Package versions match Debian jessie, except for a few differences needed due to the different version of ghc pulling in a few buildin packages with other versions. Most of the patches were cherry-picked from past commits, since these are older versions.
181 lines
6.5 KiB
181 lines
6.5 KiB
From 38a22dae4f7f9726379fdaa3f85d78d75eee9d8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dummy <dummy@example.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:01:22 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] hack TH
Text/Shakespeare.hs | 70 ++++++++----------------------------------------
Text/Shakespeare/Base.hs | 28 -------------------
2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Text/Shakespeare.hs b/Text/Shakespeare.hs
index 68e344f..97361a2 100644
--- a/Text/Shakespeare.hs
+++ b/Text/Shakespeare.hs
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ module Text.Shakespeare
, WrapInsertion (..)
, PreConversion (..)
, defaultShakespeareSettings
- , shakespeare
- , shakespeareFile
- , shakespeareFileReload
+ -- , shakespeare
+ -- , shakespeareFile
+ -- , shakespeareFileReload
-- * low-level
- , shakespeareFromString
- , shakespeareUsedIdentifiers
+ -- , shakespeareFromString
+ -- , shakespeareUsedIdentifiers
, RenderUrl
, VarType (..)
, Deref
@@ -154,38 +154,6 @@ defaultShakespeareSettings = ShakespeareSettings {
, modifyFinalValue = Nothing
-instance Lift PreConvert where
- lift (PreConvert convert ignore comment wrapInsertion) =
- [|PreConvert $(lift convert) $(lift ignore) $(lift comment) $(lift wrapInsertion)|]
-instance Lift WrapInsertion where
- lift (WrapInsertion indent sb sep sc e wp) =
- [|WrapInsertion $(lift indent) $(lift sb) $(lift sep) $(lift sc) $(lift e) $(lift wp)|]
-instance Lift PreConversion where
- lift (ReadProcess command args) =
- [|ReadProcess $(lift command) $(lift args)|]
- lift Id = [|Id|]
-instance Lift ShakespeareSettings where
- lift (ShakespeareSettings x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) =
- [|ShakespeareSettings
- $(lift x1) $(lift x2) $(lift x3)
- $(liftExp x4) $(liftExp x5) $(liftExp x6) $(lift x7) $(lift x8) $(liftMExp x9)|]
- where
- liftExp (VarE n) = [|VarE $(liftName n)|]
- liftExp (ConE n) = [|ConE $(liftName n)|]
- liftExp _ = error "liftExp only supports VarE and ConE"
- liftMExp Nothing = [|Nothing|]
- liftMExp (Just e) = [|Just|] `appE` liftExp e
- liftName (Name (OccName a) b) = [|Name (OccName $(lift a)) $(liftFlavour b)|]
- liftFlavour NameS = [|NameS|]
- liftFlavour (NameQ (ModName a)) = [|NameQ (ModName $(lift a))|]
- liftFlavour (NameU _) = error "liftFlavour NameU" -- [|NameU $(lift $ fromIntegral a)|]
- liftFlavour (NameL _) = error "liftFlavour NameL" -- [|NameU $(lift $ fromIntegral a)|]
- liftFlavour (NameG ns (PkgName p) (ModName m)) = [|NameG $(liftNS ns) (PkgName $(lift p)) (ModName $(lift m))|]
- liftNS VarName = [|VarName|]
- liftNS DataName = [|DataName|]
type QueryParameters = [(TS.Text, TS.Text)]
type RenderUrl url = (url -> QueryParameters -> TS.Text)
@@ -349,6 +317,7 @@ pack' = TS.pack
{-# NOINLINE pack' #-}
contentsToShakespeare :: ShakespeareSettings -> [Content] -> Q Exp
contentsToShakespeare rs a = do
r <- newName "_render"
@@ -400,16 +369,19 @@ shakespeareFile r fp =
qAddDependentFile fp >>
readFileQ fp >>= shakespeareFromString r
data VarType = VTPlain | VTUrl | VTUrlParam | VTMixin
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Typeable, Data, Generic)
getVars :: Content -> [(Deref, VarType)]
getVars ContentRaw{} = []
getVars (ContentVar d) = [(d, VTPlain)]
getVars (ContentUrl d) = [(d, VTUrl)]
getVars (ContentUrlParam d) = [(d, VTUrlParam)]
getVars (ContentMix d) = [(d, VTMixin)]
data VarExp url = EPlain Builder
| EUrl url
@@ -418,8 +390,10 @@ data VarExp url = EPlain Builder
-- | Determine which identifiers are used by the given template, useful for
-- creating systems like yesod devel.
