Split out two todos for things that were mentioned as still open items in there. Most of the others were already dealt with. I didn't open a new todo for the import from readonly S3 bucket because I guess if someone needs that, they can ask for it.
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This todo is about `git-annex import branch --from remote`, which is
implemented now.
> [[done]] --[[Joey]]
## race conditions
(Some thoughts about races that the design should cover now, but kept here
for reference.)
A file could be modified on the remote while
it's being exported, and if the remote then uses the mtime of the modified
file in the content identifier, the modification would never be noticed by
To fix this race, we need an atomic move operation on the remote. Upload
the file to a temp file, then get its content identifier, and then move it
from the temp file to its final location. Alternatively, upload a file and
get the content identifier atomically, which eg S3 with versioning enabled
provides. It would make sense to have the storeExport operation always return
a content identifier and document that it needs to get it atomically by
either using a temp file or something specific to the remote.
There's also a race where a file gets changed on the remote after an
import tree, and an export then overwrites it with something else.
One solution would be to only allow one of importtree or exporttree
to a given remote. This reduces the use cases a lot though, and perhaps
so far that the import tree feature is not worth building. The adb
special remote needs both. Also, such a limitation seems like one that
users might try to work around by initializing two remotes using the same
data and trying to use one for import and the other for export.
Really fixing this race needs locking or an atomic operation. Locking seems
unlikely to be a portable enough solution.
An atomic rename operation could at least narrow the race significantly, eg:
1. get content identifier of $file, check if it's what was expected else
abort (optional but would catch most problems)
2. upload new version of $file to $tmp1
3. rename current $file to $tmp2
4. Get content identifier of $tmp2, check if it's what was expected to
be. If not, $file was modified after the last import tree, and that
conflict has to be resolved. Otherwise, delete $tmp2
5. rename $tmp1 to $file
That leaves a race if the file gets overwritten after it's moved out
of the way. If the rename refuses to overwrite existing files, that race
would be detected by it failing. renameat(2) with `RENAME_NOREPLACE` can do that,
but probably many special remote interfaces don't provide a way to do that.
S3 lacks a rename operation, can only copy and then delete. Which is not
good enough; it risks the file being replaced with new content before
the delete and the new content being deleted.
Is this race really a significant problem? One way to look at it is
analagous to a git merge overwriting a locally modified file.
Git can certianly use similar techniques to entirely detect and recover
from such races (but not the similar race described in the next section).
But, git does not actually do that! I modified git's
merge.c to sleep for 10 seconds after `refresh_index()`, and verified
that changes made to the work tree in that window were silently overwritten
by git merge. In git's case, the race window is normally quite narrow
and this is very unlikely to happen (the similar race described in the next
section is more likely).
If git-annex could get the race window similarly small out would perhaps be
ok. Eg:
1. upload new version of $file to $tmp
2. get content identifier of $file, check if it's what was expected else
3. rename (or copy and delete) $tmp to $file
The race window between #2 and #3 could be quite narrow for some remotes.
But S3, lacking a rename, does a copy that can be very slow for large files.
S3, with versioning, could detect the race after the fact, by listing
the versions of the file, and checking if any of the versions is one
that git-annex did not know the file already had.
[Using this api](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html),
with version-id-marker set to the previous version of the file,
should list only the previous and current versions; if there's an
intermediate version then the race occurred and it could roll the change
back, or otherwise recover the overwritten version. This could be done at
import time, to detect a previous race, and recover from it; importing
a tree with the file(s) that were overwritten due to the race, leading to a
tree import conflict that the user can resolve. This likely generalizes
to importing a sequence of trees, so each version written to S3 gets
A remaining race is that, if the file is open for write at the same
time it's renamed, the write might happen after the content identifer
is checked, and then whatever is written to it will be lost.
But: Git worktree update has the same race condition. Verified with
this perl oneliner, run in a worktree and a second later
followed by a git pull. The lines that it appended to the
file got lost:
perl -e 'open (OUT, ">>foo") || die "$!"; sleep(10); while (<>) { print OUT $_ }'
Since this is acceptable in git, I suppose we can accept it here too..
## S3 versioning and import
Listing a versioned S3 bucket with past versions results in S3 sending
a list that's effectively:
foo current-version
foo past-version
bar deleted
bar past-version
bar even-older-version
Each item on the list also has a LastModified date, and IsLatest
is set for the current version of each file.
This needs to be converted into a ImportableContents tree of file trees.
Getting the current file tree is easy, just filter on IsLatest.
Getting the past file trees seems hard. Two things are in tension:
* Want to generate the same file tree in this import that was used in past
imports. Since the file tree is converted to a git tree, this avoids
a proliferation of git trees.
* Want the past file trees to reflect what was actually in the
S3 bucket at different past points in time.
So while it would work fine to just make one past file tree for each
file, that contains only that single file, the user would not like
the resulting history when they explored it with git.
With the example above, the user expects something like this:
ImportableContents [(foo, current-version)]
[ ImportableContents [(foo, past-version), (bar, past-version)]
[ ImportableContents [(bar, even-older-version)]
And the user would like for the inner-most list to also include
(foo, past-version) if it were in the S3 bucket at the same time
(bar, even-older-version) was added. So depending on the past
modificatio times of foo vs bar, they may really expect:
let l = ImportableContents [(foo, current-version)]
[ ImportableContents [(foo, past-version), (bar, past-version)]
[ ImportableContents [(foo, past-version), (bar, even-older-version)]
[ ImportableContents [(foo, past-version)]
Now, suppose that foo is deleted and subsequently bar is added back,
so S3 now sends this list:
bar new-version
bar deleted
bar past-version
bar even-older-version
foo deleted
foo current-version
foo past-version
The user would expect this to result in:
ImportableContents [(bar, new-version)]
[ ImportableContents []
But l needs to be the same as the l above to avoid git trees proliferation.
What is the algorythm here?
1. Build a list of files with historical versions ([[a]]).
2. Extract a snapshot from the list
3. Remove too new versions from the list
4. Recurse with the new list.
Extracting a snapshot:
Map over the list, taking the head version of each item and tracking
the most recent modification time. Add the filenames to a snapshot list
(unless the item is a deletion).
Removing too new versions:
Map over the list, and when the head version of a file matches the most
recent modification time, pop it off.
This results in a list that is only versions before the snapshot.
Overall this is perhaps a bit better than O(n^2) because the size of the list
decreases as it goes?
See also, [[adb_special_remote]]
[[!tag confirmed]]