Leverage the new chunked remotes to automatically resume downloads. Sort of like rsync, although of course not as efficient since this needs to start at a chunk boundry. But, unlike rsync, this method will work for S3, WebDAV, external special remotes, etc, etc. Only directory special remotes so far, but many more soon! This implementation will also properly handle starting a download from one remote, interrupting, and resuming from another one, and so on. (Resuming interrupted chunked uploads is similarly doable, although slightly more expensive.) This commit was sponsored by Thomas Djärv.
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{- git-annex Key data type
- Most things should not need this, using Types instead
- Copyright 2011-2014 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Types.Key (
) where
import System.Posix.Types
import Common
import Utility.QuickCheck
{- A Key has a unique name, which is derived from a particular backend,
- and may contain other optional metadata. -}
data Key = Key
{ keyName :: String
, keyBackendName :: String
, keySize :: Maybe Integer
, keyMtime :: Maybe EpochTime
, keyChunkSize :: Maybe Integer
, keyChunkNum :: Maybe Integer
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
{- A filename may be associated with a Key. -}
type AssociatedFile = Maybe FilePath
stubKey :: Key
stubKey = Key
{ keyName = ""
, keyBackendName = ""
, keySize = Nothing
, keyMtime = Nothing
, keyChunkSize = Nothing
, keyChunkNum = Nothing
-- Gets the parent of a chunk key.
nonChunkKey :: Key -> Key
nonChunkKey k = k
{ keyChunkSize = Nothing
, keyChunkNum = Nothing
-- Where a chunk key is offset within its parent.
chunkKeyOffset :: Key -> Maybe Integer
chunkKeyOffset k = (*)
<$> keyChunkSize k
<*> (pred <$> keyChunkNum k)
fieldSep :: Char
fieldSep = '-'
{- Converts a key to a string that is suitable for use as a filename.
- The name field is always shown last, separated by doubled fieldSeps,
- and is the only field allowed to contain the fieldSep. -}
key2file :: Key -> FilePath
key2file Key { keyBackendName = b, keySize = s, keyMtime = m, keyChunkSize = cs, keyChunkNum = cn, keyName = n } =
b +++ ('s' ?: s) +++ ('m' ?: m) +++ ('S' ?: cs) +++ ('C' ?: cn) +++ (fieldSep : n)
"" +++ y = y
x +++ "" = x
x +++ y = x ++ fieldSep:y
f ?: (Just v) = f : show v
_ ?: _ = ""
file2key :: FilePath -> Maybe Key
file2key s
| key == Just stubKey || (keyName <$> key) == Just "" || (keyBackendName <$> key) == Just "" = Nothing
| otherwise = key
key = startbackend stubKey s
startbackend k v = sepfield k v addbackend
sepfield k v a = case span (/= fieldSep) v of
(v', _:r) -> findfields r $ a k v'
_ -> Nothing
findfields (c:v) (Just k)
| c == fieldSep = Just $ k { keyName = v }
| otherwise = sepfield k v $ addfield c
findfields _ v = v
addbackend k v = Just k { keyBackendName = v }
addfield 's' k v = do
sz <- readish v
return $ k { keySize = Just sz }
addfield 'm' k v = do
mtime <- readish v
return $ k { keyMtime = Just mtime }
addfield 'S' k v = do
chunksize <- readish v
return $ k { keyChunkSize = Just chunksize }
addfield 'C' k v = case readish v of
Just chunknum | chunknum > 0 ->
return $ k { keyChunkNum = Just chunknum }
_ -> return k
addfield _ _ _ = Nothing
instance Arbitrary Key where
arbitrary = Key
<$> (listOf1 $ elements $ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ "-_\r\n \t")
<*> (listOf1 $ elements ['A'..'Z']) -- BACKEND
<*> ((abs <$>) <$> arbitrary) -- size cannot be negative
<*> arbitrary
<*> ((abs <$>) <$> arbitrary) -- chunksize cannot be negative
<*> ((succ . abs <$>) <$> arbitrary) -- chunknum cannot be 0 or negative
prop_idempotent_key_encode :: Key -> Bool
prop_idempotent_key_encode k = Just k == (file2key . key2file) k
prop_idempotent_key_decode :: FilePath -> Bool
prop_idempotent_key_decode f
| normalfieldorder = maybe True (\k -> key2file k == f) (file2key f)
| otherwise = True
-- file2key will accept the fields in any order, so don't
-- try the test unless the fields are in the normal order
normalfieldorder = fields `isPrefixOf` "smSC"
fields = map (f !!) $ filter (< length f) $ map succ $
elemIndices fieldSep f