shakespeareUsedIdentifiers :: ShakespeareSettings -> String -> [(Deref, VarType)]
shakespeareUsedIdentifiers settings = concatMap getVars . contentFromString settings
type MTime = UTCTime
@@ -436,28 +410,6 @@ insertReloadMap :: FilePath -> (MTime, [Content]) -> IO [Content]
insertReloadMap fp (mt, content) = atomicModifyIORef reloadMapRef
(\reloadMap -> (M.insert fp (mt, content) reloadMap, content))
-shakespeareFileReload :: ShakespeareSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp
-shakespeareFileReload settings fp = do
- str <- readFileQ fp
- s <- qRunIO $ preFilter (Just fp) settings str
- let b = shakespeareUsedIdentifiers settings s
- c <- mapM vtToExp b
- rt <- [|shakespeareRuntime settings fp|]
- wrap' <- [|\x -> $(return $ wrap settings) . x|]
- return $ wrap' `AppE` (rt `AppE` ListE c)
- where
- vtToExp :: (Deref, VarType) -> Q Exp
- vtToExp (d, vt) = do
- d' <- lift d
- c' <- c vt
- return $ TupE [d', c' `AppE` derefToExp [] d]
- where
- c :: VarType -> Q Exp
- c VTPlain = [|EPlain . $(return $
- InfixE (Just $ unwrap settings) (VarE '(.)) (Just $ toBuilder settings))|]
- c VTUrl = [|EUrl|]
- c VTUrlParam = [|EUrlParam|]
- c VTMixin = [|\x -> EMixin $ \r -> $(return $ unwrap settings) $ x r|]
diff --git a/Text/Shakespeare/Base.hs b/Text/Shakespeare/Base.hs
index a0e983c..23b4692 100644
--- a/Text/Shakespeare/Base.hs
+++ b/Text/Shakespeare/Base.hs
@@ -52,34 +52,6 @@ data Deref = DerefModulesIdent [String] Ident
| DerefTuple [Deref]
deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Data, Typeable, Ord)
-instance Lift Ident where
- lift (Ident s) = [|Ident|] `appE` lift s
-instance Lift Deref where
- lift (DerefModulesIdent v s) = do
- dl <- [|DerefModulesIdent|]
- v' <- lift v
- s' <- lift s
- return $ dl `AppE` v' `AppE` s'
- lift (DerefIdent s) = do
- dl <- [|DerefIdent|]
- s' <- lift s
- return $ dl `AppE` s'
- lift (DerefBranch x y) = do
- x' <- lift x
- y' <- lift y
- db <- [|DerefBranch|]
- return $ db `AppE` x' `AppE` y'
- lift (DerefIntegral i) = [|DerefIntegral|] `appE` lift i
- lift (DerefRational r) = do
- n <- lift $ numerator r
- d <- lift $ denominator r
- per <- [|(%) :: Int -> Int -> Ratio Int|]
- dr <- [|DerefRational|]
- return $ dr `AppE` InfixE (Just n) per (Just d)
- lift (DerefString s) = [|DerefString|] `appE` lift s
- lift (DerefList x) = [|DerefList $(lift x)|]
- lift (DerefTuple x) = [|DerefTuple $(lift x)|]
derefParens, derefCurlyBrackets :: UserParser a Deref
derefParens = between (char '(') (char ')') parseDeref
derefCurlyBrackets = between (char '{') (char '}') parseDeref