Converted warning and similar to use StringContainingQuotedPath. Most warnings are static strings, some do refer to filepaths that need to be quoted, and others don't need quoting. Note that, since quote filters out control characters of even UnquotedString, this makes all warnings safe, even when an attacker sneaks in a control character in some other way. When json is being output, no quoting is done, since json gets its own quoting. This does, as a side effect, make warning messages in json output not be indented. The indentation is only needed to offset warning messages underneath the display of the file they apply to, so that's ok. Sponsored-by: Brett Eisenberg on Patreon
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202 lines
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{- git-annex assistant network connection watcher, using dbus
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Assistant.Threads.NetWatcher where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.Sync
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
import Assistant.RemoteControl
import Utility.DBus
import DBus.Client
import DBus
#ifdef linux_HOST_OS
#warning Building without dbus support; will poll for network connection changes
netWatcherThread :: NamedThread
netWatcherThread = thread dbusThread
netWatcherThread = thread noop
thread = namedThread "NetWatcher"
{- This is a fallback for when dbus cannot be used to detect
- network connection changes, but it also ensures that
- any networked remotes that may have not been routable for a
- while (despite the local network staying up), are synced with
- periodically.
- Note that it does not signal the RemoteControl, because it doesn't
- know that the network has changed.
netWatcherFallbackThread :: NamedThread
netWatcherFallbackThread = namedThread "NetWatcherFallback" $
runEvery (Seconds 3600) <~> handleConnection
dbusThread :: Assistant ()
dbusThread = do
handleerr <- asIO2 onerr
runclient <- asIO1 go
liftIO $ persistentClient getSystemAddress () handleerr runclient
go client = ifM (checkNetMonitor client)
( do
callback <- asIO1 connchange
liftIO $ do
listenNMConnections client callback
listenNDConnections client callback
listenWicdConnections client callback
, do
liftAnnex $
warning "No known network monitor available through dbus; falling back to polling"
connchange False = do
debug ["detected network disconnection"]
sendRemoteControl LOSTNET
connchange True = do
debug ["detected network connection"]
sendRemoteControl RESUME
onerr e _ = do
liftAnnex $
warning $ UnquotedString $ "lost dbus connection; falling back to polling (" ++ show e ++ ")"
{- Wait, in hope that dbus will come back -}
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 60)
{- Examine the list of services connected to dbus, to see if there
- are any we can use to monitor network connections. -}
checkNetMonitor :: Client -> Assistant Bool
checkNetMonitor client = do
running <- liftIO $ filter (`elem` manager_addresses)
<$> listServiceNames client
case running of
[] -> return False
(service:_) -> do
debug [ "Using running DBUS service"
, service
, "to monitor network connection events."
return True
manager_addresses = [networkmanager, networkd, wicd]
networkmanager = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
networkd = "org.freedesktop.network1"
wicd = "org.wicd.daemon"
{- Listens for systemd-networkd connections and diconnections.
- Connection example (once fully connected):
- [Variant {"OperationalState": Variant "routable"}]
- Disconnection example:
- [Variant {"OperationalState": Variant _}]
listenNDConnections :: Client -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> IO ()
listenNDConnections client setconnected =
void $ addMatch client matcher
$ \event -> mapM_ handleevent
(map dictionaryItems $ mapMaybe fromVariant $ signalBody event)
matcher = matchAny
{ matchInterface = Just "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
, matchMember = Just "PropertiesChanged"
operational_state_key = toVariant ("OperationalState" :: String)
routable = toVariant $ toVariant ("routable" :: String)
handleevent m = case lookup operational_state_key m of
Just state -> if state == routable
then setconnected True
else setconnected False
Nothing -> noop
{- Listens for NetworkManager connections and diconnections.
- Connection example (once fully connected):
- [Variant {"ActivatingConnection": Variant (ObjectPath "/"), "PrimaryConnection": Variant (ObjectPath "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/34"), "State": Variant 70}]
- Disconnection example:
- [Variant {"ActiveConnections": Variant []}]
listenNMConnections :: Client -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> IO ()
listenNMConnections client setconnected =
void $ addMatch client matcher
$ \event -> mapM_ handleevent
(map dictionaryItems $ mapMaybe fromVariant $ signalBody event)
matcher = matchAny
{ matchInterface = Just "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
, matchMember = Just "PropertiesChanged"
nm_active_connections_key = toVariant ("ActiveConnections" :: String)
nm_activatingconnection_key = toVariant ("ActivatingConnection" :: String)
noconnections = Just $ toVariant $ toVariant ([] :: [ObjectPath])
rootconnection = Just $ toVariant $ toVariant $ objectPath_ "/"
handleevent m
| lookup nm_active_connections_key m == noconnections =
setconnected False
| lookup nm_activatingconnection_key m == rootconnection =
setconnected True
| otherwise = noop
{- Listens for Wicd connections and disconnections.
- Connection example:
- ConnectResultsSent:
- Variant "success"
- Disconnection example:
- StatusChanged
- [Variant 0, Variant [Variant ""]]
listenWicdConnections :: Client -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> IO ()
listenWicdConnections client setconnected = do
match connmatcher $ \event ->
when (any (== wicd_success) (signalBody event)) $
setconnected True
match statusmatcher $ \event -> handleevent (signalBody event)
connmatcher = matchAny
{ matchInterface = Just "org.wicd.daemon"
, matchMember = Just "ConnectResultsSent"
statusmatcher = matchAny
{ matchInterface = Just "org.wicd.daemon"
, matchMember = Just "StatusChanged"
wicd_success = toVariant ("success" :: String)
wicd_disconnected = toVariant [toVariant ("" :: String)]
handleevent status
| any (== wicd_disconnected) status = setconnected False
| otherwise = noop
match matcher a =
void $ addMatch client matcher a
handleConnection :: Assistant ()
handleConnection = do
liftIO . sendNotification . networkConnectedNotifier =<< getDaemonStatus
reconnectRemotes =<< networkRemotes
{- Network remotes to sync with. -}
networkRemotes :: Assistant [Remote]
networkRemotes = filter (isNothing . Remote.localpath) . syncRemotes
<$> getDaemonStatus