* view: New field?=glob and ?tag syntax that includes a directory "_" in the view for files that do not have the specified metadata set. * Added annex.viewunsetdirectory git config to change the name of the "_" directory in a view. When in a view using the new syntax, old git-annex will fail to parse the view log. It errors with "Not in a view.", which is not ideal. But that only affects view commands. annex.viewunsetdirectory is included in the View for a couple of reasons. One is to avoid needing to warn the user that it should not be changed when in a view, since that would confuse git-annex. Another reason is that it helped with plumbing the value through to some pure functions. annex.viewunsetdirectory is actually mangled the same as any other view directory. So if it's configured to something like "N/A", there won't be multiple levels of directories, which would also confuse git-annex. Sponsored-By: Jack Hill on Patreon
494 lines
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494 lines
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{- git-annex configuration
- Copyright 2012-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Types.GitConfig (
) where
import Common
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Config
import qualified Git.Construct
import Git.Types
import Git.ConfigTypes
import Git.Remote (isRemoteKey, remoteKeyToRemoteName)
import Git.Branch (CommitMode(..))
import Utility.DataUnits
import Config.Cost
import Types.UUID
import Types.Distribution
import Types.Availability
import Types.Concurrency
import Types.NumCopies
import Types.Difference
import Types.RefSpec
import Types.RepoVersion
import Types.StallDetection
import Types.View
import Config.DynamicConfig
import Utility.HumanTime
import Utility.Gpg (GpgCmd, mkGpgCmd)
import Utility.ThreadScheduler (Seconds(..))
import Utility.Url (Scheme, mkScheme)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
-- | A configurable value, that may not be fully determined yet because
-- the global git config has not yet been loaded.
data GlobalConfigurable a
= HasGitConfig a
-- ^ The git config has a value.
| HasGlobalConfig a
-- ^ The global config has a value (and the git config does not).
| DefaultConfig a
-- ^ A default value is known, but not all config sources
-- have been read yet.
deriving (Show)
data ConfigSource = FromGitConfig | FromGlobalConfig
{- Main git-annex settings. Each setting corresponds to a git-config key
- such as annex.foo -}
data GitConfig = GitConfig
{ annexVersion :: Maybe RepoVersion
, annexUUID :: UUID
, annexNumCopies :: Maybe NumCopies
, annexDiskReserve :: Integer
, annexDirect :: Bool
, annexBackend :: Maybe String
, annexQueueSize :: Maybe Int
, annexBloomCapacity :: Maybe Int
, annexBloomAccuracy :: Maybe Int
, annexSshCaching :: Maybe Bool
, annexAlwaysCommit :: Bool
, annexAlwaysCompact :: Bool
, annexCommitMessage :: Maybe String
, annexMergeAnnexBranches :: Bool
, annexDelayAdd :: Maybe Int
, annexHttpHeaders :: [String]
, annexHttpHeadersCommand :: Maybe String
, annexAutoCommit :: GlobalConfigurable Bool
, annexResolveMerge :: GlobalConfigurable Bool
, annexSyncContent :: GlobalConfigurable Bool
, annexSyncOnlyAnnex :: GlobalConfigurable Bool
, annexDebug :: Bool
, annexDebugFilter :: Maybe String
, annexWebOptions :: [String]
, annexYoutubeDlOptions :: [String]
, annexYoutubeDlCommand :: Maybe String
, annexAriaTorrentOptions :: [String]
