retrieveExport is part of ongoing transition to make remote methods throw exceptions, rather than silently hide them. getKey very rarely fails, and when it does it's always for the same reason (user configured annex.backend to url for some reason). So, this will avoid dealing with Nothing everywhere it's used. This commit was sponsored by Ilya Shlyakhter on Patreon.
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{- git-annex hashing backends
- Copyright 2011-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Backend.Hash (
) where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import Types.Key
import Types.Backend
import Types.KeySource
import Utility.Hash
import Utility.Metered
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
import Data.Char
import Data.Word
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
data Hash
= MD5Hash
| SHA1Hash
| SHA2Hash HashSize
| SHA3Hash HashSize
| SkeinHash HashSize
| Blake2bHash HashSize
| Blake2bpHash HashSize
| Blake2sHash HashSize
| Blake2spHash HashSize
{- Order is slightly significant; want SHA256 first, and more general
- sizes earlier. -}
hashes :: [Hash]
hashes = concat
[ map (SHA2Hash . HashSize) [256, 512, 224, 384]
, map (SHA3Hash . HashSize) [256, 512, 224, 384]
, map (SkeinHash . HashSize) [256, 512]
, map (Blake2bHash . HashSize) [256, 512, 160, 224, 384]
, map (Blake2bpHash . HashSize) [512]
, map (Blake2sHash . HashSize) [256, 160, 224]
, map (Blake2spHash . HashSize) [256, 224]
, [SHA1Hash]
, [MD5Hash]
{- The SHA256E backend is the default, so genBackendE comes first. -}
backends :: [Backend]
backends = concatMap (\h -> [genBackendE h, genBackend h]) hashes
genBackend :: Hash -> Backend
genBackend hash = Backend
{ backendVariety = hashKeyVariety hash (HasExt False)
, getKey = Just (keyValue hash)
, verifyKeyContent = Just $ checkKeyChecksum hash
, canUpgradeKey = Just needsUpgrade
, fastMigrate = Just trivialMigrate
, isStableKey = const True
genBackendE :: Hash -> Backend
genBackendE hash = (genBackend hash)
{ backendVariety = hashKeyVariety hash (HasExt True)
, getKey = Just (keyValueE hash)
hashKeyVariety :: Hash -> HasExt -> KeyVariety
hashKeyVariety MD5Hash he = MD5Key he
hashKeyVariety SHA1Hash he = SHA1Key he
hashKeyVariety (SHA2Hash size) he = SHA2Key size he
hashKeyVariety (SHA3Hash size) he = SHA3Key size he
hashKeyVariety (SkeinHash size) he = SKEINKey size he
hashKeyVariety (Blake2bHash size) he = Blake2bKey size he
hashKeyVariety (Blake2bpHash size) he = Blake2bpKey size he
hashKeyVariety (Blake2sHash size) he = Blake2sKey size he
hashKeyVariety (Blake2spHash size) he = Blake2spKey size he
{- A key is a hash of its contents. -}
keyValue :: Hash -> KeySource -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Key
keyValue hash source meterupdate = do
let file = fromRawFilePath (contentLocation source)
filesize <- liftIO $ getFileSize file
s <- hashFile hash file meterupdate
return $ mkKey $ \k -> k
{ keyName = encodeBS s
, keyVariety = hashKeyVariety hash (HasExt False)
, keySize = Just filesize
{- Extension preserving keys. -}
keyValueE :: Hash -> KeySource -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Key
keyValueE hash source meterupdate =
keyValue hash source meterupdate >>= addE
addE k = do
maxlen <- annexMaxExtensionLength <$> Annex.getGitConfig
let ext = selectExtension maxlen (keyFilename source)
return $ alterKey k $ \d -> d
{ keyName = keyName d <> ext
, keyVariety = hashKeyVariety hash (HasExt True)
selectExtension :: Maybe Int -> RawFilePath -> S.ByteString
selectExtension maxlen f
| null es = ""
| otherwise = S.intercalate "." ("":es)
es = filter (not . S.null) $ reverse $
take 2 $ filter (S.all validInExtension) $
takeWhile shortenough $
reverse $ S.split (fromIntegral (ord '.')) (P.takeExtensions f)
shortenough e = S.length e <= fromMaybe maxExtensionLen maxlen
maxExtensionLen :: Int
maxExtensionLen = 4 -- long enough for "jpeg"
{- A key's checksum is checked during fsck when it's content is present
- except for in fast mode. -}
checkKeyChecksum :: Hash -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
checkKeyChecksum hash key file = catchIOErrorType HardwareFault hwfault $ do
fast <- Annex.getState Annex.fast
exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist file
case (exists, fast) of
(True, False) -> do
showAction "checksum"
check <$> hashFile hash file nullMeterUpdate
_ -> return True
expected = decodeBS (keyHash key)
check s
| s == expected = True
{- A bug caused checksums to be prefixed with \ in some
- cases; still accept these as legal now that the bug has been
- fixed. -}
| '\\' : s == expected = True
| otherwise = False
hwfault e = do
warning $ "hardware fault: " ++ show e
return False
keyHash :: Key -> S.ByteString
keyHash = fst . splitKeyNameExtension
validInExtension :: Word8 -> Bool
validInExtension c
| isAlphaNum (chr (fromIntegral c)) = True
| fromIntegral c == ord '.' = True
| c <= 127 = False -- other ascii: spaces, punctuation, control chars
| otherwise = True -- utf8 is allowed, also other encodings
{- Upgrade keys that have the \ prefix on their hash due to a bug, or
- that contain non-alphanumeric characters in their extension.
