Joey Hess f07af03018
Run ssh with -n whenever input is not being piped into it
... to avoid it consuming stdin that it shouldn't.

This fixes git-annex-checkpresentkey --batch remote, which didn't output
results for all keys passed into it.

Other git-annex commands that communicate with a remote over ssh may also
have been consuming stdin that they shouldn't have, which could have
impacted using them in eg, shell scripts. For example, a shell script
reading files from stdin and passing them to git annex drop would be
impacted by this bug, whenever git annex drop ran git-annex-shell
checkpresent, it would consume part/all of the stdin that the shell script
was supposed to consume.

Fixed by adding a ConsumeStdin parameter to Annex.Ssh.sshOptions, which
is used throughout git-annex to run ssh (in order for ssh connection
caching to work). Every call site was checked to see if it used
CreatePipe for stdin, and if not was marked NoConsumeStdin.
2017-02-15 15:08:46 -04:00

201 lines
6.3 KiB

{- Using ddar as a remote. Based on bup and rsync remotes.
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2014 Robie Basak <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Remote.Ddar (remote) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import System.IO.Error
import Annex.Common
import Types.Remote
import Types.Creds
import qualified Git
import Config
import Config.Cost
import Remote.Helper.Special
import Annex.Ssh
import Annex.UUID
data DdarRepo = DdarRepo
{ ddarRepoConfig :: RemoteGitConfig
, ddarRepoLocation :: String
remote :: RemoteType
remote = RemoteType {
typename = "ddar",
enumerate = const (findSpecialRemotes "ddarrepo"),
generate = gen,
setup = ddarSetup
gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
gen r u c gc = do
cst <- remoteCost gc $
if ddarLocal ddarrepo
then nearlyCheapRemoteCost
else expensiveRemoteCost
return $ Just $ specialRemote' specialcfg c
(simplyPrepare $ store ddarrepo)
(simplyPrepare $ retrieve ddarrepo)
(simplyPrepare $ remove ddarrepo)
(simplyPrepare $ checkKey ddarrepo)
(this cst)
this cst = Remote
{ uuid = u
, cost = cst
, name = Git.repoDescribe r
, storeKey = storeKeyDummy
, retrieveKeyFile = retreiveKeyFileDummy
, retrieveKeyFileCheap = retrieveCheap
, removeKey = removeKeyDummy
, lockContent = Nothing
, checkPresent = checkPresentDummy
, checkPresentCheap = ddarLocal ddarrepo
, whereisKey = Nothing
, remoteFsck = Nothing
, repairRepo = Nothing
, config = c
, repo = r
, gitconfig = gc
, localpath = if ddarLocal ddarrepo && not (null $ ddarRepoLocation ddarrepo)
then Just $ ddarRepoLocation ddarrepo
else Nothing
, remotetype = remote
, availability = if ddarLocal ddarrepo then LocallyAvailable else GloballyAvailable
, readonly = False
, mkUnavailable = return Nothing
, getInfo = return [("repo", ddarRepoLocation ddarrepo)]
, claimUrl = Nothing
, checkUrl = Nothing
ddarrepo = maybe (giveup "missing ddarrepo") (DdarRepo gc) (remoteAnnexDdarRepo gc)
specialcfg = (specialRemoteCfg c)
-- chunking would not improve ddar
{ chunkConfig = NoChunks
ddarSetup :: SetupStage -> Maybe UUID -> Maybe CredPair -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
ddarSetup _ mu _ c gc = do
u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu
-- verify configuration is sane
let ddarrepo = fromMaybe (giveup "Specify ddarrepo=") $
M.lookup "ddarrepo" c
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c gc
-- The ddarrepo is stored in git config, as well as this repo's
-- persistant state, so it can vary between hosts.
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' "ddarrepo" ddarrepo
return (c', u)
