When annex.thin is set, adding an object will add the execute bits to the work tree file, and this does mean that the annex object file ends up executable. This doesn't add any complexity that wasn't already present, because git annex add of an executable file has always ingested it so that the annex object ends up executable. But, since an annex object file can be executable or not, when populating an unlocked file from one, the executable bit is always added or removed to match the mode of the pointer file.
192 lines
6 KiB
192 lines
6 KiB
{- git-annex links to content
- On file systems that support them, symlinks are used.
- On other filesystems, git instead stores the symlink target in a regular
- file.
- Pointer files are used instead of symlinks for unlocked files.
- Copyright 2013-2015 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns #-}
module Annex.Link where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git.UpdateIndex
import qualified Annex.Queue
import Git.Types
import Git.FilePath
import Annex.HashObject
import Utility.FileMode
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Int
type LinkTarget = String
{- Checks if a file is a link to a key. -}
isAnnexLink :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe Key)
isAnnexLink file = maybe Nothing (fileKey . takeFileName) <$> getAnnexLinkTarget file
{- Gets the link target of a symlink.
- On a filesystem that does not support symlinks, fall back to getting the
- link target by looking inside the file.
- Returns Nothing if the file is not a symlink, or not a link to annex
- content.
getAnnexLinkTarget :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe LinkTarget)
getAnnexLinkTarget f = getAnnexLinkTarget' f
=<< (coreSymlinks <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
{- Pass False to force looking inside file. -}
getAnnexLinkTarget' :: FilePath -> Bool -> Annex (Maybe LinkTarget)
getAnnexLinkTarget' file coresymlinks = if coresymlinks
then check readSymbolicLink $
return Nothing
else check readSymbolicLink $
check probefilecontent $
return Nothing
check getlinktarget fallback = do
v <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ getlinktarget file
case v of
Just l
| isLinkToAnnex (fromInternalGitPath l) -> return v
| otherwise -> return Nothing
Nothing -> fallback
probefilecontent f = withFile f ReadMode $ \h -> do
fileEncoding h
-- The first 8k is more than enough to read; link
-- files are small.
s <- take 8192 <$> hGetContents h
-- If we got the full 8k, the file is too large
if length s == 8192
then return ""
-- If there are any NUL or newline
-- characters, or whitespace, we
-- certianly don't have a link to a
-- git-annex key.
return $ if any (`elem` s) "\0\n\r \t"
then ""
else s
makeAnnexLink :: LinkTarget -> FilePath -> Annex ()
makeAnnexLink = makeGitLink
{- Creates a link on disk.
- On a filesystem that does not support symlinks, writes the link target
- to a file. Note that git will only treat the file as a symlink if
- it's staged as such, so use addAnnexLink when adding a new file or
- modified link to git.
makeGitLink :: LinkTarget -> FilePath -> Annex ()
makeGitLink linktarget file = ifM (coreSymlinks <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
( liftIO $ do
void $ tryIO $ removeFile file
createSymbolicLink linktarget file
, liftIO $ writeFile file linktarget
{- Creates a link on disk, and additionally stages it in git. -}
addAnnexLink :: LinkTarget -> FilePath -> Annex ()
addAnnexLink linktarget file = do
makeAnnexLink linktarget file
stageSymlink file =<< hashSymlink linktarget
{- Injects a symlink target into git, returning its Sha. -}
hashSymlink :: LinkTarget -> Annex Sha
hashSymlink linktarget = hashBlob (toInternalGitPath linktarget)
{- Stages a symlink to an annexed object, using a Sha of its target. -}
stageSymlink :: FilePath -> Sha -> Annex ()
stageSymlink file sha =
Annex.Queue.addUpdateIndex =<<
inRepo (Git.UpdateIndex.stageSymlink file sha)
{- Injects a pointer file content into git, returning its Sha. -}
hashPointerFile :: Key -> Annex Sha
hashPointerFile key = hashBlob (formatPointer key)
{- Stages a pointer file, using a Sha of its content -}
stagePointerFile :: FilePath -> Maybe FileMode -> Sha -> Annex ()
stagePointerFile file mode sha =
Annex.Queue.addUpdateIndex =<<
inRepo (Git.UpdateIndex.stageFile sha blobtype file)
| maybe False isExecutable mode = ExecutableBlob
| otherwise = FileBlob
writePointerFile :: FilePath -> Key -> Maybe FileMode -> IO ()
writePointerFile file k mode = do
writeFile file (formatPointer k)
maybe noop (setFileMode file) mode
{- Parses a symlink target or a pointer file to a Key.
- Only looks at the first line, as pointer files can have subsequent
- lines. -}
parseLinkOrPointer :: L.ByteString -> Maybe Key
parseLinkOrPointer = parseLinkOrPointer' . decodeBS . L.take maxPointerSz
{- Want to avoid buffering really big files in git into
- memory when reading files that may be pointers.
- 8192 bytes is plenty for a pointer to a key.
- Pad some more to allow for any pointer files that might have
- lines after the key explaining what the file is used for. -}
maxPointerSz :: Int64
maxPointerSz = 81920
parseLinkOrPointer' :: String -> Maybe Key
parseLinkOrPointer' = go . fromInternalGitPath . takeWhile (not . lineend)
go l
| isLinkToAnnex l = fileKey $ takeFileName l
| otherwise = Nothing
lineend '\n' = True
lineend '\r' = True
lineend _ = False
formatPointer :: Key -> String
formatPointer k =
toInternalGitPath (pathSeparator:objectDir </> keyFile k) ++ "\n"
{- Checks if a worktree file is a pointer to a key.
- Unlocked files whose content is present are not detected by this. -}
isPointerFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Key)
isPointerFile f = catchDefaultIO Nothing $ bracket open close $ \h -> do
b <- take (fromIntegral maxPointerSz) <$> hGetContents h
-- strict so it reads before the file handle is closed
let !mk = parseLinkOrPointer' b
return mk
open = openBinaryFile f ReadMode
close = hClose
{- Checks a symlink target or pointer file first line to see if it
- appears to point to annexed content.
- We only look for paths inside the .git directory, and not at the .git
- directory itself, because GIT_DIR may cause a directory name other
- than .git to be used.
isLinkToAnnex :: FilePath -> Bool
isLinkToAnnex s = (pathSeparator:objectDir) `isInfixOf` s
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
-- '/' is still used inside pointer files on Windows, not the native
-- '\'
|| ('/':objectDir) `isInfixOf` s