, annexCrippledFileSystem :: Bool
, annexLargeFiles :: GlobalConfigurable (Maybe String)
, annexDotFiles :: GlobalConfigurable Bool
, annexGitAddToAnnex :: Bool
, annexAddSmallFiles :: Bool
, annexFsckNudge :: Bool
, annexAutoUpgrade :: AutoUpgrade
, annexExpireUnused :: Maybe (Maybe Duration)
, annexFreezeContentCommand :: Maybe String
, annexThawContentCommand :: Maybe String
, annexSecureEraseCommand :: Maybe String
, annexGenMetaData :: Bool
, annexListen :: Maybe String
, annexStartupScan :: Bool
, annexHardLink :: Bool
, annexThin :: Bool
, annexDifferences :: Differences
, annexUsedRefSpec :: Maybe RefSpec
, annexVerify :: Bool
, annexPidLock :: Bool
, annexPidLockTimeout :: Seconds
, annexDbDir :: Maybe RawFilePath
, annexAddUnlocked :: GlobalConfigurable (Maybe String)
, annexSecureHashesOnly :: Bool
, annexRetry :: Maybe Integer
, annexForwardRetry :: Maybe Integer
, annexRetryDelay :: Maybe Seconds
, annexAllowedUrlSchemes :: S.Set Scheme
, annexAllowedIPAddresses :: String
, annexAllowUnverifiedDownloads :: Bool
, annexMaxExtensionLength :: Maybe Int
, annexJobs :: Concurrency
, annexCacheCreds :: Bool
, annexAutoUpgradeRepository :: Bool
, annexCommitMode :: CommitMode
, annexSkipUnknown :: Bool
, annexAdjustedBranchRefresh :: Integer
, annexSupportUnlocked :: Bool
, coreSymlinks :: Bool
, coreSharedRepository :: SharedRepository
, receiveDenyCurrentBranch :: DenyCurrentBranch
, gcryptId :: Maybe String
, gpgCmd :: GpgCmd
, mergeDirectoryRenames :: Maybe String
, annexPrivateRepos :: S.Set UUID
, annexAdviceNoSshCaching :: Bool
, annexViewUnsetDirectory :: ViewUnset
extractGitConfig :: ConfigSource -> Git.Repo -> GitConfig
extractGitConfig configsource r = GitConfig
{ annexVersion = RepoVersion <$> getmayberead (annexConfig "version")
, annexUUID = hereuuid
, annexNumCopies = configuredNumCopies
<$> getmayberead (annexConfig "numcopies")
, annexDiskReserve = fromMaybe (onemegabyte * 100) $
readSize dataUnits =<< getmaybe (annexConfig "diskreserve")
, annexDirect = getbool (annexConfig "direct") False
, annexBackend = maybe
-- annex.backends is the old name of the option, still used
-- when annex.backend is not set.
(headMaybe $ getwords (annexConfig "backends"))
(getmaybe (annexConfig "backend"))
, annexQueueSize = getmayberead (annexConfig "queuesize")
, annexBloomCapacity = getmayberead (annexConfig "bloomcapacity")
, annexBloomAccuracy = getmayberead (annexConfig "bloomaccuracy")
, annexSshCaching = getmaybebool (annexConfig "sshcaching")
, annexAlwaysCommit = getbool (annexConfig "alwayscommit") True
, annexAlwaysCompact = getbool (annexConfig "alwayscompact") True
, annexCommitMessage = getmaybe (annexConfig "commitmessage")
, annexMergeAnnexBranches = getbool (annexConfig "merge-annex-branches") True
, annexDelayAdd = getmayberead (annexConfig "delayadd")
, annexHttpHeaders = getlist (annexConfig "http-headers")
, annexHttpHeadersCommand = getmaybe (annexConfig "http-headers-command")
, annexAutoCommit = configurable True $
getmaybebool (annexConfig "autocommit")
, annexResolveMerge = configurable True $
getmaybebool (annexConfig "resolvemerge")
, annexSyncContent = configurable False $
getmaybebool (annexConfig "synccontent")
, annexSyncOnlyAnnex = configurable False $
getmaybebool (annexConfig "synconlyannex")
, annexDebug = getbool (annexConfig "debug") False
, annexDebugFilter = getmaybe (annexConfig "debugfilter")
