Log.Remote.prop_parse_show_Config failed on an input of fromList [("\28162","")]
in LANG=C, encodeBS "\28162" == "\STX=", while in UTF-8 locale,
encodeBS "\28162" == "\230\184\130". So in the C locale, the String
that's the parsed Map key ends up being encoded differently than it was
in the input Map.
Logs.Presence.Pure.prop_parse_build_log was failing in LANG=C because
the Arbitrary LogLine for some reason sometimes generated LogInfo values
containing \n or \r, despite using suchThat to prevent that. I don't
understand why at all, but switching the suchThat to filter the
ByteString instead of the String before conversion with encodeBS
somehow avoids the problem.
Both of these suggest something wonky with encodeBS in LANG=C, but
I *think* it's not a problem except for with test data generated by