* sync: Previously, when run in a branch with a slash in its name, such as "foo/bar", the sync branch was "synced/bar". That conflicted with the sync branch used for branch "bar", so has been changed to "synced/foo/bar". * adjust: Previously, when adjusting a branch with a slash in its name, such as "foo/bar", the adjusted branch was "adjusted/bar(unlocked)". That conflicted with the adjusted branch used for branch "bar", so has been changed to "adjusted/foo/bar(unlocked)" * Also, running sync in an adjusted branch did not correctly sync changes back to the parent branch when it had a slash in its name. This bug has been fixed. Eliminate use of Git.Ref.under and Git.Ref.basename; using Git.Ref.underBase and Git.Ref.base make everything handle deep branches correctly. Probably noone was adjusting deep branches, and v6 is still experimental anyway, so I'm not going to worry about the mess that was left by that bug. In the case of git-annex sync, using a fixed git-annex with an old unfixed one will mean they use different sync branches for a deep branch, and so they may stop syncing until the old one is upgraded. However, that's only a problem when syncing between repositories without going via a central bare repository. Added a warning about this to the CHANGELOG, but it's probably not going to affect many people at all. This commit was sponsored by Riku Voipio.
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{- git ref stuff
- Copyright 2011-2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Git.Ref where
import Common
import Git
import Git.Command
import Git.Sha
import Git.Types
import Data.Char (chr)
headRef :: Ref
headRef = Ref "HEAD"
headFile :: Repo -> FilePath
headFile r = localGitDir r </> "HEAD"
setHeadRef :: Ref -> Repo -> IO ()
setHeadRef ref r = writeFile (headFile r) ("ref: " ++ fromRef ref)
{- Converts a fully qualified git ref into a user-visible string. -}
describe :: Ref -> String
describe = fromRef . base
{- Often git refs are fully qualified
- (eg refs/heads/master or refs/remotes/origin/master).
- Converts such a fully qualified ref into a base ref
- (eg: master or origin/master). -}
base :: Ref -> Ref
base = Ref . remove "refs/heads/" . remove "refs/remotes/" . fromRef
remove prefix s
| prefix `isPrefixOf` s = drop (length prefix) s
| otherwise = s
{- Given a directory such as "refs/remotes/origin", and a ref such as
- refs/heads/master, yields a version of that ref under the directory,
- such as refs/remotes/origin/master. -}
underBase :: String -> Ref -> Ref
underBase dir r = Ref $ dir ++ "/" ++ fromRef (base r)
{- A Ref that can be used to refer to a file in the repository, as staged
- in the index.
- Prefixing the file with ./ makes this work even if in a subdirectory
- of a repo.
fileRef :: FilePath -> Ref
fileRef f = Ref $ ":./" ++ f
{- Converts a Ref to refer to the content of the Ref on a given date. -}
dateRef :: Ref -> RefDate -> Ref
dateRef (Ref r) (RefDate d) = Ref $ r ++ "@" ++ d
{- A Ref that can be used to refer to a file in the repository as it
- appears in a given Ref. -}
fileFromRef :: Ref -> FilePath -> Ref
fileFromRef (Ref r) f = let (Ref fr) = fileRef f in Ref (r ++ fr)
{- Checks if a ref exists. -}
exists :: Ref -> Repo -> IO Bool
exists ref = runBool
[Param "show-ref", Param "--verify", Param "-q", Param $ fromRef ref]
{- The file used to record a ref. (Git also stores some refs in a
- packed-refs file.) -}
file :: Ref -> Repo -> FilePath
file ref repo = localGitDir repo </> fromRef ref
{- Checks if HEAD exists. It generally will, except for in a repository
- that was just created. -}
headExists :: Repo -> IO Bool
headExists repo = do
ls <- lines <$> pipeReadStrict [Param "show-ref", Param "--head"] repo
return $ any (" HEAD" `isSuffixOf`) ls
{- Get the sha of a fully qualified git ref, if it exists. -}
sha :: Branch -> Repo -> IO (Maybe Sha)
sha branch repo = process <$> showref repo
showref = pipeReadStrict [Param "show-ref",
Param "--hash", -- get the hash
Param $ fromRef branch]
process [] = Nothing
process s = Just $ Ref $ firstLine s
headSha :: Repo -> IO (Maybe Sha)
headSha = sha headRef
{- List of (shas, branches) matching a given ref or refs. -}
matching :: [Ref] -> Repo -> IO [(Sha, Branch)]
matching refs repo = matching' (map fromRef refs) repo
{- Includes HEAD in the output, if asked for it. -}
matchingWithHEAD :: [Ref] -> Repo -> IO [(Sha, Branch)]
matchingWithHEAD refs repo = matching' ("--head" : map fromRef refs) repo
{- List of (shas, branches) matching a given ref or refs. -}
matching' :: [String] -> Repo -> IO [(Sha, Branch)]
matching' ps repo = map gen . lines <$>
pipeReadStrict (Param "show-ref" : map Param ps) repo
gen l = let (r, b) = separate (== ' ') l
in (Ref r, Ref b)
{- List of (shas, branches) matching a given ref spec.
- Duplicate shas are filtered out. -}
matchingUniq :: [Ref] -> Repo -> IO [(Sha, Branch)]
matchingUniq refs repo = nubBy uniqref <$> matching refs repo
uniqref (a, _) (b, _) = a == b
{- Gets the sha of the tree a ref uses. -}
tree :: Ref -> Repo -> IO (Maybe Sha)
tree ref = extractSha <$$> pipeReadStrict
[ Param "rev-parse", Param (fromRef ref ++ ":") ]
{- Checks if a String is a legal git ref name.
- The rules for this are complex; see git-check-ref-format(1) -}
legal :: Bool -> String -> Bool
legal allowonelevel s = all (== False) illegal
illegal =
[ any ("." `isPrefixOf`) pathbits
, any (".lock" `isSuffixOf`) pathbits
, not allowonelevel && length pathbits < 2
, contains ".."
, any (\c -> contains [c]) illegalchars
, begins "/"
, ends "/"
, contains "//"
, ends "."
, contains "@{"
, null s
contains v = v `isInfixOf` s
ends v = v `isSuffixOf` s
begins v = v `isPrefixOf` s
pathbits = split "/" s
illegalchars = " ~^:?*[\\" ++ controlchars
controlchars = chr 0o177 : [chr 0 .. chr (0o40-1)]