This will speed up the common case where a Key is deserialized from disk, but is then serialized to build eg, the path to the annex object. Previously attempted in4536c93bb2
and reverted in96aba8eff7
. The problems mentioned in the latter commit are addressed now: Read/Show of KeyData is backwards-compatible with Read/Show of Key from before this change, so Types.Distribution will keep working. The Eq instance is fixed. Also, Key has smart constructors, avoiding needing to remember to update the cached serialization. Used git-annex benchmark: find is 7% faster whereis is 3% faster get when all files are already present is 5% faster Generally, the benchmarks are running 0.1 seconds faster per 2000 files, on a ram disk in my laptop.
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2015-2019 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.Smudge where
import Command
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Link
import Annex.FileMatcher
import Annex.Ingest
import Annex.CatFile
import Logs.Smudge
import Logs.Location
import qualified Database.Keys
import qualified Git.BuildVersion
import Git.FilePath
import qualified Git
import qualified Annex
import Backend
import Utility.Metered
import Annex.InodeSentinal
import Utility.InodeCache
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
cmd :: Command
cmd = noCommit $ noMessages $
command "smudge" SectionPlumbing
"git smudge filter"
paramFile (seek <$$> optParser)
data SmudgeOptions = UpdateOption | SmudgeOptions
{ smudgeFile :: FilePath
, cleanOption :: Bool
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser SmudgeOptions
optParser desc = smudgeoptions <|> updateoption
smudgeoptions = SmudgeOptions
<$> argument str ( metavar desc )
<*> switch ( long "clean" <> help "clean filter" )
updateoption = flag' UpdateOption
( long "update" <> help "populate annexed worktree files" )
seek :: SmudgeOptions -> CommandSeek
seek (SmudgeOptions f False) = commandAction (smudge f)
seek (SmudgeOptions f True) = commandAction (clean f)
seek UpdateOption = commandAction update
-- Smudge filter is fed git file content, and if it's a pointer to an
-- available annex object, git expects it to output its content.
-- However, this does not do that. It outputs the pointer, and records
-- the filename in the smudge log. Git hooks run after commands like checkout
-- then run git annex smudge --update which populates the work tree files
-- with annex content. This is done for several reasons:
-- * To support annex.thin
-- * Because git currently buffers the whole object received from the
-- smudge filter in memory, which is a problem with large files.
smudge :: FilePath -> CommandStart
smudge file = do
b <- liftIO $ L.hGetContents stdin
case parseLinkTargetOrPointerLazy b of
Nothing -> noop
Just k -> do
topfile <- inRepo (toTopFilePath file)
Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile k topfile
void $ smudgeLog k topfile
liftIO $ L.putStr b
-- Clean filter is fed file content on stdin, decides if a file
-- should be stored in the annex, and outputs a pointer to its
-- injested content if so. Otherwise, the original content.
clean :: FilePath -> CommandStart
clean file = do
b <- liftIO $ L.hGetContents stdin
ifM fileoutsiderepo
( liftIO $ L.hPut stdout b
, case parseLinkTargetOrPointerLazy b of
Just k -> do
getMoveRaceRecovery k file
liftIO $ L.hPut stdout b
Nothing -> go b =<< catKeyFile file
go b oldkey = ifM (shouldAnnex file oldkey)
( do
-- Before git 2.5, failing to consume all stdin here
-- would cause a SIGPIPE and crash it.
-- Newer git catches the signal and stops sending,
-- which is much faster. (Also, git seems to forget
-- to free memory when sending the file, so the
-- less we let it send, the less memory it will waste.)
if Git.BuildVersion.older "2.5"
then L.length b `seq` return ()
else liftIO $ hClose stdin
-- Optimization for the case when the file is already
-- annexed and is unmodified.
case oldkey of
Nothing -> doingest oldkey
Just ko -> ifM (isUnmodifiedCheap ko file)
( liftIO $ emitPointer ko
, doingest oldkey
, liftIO $ L.hPut stdout b
doingest oldkey = do
-- Look up the backend that was used for this file
-- before, so that when git re-cleans a file its
-- backend does not change.
let oldbackend = maybe Nothing (maybeLookupBackendVariety . fromKey keyVariety) oldkey
-- Can't restage associated files because git add
-- runs this and has the index locked.
let norestage = Restage False
liftIO . emitPointer
=<< postingest
=<< (\ld -> ingest' oldbackend nullMeterUpdate ld Nothing norestage)
=<< lockDown cfg file
postingest (Just k, _) = do
logStatus k InfoPresent
return k
postingest _ = error "could not add file to the annex"
cfg = LockDownConfig
{ lockingFile = False
, hardlinkFileTmpDir = Nothing
-- git diff can run the clean filter on files outside the
-- repository; can't annex those
fileoutsiderepo = do
repopath <- liftIO . absPath =<< fromRepo Git.repoPath
filepath <- liftIO $ absPath file
return $ not $ dirContains repopath filepath
-- If annex.largefiles is configured, matching files are added to the
-- annex. But annex.gitaddtoannex can be set to false to disable that.
-- When annex.largefiles is not configured, files are normally not
-- added to the annex, so will be added to git. But some heuristics
-- are used to avoid bad behavior:
-- If the index already contains the file, preserve its annexed/not annexed
-- state. This prevents accidental conversions.
-- Otherwise, when the file's inode is the same as one that was used for
-- annexed content before, annex it. This handles cases such as renaming an
-- unlocked annexed file followed by git add, which the user naturally
-- expects to behave the same as git mv.
shouldAnnex :: FilePath -> Maybe Key -> Annex Bool
shouldAnnex file moldkey = ifM (annexGitAddToAnnex <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
( checkmatcher checkheuristics
, checkheuristics
checkmatcher d = do
matcher <- largeFilesMatcher
checkFileMatcher' matcher file d
checkheuristics = case moldkey of
Just _ -> return True
Nothing -> checkknowninode
checkknowninode = withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache file) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure False
Just ic -> Database.Keys.isInodeKnown ic =<< sentinalStatus
emitPointer :: Key -> IO ()
emitPointer = S.putStr . formatPointer
-- Recover from a previous race between eg git mv and git-annex get.
-- That could result in the file remaining a pointer file, while
-- its content is present in the annex. Populate the pointer file.
-- This also handles the case where a copy of a pointer file is made,
-- then git-annex gets the content, and later git add is run on
-- the pointer copy. It will then be populated with the content.
getMoveRaceRecovery :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex ()
getMoveRaceRecovery k file = void $ tryNonAsync $
whenM (inAnnex k) $ do
obj <- calcRepo (gitAnnexLocation k)
-- Cannot restage because git add is running and has
-- the index locked.
populatePointerFile (Restage False) k obj file >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just ic -> Database.Keys.addInodeCaches k [ic]
update :: CommandStart
update = do
updateSmudged (Restage True)
updateSmudged :: Restage -> Annex ()
updateSmudged restage = streamSmudged $ \k topf -> do
f <- fromRepo $ fromTopFilePath topf
whenM (inAnnex k) $ do
obj <- calcRepo (gitAnnexLocation k)
unlessM (isJust <$> populatePointerFile restage k obj f) $
liftIO (isPointerFile f) >>= \case
Just k' | k' == k -> toplevelWarning False $
"unable to populate worktree file " ++ f
_ -> noop