252 lines
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252 lines
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{- git-annex assistant webapp configurator for pairing
- Copyright 2012,2016 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Pairing where
import Assistant.Pairing
import Assistant.WebApp.Common
import Annex.UUID
import Assistant.Pairing.Network
import Assistant.Pairing.MakeRemote
import Assistant.Ssh
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Utility.Verifiable
import Utility.UserInfo
import Utility.Tor
import qualified Utility.MagicWormhole as Wormhole
import Git
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Char
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Concurrent
data PairingWith = PairingWithSelf | PairingWithFriend
getStartTorPairFriendR :: Handler Html
getStartTorPairFriendR = postStartTorPairR PairingWithFriend
getStartTorPairSelfR :: Handler Html
getStartTorPairSelfR = postStartTorPairR PairingWithSelf
postStartTorPairFriendR :: Handler Html
postStartTorPairFriendR = postStartTorPairR PairingWithFriend
postStartTorPairSelfR :: Handler Html
postStartTorPairSelfR = postStartTorPairR PairingWithSelf
postStartTorPairR :: PairingWith -> Handler Html
postStartTorPairR pairingwith = whenTorInstalled $ whenWormholeInstalled $
pairPage $ do
let Just ourcode = Wormhole.mkCode "11-bannana-bananna" -- XXX tmp
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPostNoToken $ renderBootstrap3 bootstrapFormLayout $
areq wormholeCodeField (bfs codeprompt) Nothing
case result of
FormSuccess v -> error "TODO"
_ -> showform form enctype ourcode
showform form enctype ourcode = $(widgetFile "configurators/pairing/tor/prompt")
codeprompt = case pairingwith of
PairingWithFriend -> "Your friend's pairing code"
PairingWithSelf -> "The other device's pairing code"
wormholeCodeField = checkBool (Wormhole.validCode . T.unpack)
("That does not look like a valid pairing code. Try again..." :: T.Text)
whenTorInstalled :: Handler Html -> Handler Html
whenTorInstalled a = ifM (liftIO torIsInstalled)
( a
, page "Need Tor" (Just Configuration) $
$(widgetFile "configurators/needtor")
whenWormholeInstalled :: Handler Html -> Handler Html
whenWormholeInstalled a = ifM (liftIO Wormhole.isInstalled)
( a
, page "Need Magic Wormhole" (Just Configuration) $
$(widgetFile "configurators/needmagicwormhole")
{- Starts local pairing. -}
getStartLocalPairR :: Handler Html
getStartLocalPairR = postStartLocalPairR
postStartLocalPairR :: Handler Html
postStartLocalPairR = promptSecret Nothing $
startLocalPairing PairReq noop pairingAlert Nothing
postStartLocalPairR = noLocalPairing
noLocalPairing :: Handler Html
noLocalPairing = noPairing "local"
{- Runs on the system that responds to a local pair request; sets up the ssh
- authorized key first so that the originating host can immediately sync
- with us. -}
getFinishLocalPairR :: PairMsg -> Handler Html
getFinishLocalPairR = postFinishLocalPairR
postFinishLocalPairR :: PairMsg -> Handler Html
postFinishLocalPairR msg = promptSecret (Just msg) $ \_ secret -> do
repodir <- liftH $ repoPath <$> liftAnnex gitRepo
liftIO $ setup repodir
startLocalPairing PairAck (cleanup repodir) alert uuid "" secret
alert = pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert (pairRepo msg) . Just
setup repodir = setupAuthorizedKeys msg repodir
cleanup repodir = removeAuthorizedKeys True repodir $
remoteSshPubKey $ pairMsgData msg
uuid = Just $ pairUUID $ pairMsgData msg
postFinishLocalPairR _ = noLocalPairing
getRunningLocalPairR :: SecretReminder -> Handler Html
getRunningLocalPairR s = pairPage $ do
let secret = fromSecretReminder s
$(widgetFile "configurators/pairing/local/inprogress")
getRunningLocalPairR _ = noLocalPairing
{- Starts local pairing, at either the PairReq (initiating host) or
- PairAck (responding host) stage.
- Displays an alert, and starts a thread sending the pairing message,
- which will continue running until the other host responds, or until
- canceled by the user. If canceled by the user, runs the oncancel action.
