKeyData t)
<*> Just (fromMaybe 0 $ bytesComplete info)
{- Generates a callback that can be called as transfer progresses to update
- the transfer info file. Also returns the file it'll be updating,
- an action that sets up the file with appropriate permissions,
- which should be run after locking the transfer lock file, but
- before using the callback, and a MVar that can be used to read
- the number of bytesComplete. -}
mkProgressUpdater :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Annex (MeterUpdate, FilePath, Annex (), MVar Integer)
mkProgressUpdater t info = do
tfile <- fromRepo $ transferFile t
let createtfile = void $ tryNonAsync $ writeTransferInfoFile info tfile
mvar <- liftIO $ newMVar 0
return (liftIO . updater tfile mvar, tfile, createtfile, mvar)
updater tfile mvar b = modifyMVar_ mvar $ \oldbytes -> do
let newbytes = fromBytesProcessed b
if newbytes - oldbytes >= mindelta
then do
let info' = info { bytesComplete = Just newbytes }
_ <- tryIO $ updateTransferInfoFile info' tfile
return newbytes
else return oldbytes
{- The minimum change in bytesComplete that is worth
- updating a transfer info file for is 1% of the total
- keySize, rounded down. -}
mindelta = case keySize (transferKeyData t) of
Just sz -> sz `div` 100
Nothing -> 100 * 1024 -- arbitrarily, 100 kb
startTransferInfo :: AssociatedFile -> IO TransferInfo
startTransferInfo afile = TransferInfo
<$> (Just . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> getCurrentTime)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
<*> pure Nothing -- pid not stored in file, so omitted for speed
<*> (Just <$> getPID)
<*> pure Nothing -- tid ditto
<*> pure Nothing -- not 0; transfer may be resuming
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure afile
<*> pure False
{- If a transfer is still running, returns its TransferInfo.
- If no transfer is running, attempts to clean up the stale
- lock and info files. This can happen if a transfer process was
- interrupted.
checkTransfer :: Transfer -> Annex (Maybe TransferInfo)
checkTransfer t = debugLocks $ do
tfile <- fromRepo $ transferFile t
let lck = transferLockFile tfile
let cleanstale = do
void $ tryIO $ removeFile tfile
void $ tryIO $ removeFile lck
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
v <- getLockStatus lck
case v of
StatusLockedBy pid -> liftIO $ catchDefaultIO Nothing $
readTransferInfoFile (Just pid) tfile
_ -> do
-- Take a non-blocking lock while deleting
-- the stale lock file. Ignore failure
-- due to permissions problems, races, etc.
void $ tryIO $ do
mode <- annexFileMode
r <- tryLockExclusive (Just mode) lck
case r of
Just lockhandle -> liftIO $ do
dropLock lockhandle
_ -> noop
return Nothing
v <- liftIO $ lockShared lck
liftIO $ case v of
Nothing -> catchDefaultIO Nothing $
readTransferInfoFile Nothing tfile
Just lockhandle -> do
dropLock lockhandle
return Nothing
{- Gets all currently running transfers. -}
getTransfers :: Annex [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
getTransfers = getTransfers' [Download, Upload] (const True)
getTransfers' :: [Direction] -> (Key -> Bool) -> Annex [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
getTransfers' dirs wanted = do
transfers <- filter (wanted . transferKey)
<$> mapMaybe parseTransferFile . concat <$> findfiles
infos <- mapM checkTransfer transfers
return $ mapMaybe running $ zip transfers infos
findfiles = liftIO . mapM dirContentsRecursive
=<< mapM (fromRepo . transferDir) dirs
running (t, Just i) = Just (t, i)
running (_, Nothing) = Nothing
{- Number of bytes remaining to download from matching downloads that are in
- progress. -}
sizeOfDownloadsInProgress :: (Key -> Bool) -> Annex Integer
sizeOfDownloadsInProgress wanted = sum . map remaining
<$> getTransfers' [Download] wanted
remaining (t, info) =
case (fromKey keySize (transferKey t), bytesComplete info) of
(Just sz, Just done) -> sz - done
(Just sz, Nothing) -> sz
(Nothing, _) -> 0
{- Gets failed transfers for a given remote UUID. -}
getFailedTransfers :: UUID -> Annex [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
getFailedTransfers u = catMaybes <$> (liftIO . getpairs =<< concat <$> findfiles)
getpairs = mapM $ \f -> do
let mt = parseTransferFile f
mi <- readTransferInfoFile Nothing f
return $ case (mt, mi) of
(Just t, Just i) -> Just (t, i)
_ -> Nothing
findfiles = liftIO . mapM dirContentsRecursive
=<< mapM (fromRepo . failedTransferDir u) [Download, Upload]
clearFailedTransfers :: UUID -> Annex [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
clearFailedTransfers u = do
failed <- getFailedTransfers u
mapM_ (removeFailedTransfer . fst) failed
return failed
removeFailedTransfer :: Transfer -> Annex ()