, annexWebOptions = getwords (annexConfig "web-options")
, annexYoutubeDlOptions = getwords (annexConfig "youtube-dl-options")
, annexYoutubeDlCommand = getmaybe (annexConfig "youtube-dl-command")
, annexAriaTorrentOptions = getwords (annexConfig "aria-torrent-options")
, annexCrippledFileSystem = getbool (annexConfig "crippledfilesystem") False
, annexLargeFiles = configurable Nothing $
fmap Just $ getmaybe (annexConfig "largefiles")
, annexDotFiles = configurable False $
getmaybebool (annexConfig "dotfiles")
, annexGitAddToAnnex = getbool (annexConfig "gitaddtoannex") True
, annexAddSmallFiles = getbool (annexConfig "addsmallfiles") True
, annexFsckNudge = getbool (annexConfig "fscknudge") True
, annexAutoUpgrade = toAutoUpgrade $
getmaybe (annexConfig "autoupgrade")
, annexExpireUnused = either (const Nothing) Just . parseDuration
<$> getmaybe (annexConfig "expireunused")
, annexFreezeContentCommand = getmaybe (annexConfig "freezecontent-command")
, annexThawContentCommand = getmaybe (annexConfig "thawcontent-command")
, annexSecureEraseCommand = getmaybe (annexConfig "secure-erase-command")
, annexGenMetaData = getbool (annexConfig "genmetadata") False
, annexListen = getmaybe (annexConfig "listen")
, annexStartupScan = getbool (annexConfig "startupscan") True
, annexHardLink = getbool (annexConfig "hardlink") False
, annexThin = getbool (annexConfig "thin") False
, annexDifferences = getDifferences r
, annexUsedRefSpec = either (const Nothing) Just . parseRefSpec
=<< getmaybe (annexConfig "used-refspec")
, annexVerify = getbool (annexConfig "verify") True
, annexPidLock = getbool (annexConfig "pidlock") False
, annexPidLockTimeout = Seconds $ fromMaybe 300 $
getmayberead (annexConfig "pidlocktimeout")
, annexDbDir = (\d -> toRawFilePath d P.</> fromUUID hereuuid)
<$> getmaybe (annexConfig "dbdir")
, annexAddUnlocked = configurable Nothing $
fmap Just $ getmaybe (annexConfig "addunlocked")
, annexSecureHashesOnly = getbool (annexConfig "securehashesonly") False
, annexRetry = getmayberead (annexConfig "retry")
, annexForwardRetry = getmayberead (annexConfig "forward-retry")
, annexRetryDelay = Seconds
<$> getmayberead (annexConfig "retrydelay")
, annexAllowedUrlSchemes = S.fromList $ map mkScheme $
maybe ["http", "https", "ftp"] words $
getmaybe (annexConfig "security.allowed-url-schemes")
, annexAllowedIPAddresses = fromMaybe "" $
getmaybe (annexConfig "security.allowed-ip-addresses")
getmaybe (annexConfig "security.allowed-http-addresses") -- old name
, annexAllowUnverifiedDownloads = (== Just "ACKTHPPT") $
getmaybe (annexConfig "security.allow-unverified-downloads")
, annexMaxExtensionLength = getmayberead (annexConfig "maxextensionlength")
, annexJobs = fromMaybe NonConcurrent $
parseConcurrency =<< getmaybe (annexConfig "jobs")
, annexCacheCreds = getbool (annexConfig "cachecreds") True
, annexAutoUpgradeRepository = getbool (annexConfig "autoupgraderepository") True
, annexCommitMode = if getbool (annexConfig "allowsign") False
then ManualCommit
else AutomaticCommit
, annexSkipUnknown = getbool (annexConfig "skipunknown") False
, annexAdjustedBranchRefresh = fromMaybe
-- parse as bool if it's not a number
(if getbool "adjustedbranchrefresh" False then 1 else 0)
(getmayberead (annexConfig "adjustedbranchrefresh"))
, annexSupportUnlocked = getbool (annexConfig "supportunlocked") True
, coreSymlinks = getbool "core.symlinks" True
