Joey Hess 38b9ebc5fd
newtype MapLog
Noticed that Semigroup instance of Map is not suitable to use
for MapLog. For example, it behaved like this:

ghci>  parseTrustLog "foo 1 timestamp=10\nfoo 2 timestamp=11" <> parseTrustLog "foo X timestamp=12"
fromList [(UUID "foo",LogEntry {changed = VectorClock 11s, value = SemiTrusted})]

Which was wrong, it lost the newer DeadTrusted value.

Luckily, nothing used that Semigroup when operating on a MapLog. And this
provides a safe instance.

Sponsored-by: Graham Spencer on Patreon
2023-11-13 14:37:22 -04:00

128 lines
3.9 KiB

{- git-annex Map log
- This is used to store a Map, in a way that can be union merged.
- A line of the log will look like: "timestamp field value"
- The field names cannot contain whitespace.
- Copyright 2014-2023 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Logs.MapLog (
module Logs.MapLog,
) where
import Common
import Annex.VectorClock
import Logs.Line
import Utility.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as AL
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A8
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem
import Prelude
data LogEntry v = LogEntry
{ changed :: VectorClock
, value :: v
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Arbitrary v => Arbitrary (LogEntry v) where
arbitrary = LogEntry <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
newtype MapLog f v = MapLog (M.Map f (LogEntry v))
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Ord f => Sem.Semigroup (MapLog f v)
a <> MapLog b = foldl' (\m (f, v) -> addMapLog f v m) a (M.toList b)
instance Ord f => Monoid (MapLog f v)
mempty = MapLog M.empty
fromMapLog :: MapLog f v -> M.Map f (LogEntry v)
fromMapLog (MapLog m) = m
buildMapLog :: (f -> Builder) -> (v -> Builder) -> MapLog f v -> Builder
buildMapLog fieldbuilder valuebuilder (MapLog m) =
mconcat $ map genline $ M.toList m
genline (f, LogEntry c v) =
buildVectorClock c <> sp
<> fieldbuilder f <> sp
<> valuebuilder v <> nl
sp = charUtf8 ' '
nl = charUtf8 '\n'
parseMapLog :: Ord f => A.Parser f -> A.Parser v -> L.ByteString -> MapLog f v
parseMapLog fieldparser valueparser =
parseMapLogWith (mapLogParser fieldparser valueparser)
parseMapLogWith :: Ord f => A.Parser (MapLog f v) -> L.ByteString -> MapLog f v
parseMapLogWith parser = fromMaybe (MapLog M.empty)
. AL.maybeResult
. AL.parse parser
mapLogParser :: Ord f => A.Parser f -> A.Parser v -> A.Parser (MapLog f v)
mapLogParser fieldparser valueparser = mapLogParser' $ do
c <- vectorClockParser
_ <- A8.char ' '
w <- A8.takeTill (== ' ')
f <- either fail return $
A.parseOnly (fieldparser <* A.endOfInput) w
_ <- A8.char ' '
v <- valueparser
return (f, LogEntry c v)
mapLogParser' :: Ord f => A.Parser (f, LogEntry v) -> A.Parser (MapLog f v)
mapLogParser' p = MapLog . M.fromListWith best
<$> parseLogLines p
changeMapLog :: Ord f => CandidateVectorClock -> f -> v -> MapLog f v -> MapLog f v
changeMapLog c f v (MapLog m) = MapLog (M.insert f (LogEntry c' v) m)
c' = case M.lookup f m of
Nothing -> advanceVectorClock c []
Just old -> advanceVectorClock c [changed old]
{- Only add an LogEntry if it's newer (or at least as new as) than any
- existing LogEntry for a field. -}
addMapLog :: Ord f => f -> LogEntry v -> MapLog f v -> MapLog f v
addMapLog f v (MapLog m) = MapLog (M.insertWith best f v m)
filterMapLogWith :: (f -> LogEntry v -> Bool) -> MapLog f v -> MapLog f v
filterMapLogWith f (MapLog m) = MapLog (M.filterWithKey f m)
mapLogWithKey :: (f -> LogEntry v -> LogEntry v) -> MapLog f v -> MapLog f v
mapLogWithKey f (MapLog m) = MapLog (M.mapWithKey f m)
{- Converts a MapLog into a simple Map without the timestamp information.
- This is a one-way trip, but useful for code that never needs to change
- the log. -}
simpleMap :: MapLog f v -> M.Map f v
simpleMap (MapLog m) = value m
best :: LogEntry v -> LogEntry v -> LogEntry v
best new old
| changed old > changed new = old
| otherwise = new
prop_addMapLog_sane :: Bool
prop_addMapLog_sane = newWins && newestWins
newWins = addMapLog "foo" (LogEntry (VectorClock 1) "new") l == l2
newestWins = addMapLog "foo" (LogEntry (VectorClock 1) "newest") l2 /= l2
l = MapLog (M.fromList [("foo", LogEntry (VectorClock 0) "old")])
l2 = MapLog (M.fromList [("foo", LogEntry (VectorClock 1) "new")])