removeFailedTransfer t = do
f <- fromRepo $ failedTransferFile t
liftIO $ void $ tryIO $ removeFile f
recordFailedTransfer :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Annex ()
recordFailedTransfer t info = do
failedtfile <- fromRepo $ failedTransferFile t
writeTransferInfoFile info failedtfile
{- The transfer information file to use for a given Transfer. -}
transferFile :: Transfer -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
transferFile (Transfer direction u kd) r = transferDir direction r
</> filter (/= '/') (fromUUID u)
</> fromRawFilePath (keyFile (mkKey (const kd)))
{- The transfer information file to use to record a failed Transfer -}
failedTransferFile :: Transfer -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
failedTransferFile (Transfer direction u kd) r = failedTransferDir u direction r
</> fromRawFilePath (keyFile (mkKey (const kd)))
{- The transfer lock file corresponding to a given transfer info file. -}
transferLockFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
transferLockFile infofile = let (d,f) = splitFileName infofile in
combine d ("lck." ++ f)
{- Parses a transfer information filename to a Transfer. -}
parseTransferFile :: FilePath -> Maybe Transfer
parseTransferFile file
| "lck." `isPrefixOf` takeFileName file = Nothing
| otherwise = case drop (length bits - 3) bits of
[direction, u, key] -> Transfer
<$> parseDirection direction
<*> pure (toUUID u)
<*> fmap (fromKey id) (fileKey (toRawFilePath key))
_ -> Nothing
bits = splitDirectories file
writeTransferInfoFile :: TransferInfo -> FilePath -> Annex ()
writeTransferInfoFile info tfile = writeLogFile tfile $ writeTransferInfo info
-- The file keeps whatever permissions it has, so should be used only
-- after it's been created with the right perms by writeTransferInfoFile.
updateTransferInfoFile :: TransferInfo -> FilePath -> IO ()
updateTransferInfoFile info tfile = writeFile tfile $ writeTransferInfo info
{- File format is a header line containing the startedTime and any
- bytesComplete value. Followed by a newline and the associatedFile.
- On unix, the transferPid is not included; instead it is obtained
- by looking at the process that locks the file.
- On windows, the transferPid is included, as a second line.
writeTransferInfo :: TransferInfo -> String
writeTransferInfo info = unlines
[ (maybe "" show $ startedTime info) ++
(maybe "" (\b -> ' ' : show b) (bytesComplete info))
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
, maybe "" show (transferPid info)
-- comes last; arbitrary content
, let AssociatedFile afile = associatedFile info
in maybe "" fromRawFilePath afile
readTransferInfoFile :: Maybe PID -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe TransferInfo)
readTransferInfoFile mpid tfile = catchDefaultIO Nothing $
readTransferInfo mpid <$> readFileStrict tfile
readTransferInfo :: Maybe PID -> String -> Maybe TransferInfo
readTransferInfo mpid s = TransferInfo
<$> time
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
<*> pure (if isJust mpid then mpid else mpid')
<*> pure mpid
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure Nothing
<*> bytes
<*> pure (AssociatedFile (if null filename then Nothing else Just (toRawFilePath filename)))
<*> pure False
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
(firstline, otherlines) = separate (== '\n') s
(secondline, rest) = separate (== '\n') otherlines
mpid' = readish secondline
(firstline, rest) = separate (== '\n') s
| end rest == "\n" = beginning rest
| otherwise = rest
bits = splitc ' ' firstline
numbits = length bits
time = if numbits > 0
then Just <$> parsePOSIXTime =<< headMaybe bits
else pure Nothing -- not failure
bytes = if numbits > 1
then Just <$> readish =<< headMaybe (drop 1 bits)
else pure Nothing -- not failure
{- The directory holding transfer information files for a given Direction. -}
transferDir :: Direction -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
transferDir direction r = gitAnnexTransferDir r </> formatDirection direction
{- The directory holding failed transfer information files for a given
- Direction and UUID -}
failedTransferDir :: UUID -> Direction -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
failedTransferDir u direction r = gitAnnexTransferDir r
</> "failed"
</> formatDirection direction
</> filter (/= '/') (fromUUID u)
prop_read_write_transferinfo :: TransferInfo -> Bool
prop_read_write_transferinfo info
| isJust (transferRemote info) = True -- remote not stored
| isJust (transferTid info) = True -- tid not stored
| otherwise = Just (info { transferPaused = False }) == info'
info' = readTransferInfo (transferPid info) (writeTransferInfo info)