Joey Hess c33363dfa7
early cancelation of transfer that annex.securehashesonly prohibits
This avoids sending all the data to a remote, only to have it reject it
because it has annex.securehashesonly set. It assumes that local and
remote will have the same annex.securehashesonly setting in most cases.
If a remote does not have that set, and local does, the remote won't get
some content it would otherwise accept.

Also avoids downloading data that will not be added to the local object
store due to annex.securehashesonly.

Note that, while encrypted special remotes use a GPGHMAC key variety,
which is not collisiton resistent, Transfers are not used for such
keys, so this check is avoided. Which is what we want, so encrypted
special remotes still work.

This commit was sponsored by Ewen McNeill.
2017-02-27 15:21:24 -04:00

256 lines
8.2 KiB

{- git-annex transfers
- Copyright 2012-2017 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleInstances, BangPatterns #-}
module Annex.Transfer (
module X,
) where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import Logs.Transfer as X
import Types.Transfer as X
import Annex.Notification as X
import Annex.Perms
import Utility.Metered
import Annex.LockPool
import Types.Key
import Types.Remote (Verification(..))
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Types.Concurrency
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Data.Set as S
class Observable a where
observeBool :: a -> Bool
observeFailure :: a
instance Observable Bool where
observeBool = id
observeFailure = False
instance Observable (Bool, Verification) where
observeBool = fst
observeFailure = (False, UnVerified)
instance Observable (Either e Bool) where
observeBool (Left _) = False
observeBool (Right b) = b
observeFailure = Right False
upload :: Observable v => UUID -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> NotifyWitness -> Annex v
upload u key f d a _witness = guardHaveUUID u $
runTransfer (Transfer Upload u key) f d a
download :: Observable v => UUID -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> NotifyWitness -> Annex v
download u key f d a _witness = guardHaveUUID u $
runTransfer (Transfer Download u key) f d a
guardHaveUUID :: Observable v => UUID -> Annex v -> Annex v
guardHaveUUID u a
| u == NoUUID = return observeFailure
| otherwise = a
{- Runs a transfer action. Creates and locks the lock file while the
- action is running, and stores info in the transfer information
- file.
- If the transfer action returns False, the transfer info is
- left in the failedTransferDir.
- If the transfer is already in progress, returns False.
- An upload can be run from a read-only filesystem, and in this case
- no transfer information or lock file is used.
runTransfer :: Observable v => Transfer -> Maybe FilePath -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
runTransfer = runTransfer' False
{- Like runTransfer, but ignores any existing transfer lock file for the
- transfer, allowing re-running a transfer that is already in progress.
- Note that this may result in confusing progress meter display in the
- webapp, if multiple processes are writing to the transfer info file. -}
alwaysRunTransfer :: Observable v => Transfer -> Maybe FilePath -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
alwaysRunTransfer = runTransfer' True
runTransfer' :: Observable v => Bool -> Transfer -> Maybe FilePath -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
runTransfer' ignorelock t file shouldretry transferaction = checkSecureHashes t $ do
info <- liftIO $ startTransferInfo file
(meter, tfile, metervar) <- mkProgressUpdater t info
mode <- annexFileMode
(lck, inprogress) <- prep tfile mode info
if inprogress && not ignorelock
then do
showNote "transfer already in progress, or unable to take transfer lock"
return observeFailure
else do
v <- retry info metervar $ transferaction meter
liftIO $ cleanup tfile lck
if observeBool v
then removeFailedTransfer t
else recordFailedTransfer t info
return v
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
prep tfile mode info = catchPermissionDenied (const prepfailed) $ do
let lck = transferLockFile tfile
createAnnexDirectory $ takeDirectory lck
r <- tryLockExclusive (Just mode) lck
case r of
Nothing -> return (Nothing, True)
Just lockhandle -> ifM (checkSaneLock lck lockhandle)
( do
void $ liftIO $ tryIO $
writeTransferInfoFile info tfile
