Handles keys that are substrings of other keys, as well as pointer files that contain a newline after the key. Note that -S does not match regexp, while -G does by default. Docs are not clear, determined experimentally. The only other difference in changing to -G is that if a file used to contain the key and changed in some way, while still containing the key, -G will match and -S would not. So eg, annex links that git annex fix rewrites will match, and files that change lock status will match. Which is an improvement anyway. Sponsored-by: Jochen Bartl on Patreon
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163 lines
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.WhereUsed where
import Command
import Git
import Git.Sha
import Git.FilePath
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git.DiffTree as DiffTree
import qualified Annex
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Annex.CatFile
import Database.Keys
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
cmd :: Command
cmd = noCommit $ withGlobalOptions [annexedMatchingOptions] $
command "whereused" SectionQuery
"lists repositories that have file content"
paramNothing (seek <$$> optParser)
data WhereUsedOptions = WhereUsedOptions
{ keyOptions :: KeyOptions
, historicalOption :: Bool
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser WhereUsedOptions
optParser _desc = WhereUsedOptions
<$> (parseUnusedKeysOption <|> parseSpecificKeyOption)
<*> switch
( long "historical"
<> help "find historical uses"
seek :: WhereUsedOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = withKeyOptions (Just (keyOptions o)) False dummyfileseeker
(commandAction . start o) dummyfilecommandseek (WorkTreeItems [])
dummyfileseeker = AnnexedFileSeeker
{ startAction = \_ _ _ -> return Nothing
, checkContentPresent = Nothing
, usesLocationLog = False
dummyfilecommandseek = const noop
start :: WhereUsedOptions -> (SeekInput, Key, ActionItem) -> CommandStart
start o (_, key, _) = startingCustomOutput key $ do
fs <- filterM stillassociated
=<< mapM (fromRepo . fromTopFilePath)
=<< getAssociatedFiles key
liftIO $ forM_ fs $ display key . fromRawFilePath
when (historicalOption o && null fs) $
findHistorical key
next $ return True
-- Some associated files that are in the keys database may no
-- longer correspond to files in the repository.
stillassociated f = catKeyFile f >>= \case
Just k | k == key -> return True
_ -> return False
display :: Key -> String -> IO ()
display key loc = putStrLn (serializeKey key ++ " " ++ loc)
findHistorical :: Key -> Annex ()
findHistorical key = do
-- Find most recent change to the key, in all branches and
-- tags, except the git-annex branch.
found <- searchLog key
-- Search all local branches, except git-annex branch.
[ Param ("--exclude=*/" ++ fromRef (Annex.Branch.name))
, Param "--glob=*"
-- Also search remote branches
, Param ("--exclude=" ++ fromRef (Annex.Branch.name))
, Param "--remotes=*"
-- And search tags.
, Param "--tags=*"
-- Output the commit hash
, Param "--pretty=%H"
] $ \h fs repo -> do
commitsha <- getSha "log" (pure h)
commitdesc <- S.takeWhile (/= fromIntegral (ord '\n'))
<$> Git.Command.pipeReadStrict
[ Param "describe"
, Param "--contains"
, Param "--all"
, Param (fromRef commitsha)
] repo
if S.null commitdesc
then return False
else process fs $
displayreffile (Ref commitdesc)
unless found $
void $ searchLog key
[ Param "--walk-reflogs"
-- Output the reflog selector
, Param "--pretty=%gd"
] $ \h fs _ -> process fs $
displayreffile (Ref h)
process fs a = or <$> forM fs a
displayreffile r f = do
let fref = Git.Ref.branchFileRef r f
display key (fromRef fref)
return True
searchLog :: Key -> [CommandParam] -> (S.ByteString -> [RawFilePath] -> Repo -> IO Bool) -> Annex Bool
searchLog key ps a = Annex.inRepo $ \repo -> do
(output, cleanup) <- Git.Command.pipeNullSplit ps' repo
found <- case output of
(h:rest) -> do
let diff = DiffTree.parseDiffRaw rest
let fs = map (flip fromTopFilePath repo . DiffTree.file) diff
rfs <- mapM relPathCwdToFile fs
a (L.toStrict h) rfs repo
_ -> return False
void cleanup
return found
ps' =
[ Param "log"
, Param "-z"
-- Don't convert pointer files.
, Param "--no-textconv"
-- Don't abbreviate hashes.
, Param "--no-abbrev"
-- Only find the most recent commit, for speed.
, Param "-n1"
-- Be sure to treat -G as a regexp.
, Param "--basic-regexp"
-- Find commits that contain the key. The object has to
-- end with the key to avoid confusion with longer keys,
-- so a regexp is used. Since annex pointer files
-- may contain a newline followed by perhaps something
-- else, that is also matched.
, Param ("-G" ++ escapeRegexp (fromRawFilePath (keyFile key)) ++ "($|\n)")
-- Skip commits where the file was deleted,
-- only find those where it was added or modified.
, Param "--diff-filter=ACMRTUX"
-- Output the raw diff.
, Param "--raw"
] ++ ps
escapeRegexp :: String -> String
escapeRegexp = concatMap esc
esc c
| isAscii c && isAlphaNum c = [c]
| otherwise = ['[', c, ']']