store :: DdarRepo -> Storer
store ddarrepo = fileStorer $ \k src _p -> do
let params =
[ Param "c"
, Param "-N"
, Param $ key2file k
, Param $ ddarRepoLocation ddarrepo
, File src
liftIO $ boolSystem "ddar" params
{- Convert remote DdarRepo to host and path on remote end -}
splitRemoteDdarRepo :: DdarRepo -> (String, String)
splitRemoteDdarRepo ddarrepo =
(host, ddarrepo')
(host, remainder) = span (/= ':') (ddarRepoLocation ddarrepo)
ddarrepo' = drop 1 remainder
{- Return the command and parameters to use for a ddar call that may need to be
- made on a remote repository. This will call ssh if needed. -}
ddarRemoteCall :: ConsumeStdin -> DdarRepo -> Char -> [CommandParam] -> Annex (String, [CommandParam])
ddarRemoteCall cs ddarrepo cmd params
| ddarLocal ddarrepo = return ("ddar", localParams)
| otherwise = do
os <- sshOptions cs (host, Nothing) (ddarRepoConfig ddarrepo) []
return ("ssh", os ++ remoteParams)
(host, ddarrepo') = splitRemoteDdarRepo ddarrepo
localParams = Param [cmd] : Param (ddarRepoLocation ddarrepo) : params
remoteParams = Param host : Param "ddar" : Param [cmd] : Param ddarrepo' : params
{- Specialized ddarRemoteCall that includes extraction command and flags -}
ddarExtractRemoteCall :: ConsumeStdin -> DdarRepo -> Key -> Annex (String, [CommandParam])
ddarExtractRemoteCall cs ddarrepo k =
ddarRemoteCall cs ddarrepo 'x' [Param "--force-stdout", Param $ key2file k]
retrieve :: DdarRepo -> Retriever
retrieve ddarrepo = byteRetriever $ \k sink -> do
(cmd, params) <- ddarExtractRemoteCall NoConsumeStdin ddarrepo k
let p = (proc cmd $ toCommand params) { std_out = CreatePipe }
(_, Just h, _, pid) <- liftIO $ createProcess p
liftIO (hClose h >> forceSuccessProcess p pid)
`after` (sink =<< liftIO (L.hGetContents h))
retrieveCheap :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
retrieveCheap _ _ _ = return False
remove :: DdarRepo -> Remover
remove ddarrepo key = do
(cmd, params) <- ddarRemoteCall NoConsumeStdin ddarrepo 'd'
[Param $ key2file key]
liftIO $ boolSystem cmd params
ddarDirectoryExists :: DdarRepo -> Annex (Either String Bool)
ddarDirectoryExists ddarrepo
| ddarLocal ddarrepo = do
maybeStatus <- liftIO $ tryJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) $ getFileStatus $ ddarRepoLocation ddarrepo
return $ case maybeStatus of
Left _ -> Right False
Right status -> Right $ isDirectory status
| otherwise = do
ps <- sshOptions NoConsumeStdin (host, Nothing)
(ddarRepoConfig ddarrepo) []
exitCode <- liftIO $ safeSystem "ssh" (ps ++ params)
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> return $ Right True
ExitFailure 1 -> return $ Right False
ExitFailure code -> return $ Left $ "ssh call " ++
show (unwords $ toCommand params) ++
" failed with status " ++ show code
(host, ddarrepo') = splitRemoteDdarRepo ddarrepo
params =
[ Param host
, Param "test"
, Param "-d"
, Param ddarrepo'
{- Use "ddar t" to determine if a given key is present in a ddar archive -}
inDdarManifest :: DdarRepo -> Key -> Annex (Either String Bool)
inDdarManifest ddarrepo k = do
(cmd, params) <- ddarRemoteCall NoConsumeStdin ddarrepo 't' []
let p = proc cmd $ toCommand params
liftIO $ catchMsgIO $ withHandle StdoutHandle createProcessSuccess p $ \h -> do
contents <- hGetContents h
return $ elem k' $ lines contents
k' = key2file k
checkKey :: DdarRepo -> CheckPresent
checkKey ddarrepo key = do
directoryExists <- ddarDirectoryExists ddarrepo
case directoryExists of
Left e -> error e
Right True -> either error return
=<< inDdarManifest ddarrepo key
Right False -> return False
ddarLocal :: DdarRepo -> Bool
ddarLocal = notElem ':' . ddarRepoLocation