Package versions match Debian jessie, except for a few differences needed due to the different version of ghc pulling in a few buildin packages with other versions. Most of the patches were cherry-picked from past commits, since these are older versions.
153 lines
4.3 KiB
153 lines
4.3 KiB
From dca2a30ca06865bf66cd25cc14b06f5d28190231 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dummy <dummy@example.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:46:57 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] remove TH
Text/Shakespeare/Text.hs | 125 +++++------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Text/Shakespeare/Text.hs b/Text/Shakespeare/Text.hs
index 6865a5a..e25a8be 100644
--- a/Text/Shakespeare/Text.hs
+++ b/Text/Shakespeare/Text.hs
@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ module Text.Shakespeare.Text
( TextUrl
, ToText (..)
, renderTextUrl
- , stext
- , text
- , textFile
- , textFileDebug
- , textFileReload
- , st -- | strict text
- , lt -- | lazy text, same as stext :)
+ --, stext
+ --, text
+ --, textFile
+ --, textFileDebug
+ --, textFileReload
+ --, st -- | strict text
+ --, lt -- | lazy text, same as stext :)
-- * Yesod code generation
- , codegen
- , codegenSt
- , codegenFile
- , codegenFileReload
+ --, codegen
+ --, codegenSt
+ --, codegenFile
+ --, codegenFileReload
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (..))
@@ -45,106 +45,3 @@ instance ToText Int32 where toText = toText . show
instance ToText Int64 where toText = toText . show
instance ToText Int where toText = toText . show
-settings :: Q ShakespeareSettings
-settings = do
- toTExp <- [|toText|]
- wrapExp <- [|id|]
- unWrapExp <- [|id|]
- return $ defaultShakespeareSettings { toBuilder = toTExp
- , wrap = wrapExp
- , unwrap = unWrapExp
- }
-stext, lt, st, text :: QuasiQuoter
-stext =
- QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- settings
- render <- [|toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFromString rs { justVarInterpolation = True } s
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
- }
-lt = stext
-st =
- QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- settings
- render <- [|TL.toStrict . toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFromString rs { justVarInterpolation = True } s
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
- }
-text = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- settings
- quoteExp (shakespeare rs) $ filter (/='\r') s
- }
-textFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-textFile fp = do
- rs <- settings
- shakespeareFile rs fp
-textFileDebug :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-textFileDebug = textFileReload
-{-# DEPRECATED textFileDebug "Please use textFileReload instead" #-}
-textFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-textFileReload fp = do
- rs <- settings
- shakespeareFileReload rs fp
--- | codegen is designed for generating Yesod code, including templates
--- So it uses different interpolation characters that won't clash with templates.
-codegenSettings :: Q ShakespeareSettings
-codegenSettings = do
- toTExp <- [|toText|]
- wrapExp <- [|id|]
- unWrapExp <- [|id|]
- return $ defaultShakespeareSettings { toBuilder = toTExp
- , wrap = wrapExp
- , unwrap = unWrapExp
- , varChar = '~'
- , urlChar = '*'
- , intChar = '&'
- , justVarInterpolation = True -- always!
- }
--- | codegen is designed for generating Yesod code, including templates
--- So it uses different interpolation characters that won't clash with templates.
--- You can use the normal text quasiquoters to generate code
-codegen :: QuasiQuoter
-codegen =
- QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- codegenSettings
- render <- [|toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFromString rs { justVarInterpolation = True } s
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
- }
--- | Generates strict Text
--- codegen is designed for generating Yesod code, including templates
--- So it uses different interpolation characters that won't clash with templates.
-codegenSt :: QuasiQuoter
-codegenSt =
- QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- codegenSettings
- render <- [|TL.toStrict . toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFromString rs { justVarInterpolation = True } s
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
- }
-codegenFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-codegenFileReload fp = do
- rs <- codegenSettings
- render <- [|TL.toStrict . toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFileReload rs{ justVarInterpolation = True } fp
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
-codegenFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-codegenFile fp = do
- rs <- codegenSettings
- render <- [|TL.toStrict . toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFile rs{ justVarInterpolation = True } fp
- return (render `AppE` rendered)