- Also, for a while migrate from eg SHA256E to SHA256 resulted in a SHA256
- key that contained an extension inside its keyName. Upgrade those
- keys, removing the extension.
needsUpgrade :: Key -> Bool
needsUpgrade key = or
[ "\\" `S8.isPrefixOf` keyHash key
, S.any (not . validInExtension) (snd $ splitKeyNameExtension key)
, not (hasExt (fromKey keyVariety key)) && keyHash key /= fromKey keyName key
trivialMigrate :: Key -> Backend -> AssociatedFile -> Annex (Maybe Key)
trivialMigrate oldkey newbackend afile = trivialMigrate' oldkey newbackend afile
<$> (annexMaxExtensionLength <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
trivialMigrate' :: Key -> Backend -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Key
trivialMigrate' oldkey newbackend afile maxextlen
{- Fast migration from hashE to hash backend. -}
| migratable && hasExt oldvariety = Just $ alterKey oldkey $ \d -> d
{ keyName = keyHash oldkey
, keyVariety = newvariety
{- Fast migration from hash to hashE backend. -}
| migratable && hasExt newvariety = case afile of
AssociatedFile Nothing -> Nothing
AssociatedFile (Just file) -> Just $ alterKey oldkey $ \d -> d
{ keyName = keyHash oldkey
<> selectExtension maxextlen file
, keyVariety = newvariety
{- Upgrade to fix bad previous migration that created a
- non-extension preserving key, with an extension
- in its keyName. -}
| newvariety == oldvariety && not (hasExt oldvariety) &&
keyHash oldkey /= fromKey keyName oldkey =
Just $ alterKey oldkey $ \d -> d
{ keyName = keyHash oldkey
| otherwise = Nothing
migratable = oldvariety /= newvariety
&& sameExceptExt oldvariety newvariety
oldvariety = fromKey keyVariety oldkey
newvariety = backendVariety newbackend
hashFile :: Hash -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex String
hashFile hash file meterupdate =
liftIO $ withMeteredFile file meterupdate $ \b -> do
let h = hasher b
-- Force full evaluation of hash so whole file is read
-- before returning.
evaluate (rnf h)
return h
hasher = case hash of
MD5Hash -> md5Hasher
SHA1Hash -> sha1Hasher
SHA2Hash hashsize -> sha2Hasher hashsize
SHA3Hash hashsize -> sha3Hasher hashsize
SkeinHash hashsize -> skeinHasher hashsize
Blake2bHash hashsize -> blake2bHasher hashsize
Blake2bpHash hashsize -> blake2bpHasher hashsize
Blake2sHash hashsize -> blake2sHasher hashsize
Blake2spHash hashsize -> blake2spHasher hashsize
sha2Hasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
sha2Hasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = use sha2_256
| hashsize == 224 = use sha2_224
| hashsize == 384 = use sha2_384
| hashsize == 512 = use sha2_512
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported SHA size " ++ show hashsize
use hasher = show . hasher
sha3Hasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
sha3Hasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = show . sha3_256
| hashsize == 224 = show . sha3_224
| hashsize == 384 = show . sha3_384
| hashsize == 512 = show . sha3_512
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported SHA3 size " ++ show hashsize
skeinHasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
skeinHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = show . skein256
| hashsize == 512 = show . skein512
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported SKEIN size " ++ show hashsize
blake2bHasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
blake2bHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = show . blake2b_256
| hashsize == 512 = show . blake2b_512
| hashsize == 160 = show . blake2b_160
| hashsize == 224 = show . blake2b_224
| hashsize == 384 = show . blake2b_384
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported BLAKE2B size " ++ show hashsize
blake2bpHasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
blake2bpHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 512 = show . blake2bp_512
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported BLAKE2BP size " ++ show hashsize
blake2sHasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
blake2sHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = show . blake2s_256
| hashsize == 160 = show . blake2s_160
| hashsize == 224 = show . blake2s_224
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported BLAKE2S size " ++ show hashsize
blake2spHasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
blake2spHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = show . blake2sp_256
| hashsize == 224 = show . blake2sp_224
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported BLAKE2SP size " ++ show hashsize
sha1Hasher :: L.ByteString -> String
sha1Hasher = show . sha1
md5Hasher :: L.ByteString -> String
md5Hasher = show . md5
{- A varient of the SHA256E backend, for testing that needs special keys
- that cannot collide with legitimate keys in the repository.
- This is accomplished by appending a special extension to the key,
- that is not one that selectExtension would select (due to being too
- long).
testKeyBackend :: Backend
testKeyBackend =
let b = genBackendE (SHA2Hash (HashSize 256))
gk = case getKey b of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just f -> Just (\ks p -> addE <$> f ks p)
in b { getKey = gk }
addE k = alterKey k $ \d -> d
{ keyName = keyName d <> longext
longext = ".this-is-a-test-key"