Option parsing for commands that run outside git repos is still screwy, as there is no Annex monad and so the flags cannot be passed in. But, any remaining parameters can be, which is enough for this fix.
79 lines
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79 lines
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{- git-annex command data types
- Copyright 2010-2011 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Types.Command where
import Data.Ord
import Types
{- A command runs in these stages.
- a. The check stage runs checks, that error out if
- anything prevents the command from running. -}
data CommandCheck = CommandCheck { idCheck :: Int, runCheck :: Annex () }
{- b. The seek stage takes the parameters passed to the command,
- looks through the repo to find the ones that are relevant
- to that command (ie, new files to add), and generates
- a list of start stage actions. -}
type CommandSeek = [String] -> Annex [CommandStart]
{- c. The start stage is run before anything is printed about the
- command, is passed some input, and can early abort it
- if the input does not make sense. It should run quickly and
- should not modify Annex state. -}
type CommandStart = Annex (Maybe CommandPerform)
{- d. The perform stage is run after a message is printed about the command
- being run, and it should be where the bulk of the work happens. -}
type CommandPerform = Annex (Maybe CommandCleanup)
{- e. The cleanup stage is run only if the perform stage succeeds, and it
- returns the overall success/fail of the command. -}
type CommandCleanup = Annex Bool
{- A command is defined by specifying these things. -}
data Command = Command
{ cmdoptions :: [Option] -- command-specific options
, cmdnorepo :: Maybe (CmdParams -> IO ()) -- an action to run when not in a repo
, cmdcheck :: [CommandCheck] -- check stage
, cmdnocommit :: Bool -- don't commit journalled state changes
, cmdnomessages :: Bool -- don't output normal messages
, cmdname :: String
, cmdparamdesc :: String -- description of params for usage
, cmdseek :: [CommandSeek] -- seek stage
, cmdsection :: CommandSection
, cmddesc :: String -- description of command for usage
type CmdParams = [String]
{- CommandCheck functions can be compared using their unique id. -}
instance Eq CommandCheck where
a == b = idCheck a == idCheck b
instance Eq Command where
a == b = cmdname a == cmdname b
{- Order commands by name. -}
instance Ord Command where
compare = comparing cmdname
{- The same sections are listed in doc/git-annex.mdwn -}
data CommandSection
= SectionCommon
| SectionSetup
| SectionMaintenance
| SectionQuery
| SectionUtility
| SectionPlumbing
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
descSection :: CommandSection -> String
descSection SectionCommon = "Commonly used commands"
descSection SectionSetup = "Repository setup commands"
descSection SectionMaintenance = "Repository maintenance commands"
descSection SectionQuery = "Query commands"
descSection SectionUtility = "Utility commands"
descSection SectionPlumbing = "Plumbing commands"