Drop support for building with ghc older than 8.4.4, and with older versions of serveral haskell libraries than will be included in Debian 10. The only remaining version ifdefs in the entire code base are now a couple for aws! This commit should only be merged after the Debian 10 release. And perhaps it will need to wait longer than that; it would make backporting new versions of git-annex to Debian 9 (stretch) which has been actively happening as recently as this year. This commit was sponsored by Ilya Shlyakhter.
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{- git fsck interface
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Git.Fsck (
) where
import Common
import Git
import Git.Command
import Git.Sha
import Utility.Batch
import qualified Git.Version
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem
import Prelude
data FsckResults
= FsckFoundMissing
{ missingObjects :: MissingObjects
, missingObjectsTruncated :: Bool
| FsckFailed
deriving (Show)
data FsckOutput
= FsckOutput MissingObjects Truncated
| NoFsckOutput
| AllDuplicateEntriesWarning
type MissingObjects = S.Set Sha
type Truncated = Bool
appendFsckOutput :: FsckOutput -> FsckOutput -> FsckOutput
appendFsckOutput (FsckOutput s1 t1) (FsckOutput s2 t2) =
FsckOutput (S.union s1 s2) (t1 || t2)
appendFsckOutput (FsckOutput s t) _ = FsckOutput s t
appendFsckOutput _ (FsckOutput s t) = FsckOutput s t
appendFsckOutput NoFsckOutput NoFsckOutput = NoFsckOutput
appendFsckOutput AllDuplicateEntriesWarning AllDuplicateEntriesWarning = AllDuplicateEntriesWarning
appendFsckOutput AllDuplicateEntriesWarning NoFsckOutput = AllDuplicateEntriesWarning
appendFsckOutput NoFsckOutput AllDuplicateEntriesWarning = AllDuplicateEntriesWarning
instance Sem.Semigroup FsckOutput where
(<>) = appendFsckOutput
instance Monoid FsckOutput where
mempty = NoFsckOutput
{- Runs fsck to find some of the broken objects in the repository.
- May not find all broken objects, if fsck fails on bad data in some of
- the broken objects it does find.
- Strategy: Rather than parsing fsck's current specific output,
- look for anything in its output (both stdout and stderr) that appears
- to be a git sha. Not all such shas are of broken objects, so ask git
- to try to cat the object, and see if it fails.
findBroken :: Bool -> Repo -> IO FsckResults
findBroken batchmode r = do
supportsNoDangling <- (>= Git.Version.normalize "1.7.10")
<$> Git.Version.installed
let (command, params) = ("git", fsckParams supportsNoDangling r)
(command', params') <- if batchmode
then toBatchCommand (command, params)
else return (command, params)
p@(_, _, _, pid) <- createProcess $
(proc command' (toCommand params'))
{ std_out = CreatePipe
, std_err = CreatePipe
(o1, o2) <- concurrently
(parseFsckOutput maxobjs r supportsNoDangling (stdoutHandle p))
(parseFsckOutput maxobjs r supportsNoDangling (stderrHandle p))
fsckok <- checkSuccessProcess pid
case mappend o1 o2 of
FsckOutput badobjs truncated
| S.null badobjs && not fsckok -> return FsckFailed
| otherwise -> return $ FsckFoundMissing badobjs truncated
| not fsckok -> return FsckFailed
| otherwise -> return noproblem
-- If all fsck output was duplicateEntries warnings,
-- the repository is not broken, it just has some unusual
-- tree objects in it. So ignore nonzero exit status.
AllDuplicateEntriesWarning -> return noproblem
maxobjs = 10000
noproblem = FsckFoundMissing S.empty False
foundBroken :: FsckResults -> Bool
foundBroken FsckFailed = True
foundBroken (FsckFoundMissing s _) = not (S.null s)
knownMissing :: FsckResults -> MissingObjects
knownMissing FsckFailed = S.empty
knownMissing (FsckFoundMissing s _) = s
{- Finds objects that are missing from the git repsitory, or are corrupt.
- This does not use git cat-file --batch, because catting a corrupt
- object can cause it to crash, or to report incorrect size information.
findMissing :: [Sha] -> Repo -> IO MissingObjects
findMissing objs r = S.fromList <$> filterM (`isMissing` r) objs
parseFsckOutput :: Int -> Repo -> Bool -> Handle -> IO FsckOutput
parseFsckOutput maxobjs r supportsNoDangling h = do
ls <- lines <$> hGetContents h
if null ls
then return NoFsckOutput
else if all ("duplicateEntries" `isInfixOf`) ls
then return AllDuplicateEntriesWarning
else do
let shas = findShas supportsNoDangling ls
let !truncated = length shas > maxobjs
missingobjs <- findMissing (take maxobjs shas) r
return $ FsckOutput missingobjs truncated
isMissing :: Sha -> Repo -> IO Bool
isMissing s r = either (const True) (const False) <$> tryIO dump
dump = runQuiet
[ Param "show"
, Param (fromRef s)
] r
findShas :: Bool -> [String] -> [Sha]
findShas supportsNoDangling = catMaybes . map extractSha . concat . map words . filter wanted
wanted l
| supportsNoDangling = True
| otherwise = not ("dangling " `isPrefixOf` l)
fsckParams :: Bool -> Repo -> [CommandParam]
fsckParams supportsNoDangling = gitCommandLine $ map Param $ catMaybes
[ Just "fsck"
, if supportsNoDangling
then Just "--no-dangling"
else Nothing
, Just "--no-reflogs"