Joey Hess 82617b92e9 move thirdparty program installation for standalone bundle into haskell program
This allows it to use Build.SysConfig to always install the programs
configure detected. Amoung other fixes, this ensures the right uuid
generator and checksum programs are installed.

I also cleaned up the handling of lsof's path; configure now checks for
it in PATH, but falls back to looking for it in sbin directories.
2012-12-14 16:07:59 -04:00

142 lines
4.1 KiB

{- Tests the system and generates Build.SysConfig.hs. -}
module Build.TestConfig where
import Utility.Path
import Utility.Monad
import System.IO
import System.Cmd
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
type ConfigKey = String
data ConfigValue =
BoolConfig Bool |
StringConfig String |
MaybeStringConfig (Maybe String) |
MaybeBoolConfig (Maybe Bool)
data Config = Config ConfigKey ConfigValue
type Test = IO Config
type TestName = String
data TestCase = TestCase TestName Test
instance Show ConfigValue where
show (BoolConfig b) = show b
show (StringConfig s) = show s
show (MaybeStringConfig s) = show s
show (MaybeBoolConfig s) = show s
instance Show Config where
show (Config key value) = unlines
[ key ++ " :: " ++ valuetype value
, key ++ " = " ++ show value
valuetype (BoolConfig _) = "Bool"
valuetype (StringConfig _) = "String"
valuetype (MaybeStringConfig _) = "Maybe String"
valuetype (MaybeBoolConfig _) = "Maybe Bool"
writeSysConfig :: [Config] -> IO ()
writeSysConfig config = writeFile "Build/SysConfig.hs" body
body = unlines $ header ++ map show config ++ footer
header = [
"{- Automatically generated. -}"
, "module Build.SysConfig where"
, ""
footer = []
runTests :: [TestCase] -> IO [Config]
runTests [] = return []
runTests (TestCase tname t : ts) = do
testStart tname
c <- t
testEnd c
rest <- runTests ts
return $ c:rest
{- Tests that a command is available, aborting if not. -}
requireCmd :: ConfigKey -> String -> Test
requireCmd k cmdline = do
ret <- testCmd k cmdline
handle ret
handle r@(Config _ (BoolConfig True)) = return r
handle r = do
testEnd r
error $ "** the " ++ c ++ " command is required"
c = head $ words cmdline
{- Checks if a command is available by running a command line. -}
testCmd :: ConfigKey -> String -> Test
testCmd k cmdline = do
ret <- system $ quiet cmdline
return $ Config k (BoolConfig $ ret == ExitSuccess)
{- Ensures that one of a set of commands is available by running each in
- turn. The Config is set to the first one found. -}
selectCmd :: ConfigKey -> [(String, String)] -> Test
selectCmd k = searchCmd
(return . Config k . StringConfig)
(\cmds -> do
testEnd $ Config k $ BoolConfig False
error $ "* need one of these commands, but none are available: " ++ show cmds
maybeSelectCmd :: ConfigKey -> [(String, String)] -> Test
maybeSelectCmd k = searchCmd
(return . Config k . MaybeStringConfig . Just)
(\_ -> return $ Config k $ MaybeStringConfig Nothing)
searchCmd :: (String -> Test) -> ([String] -> Test) -> [(String, String)] -> Test
searchCmd success failure cmdsparams = search cmdsparams
search [] = failure $ fst $ unzip cmdsparams
search ((c, params):cs) = do
ret <- system $ quiet $ c ++ " " ++ params
if ret == ExitSuccess
then success c
else search cs
{- Finds a command, either in PATH or perhaps in a sbin directory not in
- PATH. If it's in PATH the config is set to just the command name,
- but if it's found outside PATH, the config is set to the full path to
- the command. -}
findCmdPath :: ConfigKey -> String -> Test
findCmdPath k command = do
ifM (inPath command)
( return $ Config k $ MaybeStringConfig $ Just command
, do
r <- getM find ["/usr/sbin", "/sbin", "/usr/local/sbin"]
return $ Config k $ MaybeStringConfig r
find d =
let f = d </> command
in ifM (doesFileExist f) ( return (Just f), return Nothing )
quiet :: String -> String
quiet s = s ++ " >/dev/null 2>&1"
testStart :: TestName -> IO ()
testStart s = do
putStr $ " checking " ++ s ++ "..."
hFlush stdout
testEnd :: Config -> IO ()
testEnd (Config _ (BoolConfig True)) = status "yes"
testEnd (Config _ (BoolConfig False)) = status "no"
testEnd (Config _ (StringConfig s)) = status s
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeStringConfig (Just s))) = status s
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeStringConfig Nothing)) = status "not available"
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeBoolConfig (Just True))) = status "yes"
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeBoolConfig (Just False))) = status "no"
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeBoolConfig Nothing)) = status "unknown"
status :: String -> IO ()
status s = putStrLn $ ' ':s