return (Just lockhandle, False)
, return (Nothing, True)
prep tfile _mode info = catchPermissionDenied (const prepfailed) $ do
let lck = transferLockFile tfile
createAnnexDirectory $ takeDirectory lck
v <- catchMaybeIO $ liftIO $ lockExclusive lck
case v of
Nothing -> return (Nothing, False)
Just Nothing -> return (Nothing, True)
Just (Just lockhandle) -> do
void $ liftIO $ tryIO $
writeTransferInfoFile info tfile
return (Just lockhandle, False)
prepfailed = return (Nothing, False)
cleanup _ Nothing = noop
cleanup tfile (Just lockhandle) = do
let lck = transferLockFile tfile
void $ tryIO $ removeFile tfile
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
void $ tryIO $ removeFile lck
dropLock lockhandle
{- Windows cannot delete the lockfile until the lock
- is closed. So it's possible to race with another
- process that takes the lock before it's removed,
- so ignore failure to remove.
dropLock lockhandle
void $ tryIO $ removeFile lck
retry oldinfo metervar run = do
v <- tryNonAsync run
case v of
Right b -> return b
Left e -> do
warning (show e)
b <- getbytescomplete metervar
let newinfo = oldinfo { bytesComplete = Just b }
if shouldretry oldinfo newinfo
then retry newinfo metervar run
else return observeFailure
getbytescomplete metervar
| transferDirection t == Upload =
liftIO $ readMVar metervar
| otherwise = do
f <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation (transferKey t)
liftIO $ catchDefaultIO 0 $ getFileSize f
{- Avoid download and upload of keys with insecure content when
- annex.securehashesonly is configured.
- This is not a security check. Even if this let the content be
- downloaded, the actual security checks would prevent the content from
- being added to the repository. The only reason this is done here is to
- avoid transferring content that's going to be rejected anyway.
- We assume that, if annex.securehashesonly is set and the local repo
- still contains content using an insecure hash, remotes will likewise
- tend to be configured to reject it, so Upload is also prevented.
checkSecureHashes :: Observable v => Transfer -> Annex v -> Annex v
checkSecureHashes t a
| cryptographicallySecure variety = a
| otherwise = ifM (annexSecureHashesOnly <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
( do
warning $ "annex.securehashesonly blocked transfer of " ++ formatKeyVariety variety ++ " key"
return observeFailure
, a
variety = keyVariety (transferKey t)
type RetryDecider = TransferInfo -> TransferInfo -> Bool
noRetry :: RetryDecider
noRetry _ _ = False
{- Retries a transfer when it fails, as long as the failed transfer managed
- to send some data. -}
forwardRetry :: RetryDecider
forwardRetry old new = bytesComplete old < bytesComplete new
{- Picks a remote from the list and tries a transfer to it. If the transfer
- does not succeed, goes on to try other remotes from the list.
- The list should already be ordered by remote cost, and is normally
- tried in order. However, when concurrent jobs are running, they will
- be assigned different remotes of the same cost when possible. This can
- increase total transfer speed.
pickRemote :: Observable v => [Remote] -> (Remote -> Annex v) -> Annex v
pickRemote l a = go l =<< Annex.getState Annex.concurrency
go [] _ = return observeFailure
go (r:[]) _ = a r
go rs (Concurrent n) | n > 1 = do
mv <- Annex.getState Annex.activeremotes
active <- liftIO $ takeMVar mv
let rs' = sortBy (inactiveFirst active) rs
goconcurrent mv active rs'
go (r:rs) _ = do
ok <- a r
if observeBool ok
then return ok
else go rs NonConcurrent
goconcurrent mv active [] = do
liftIO $ putMVar mv active
return observeFailure
goconcurrent mv active (r:rs) = do
let !active' = S.insert r active
liftIO $ putMVar mv active'
let getnewactive = do
active'' <- liftIO $ takeMVar mv
let !active''' = S.delete r active''
return active'''
let removeactive = liftIO . putMVar mv =<< getnewactive
ok <- a r `onException` removeactive
if observeBool ok
then do
return ok
else do
active'' <- getnewactive
-- Re-sort the remaining rs
-- because other threads could have
-- been assigned them in the meantime.
let rs' = sortBy (inactiveFirst active'') rs
goconcurrent mv active'' rs'
inactiveFirst :: S.Set Remote -> Remote -> Remote -> Ordering
inactiveFirst active a b
| Remote.cost a == Remote.cost b =
if a `S.member` active then GT else LT
| otherwise = compare a b