- Redirects to the pairing in progress page.
startLocalPairing :: PairStage -> IO () -> (AlertButton -> Alert) -> Maybe UUID -> Text -> Secret -> Widget
startLocalPairing stage oncancel alert muuid displaysecret secret = do
urlrender <- liftH getUrlRender
reldir <- fromJust . relDir <$> liftH getYesod
sendrequests <- liftAssistant $ asIO2 $ mksendrequests urlrender
{- Generating a ssh key pair can take a while, so do it in the
- background. -}
thread <- liftAssistant $ asIO $ do
keypair <- liftIO $ genSshKeyPair
let pubkey = either error id $ validateSshPubKey $ sshPubKey keypair
pairdata <- liftIO $ PairData
<$> getHostname
<*> (either error id <$> myUserName)
<*> pure reldir
<*> pure pubkey
<*> (maybe genUUID return muuid)
let sender = multicastPairMsg Nothing secret pairdata
let pip = PairingInProgress secret Nothing keypair pairdata stage
startSending pip stage $ sendrequests sender
void $ liftIO $ forkIO thread
liftH $ redirect $ RunningLocalPairR $ toSecretReminder displaysecret
{- Sends pairing messages until the thread is killed,
- and shows an activity alert while doing it.
- The cancel button returns the user to the DashboardR. This is
- not ideal, but they have to be sent somewhere, and could
- have been on a page specific to the in-process pairing
- that just stopped, so can't go back there.
mksendrequests urlrender sender _stage = do
tid <- liftIO myThreadId
let selfdestruct = AlertButton
{ buttonLabel = "Cancel"
, buttonPrimary = True
, buttonUrl = urlrender DashboardR
, buttonAction = Just $ const $ do
killThread tid
alertDuring (alert selfdestruct) $ liftIO $ do
_ <- E.try (sender stage) :: IO (Either E.SomeException ())
return ()
data InputSecret = InputSecret { secretText :: Maybe Text }
{- If a PairMsg is passed in, ensures that the user enters a secret
- that can validate it. -}
promptSecret :: Maybe PairMsg -> (Text -> Secret -> Widget) -> Handler Html
promptSecret msg cont = pairPage $ do
((result, form), enctype) <- liftH $
runFormPostNoToken $ renderBootstrap3 bootstrapFormLayout $
InputSecret <$> aopt textField (bfs "Secret phrase") Nothing
case result of
FormSuccess v -> do
let rawsecret = fromMaybe "" $ secretText v
let secret = toSecret rawsecret
case msg of
Nothing -> case secretProblem secret of
Nothing -> cont rawsecret secret
Just problem ->
showform form enctype $ Just problem
Just m ->
if verify (fromPairMsg m) secret
then cont rawsecret secret
else showform form enctype $ Just
"That's not the right secret phrase."
_ -> showform form enctype Nothing
showform form enctype mproblem = do
let start = isNothing msg
let badphrase = isJust mproblem
let problem = fromMaybe "" mproblem
let (username, hostname) = maybe ("", "")
(\(_, v, a) -> (T.pack $ remoteUserName v, T.pack $ fromMaybe (showAddr a) (remoteHostName v)))
(verifiableVal . fromPairMsg <$> msg)
u <- liftIO myUserName
let sameusername = Right username == (T.pack <$> u)
$(widgetFile "configurators/pairing/local/prompt")
{- This counts unicode characters as more than one character,
- but that's ok; they *do* provide additional entropy. -}
secretProblem :: Secret -> Maybe Text
secretProblem s
| B.null s = Just "The secret phrase cannot be left empty. (Remember that punctuation and white space is ignored.)"
| B.length s < 6 = Just "Enter a longer secret phrase, at least 6 characters, but really, a phrase is best! This is not a password you'll need to enter every day."
| s == toSecret sampleQuote = Just "Speaking of foolishness, don't paste in the example I gave. Enter a different phrase, please!"
| otherwise = Nothing
toSecret :: Text -> Secret
toSecret s = T.encodeUtf8 $ T.toLower $ T.filter isAlphaNum s
{- From Dickens -}
sampleQuote :: Text
sampleQuote = T.unwords
[ "It was the best of times,"
, "it was the worst of times,"
, "it was the age of wisdom,"
, "it was the age of foolishness."
pairPage :: Widget -> Handler Html
pairPage = page "Pairing" (Just Configuration)
noPairing :: Text -> Handler Html
noPairing pairingtype = pairPage $
$(widgetFile "configurators/pairing/disabled")