, coreSharedRepository = getSharedRepository r
, receiveDenyCurrentBranch = getDenyCurrentBranch r
, gcryptId = getmaybe "core.gcrypt-id"
, gpgCmd = mkGpgCmd (getmaybe "gpg.program")
, mergeDirectoryRenames = getmaybe "directoryrenames"
, annexPrivateRepos = S.fromList $ concat
[ if getbool (annexConfig "private") False
then [hereuuid]
else []
, let get (k, v)
| Git.Config.isTrueFalse' v /= Just True = Nothing
| isRemoteKey (remoteAnnexConfigEnd "private") k = do
remotename <- remoteKeyToRemoteName k
toUUID <$> Git.Config.getMaybe
(remoteAnnexConfig remotename "uuid") r
| otherwise = Nothing
in mapMaybe get (M.toList (Git.config r))
, annexAdviceNoSshCaching = getbool (annexConfig "advicenosshcaching") True
, annexViewUnsetDirectory = ViewUnset $ fromMaybe "_" $
getmaybe (annexConfig "viewunsetdirectory")
getbool k d = fromMaybe d $ getmaybebool k
getmaybebool k = Git.Config.isTrueFalse' =<< getmaybe' k
getmayberead k = readish =<< getmaybe k
getmaybe = fmap fromConfigValue . getmaybe'
getmaybe' k = Git.Config.getMaybe k r
getlist k = map fromConfigValue $ Git.Config.getList k r
getwords k = fromMaybe [] $ words <$> getmaybe k
configurable d Nothing = DefaultConfig d
configurable _ (Just v) = case configsource of
FromGitConfig -> HasGitConfig v
FromGlobalConfig -> HasGlobalConfig v
onemegabyte = 1000000
hereuuid = maybe NoUUID toUUID $ getmaybe (annexConfig "uuid")
{- Merge a GitConfig that comes from git-config with one containing
- repository-global defaults. -}
mergeGitConfig :: GitConfig -> GitConfig -> GitConfig
mergeGitConfig gitconfig repoglobals = gitconfig
{ annexAutoCommit = merge annexAutoCommit
, annexSyncContent = merge annexSyncContent
, annexSyncOnlyAnnex = merge annexSyncOnlyAnnex
, annexResolveMerge = merge annexResolveMerge
, annexLargeFiles = merge annexLargeFiles
, annexDotFiles = merge annexDotFiles
, annexAddUnlocked = merge annexAddUnlocked
merge f = case f gitconfig of
HasGitConfig v -> HasGitConfig v
DefaultConfig d -> case f repoglobals of
HasGlobalConfig v -> HasGlobalConfig v
_ -> HasGitConfig d
HasGlobalConfig v -> HasGlobalConfig v
{- Configs that can be set repository-global. -}
globalConfigs :: [ConfigKey]
globalConfigs =
[ annexConfig "largefiles"
, annexConfig "dotfiles"
, annexConfig "addunlocked"
, annexConfig "autocommit"
, annexConfig "resolvemerge"
, annexConfig "synccontent"
, annexConfig "synconlyannex"
, annexConfig "securehashesonly"
{- Per-remote git-annex settings. Each setting corresponds to a git-config
- key such as <remote>.annex-foo, or if that is not set, a default from
- annex.foo.
- Note that this is from the perspective of the local repository,
- it is not influenced in any way by the contents of the remote
- repository's git config.
data RemoteGitConfig = RemoteGitConfig
{ remoteAnnexCost :: DynamicConfig (Maybe Cost)
, remoteAnnexIgnore :: DynamicConfig Bool
, remoteAnnexSync :: DynamicConfig Bool
, remoteAnnexPull :: Bool
, remoteAnnexPush :: Bool
, remoteAnnexReadOnly :: Bool
, remoteAnnexVerify :: Bool
, remoteAnnexCheckUUID :: Bool
, remoteAnnexTrackingBranch :: Maybe Git.Ref
, remoteAnnexTrustLevel :: Maybe String
, remoteAnnexStartCommand :: Maybe String
, remoteAnnexStopCommand :: Maybe String
, remoteAnnexAvailability :: Maybe Availability
, remoteAnnexSpeculatePresent :: Bool
, remoteAnnexBare :: Maybe Bool
, remoteAnnexRetry :: Maybe Integer
, remoteAnnexForwardRetry :: Maybe Integer
, remoteAnnexRetryDelay :: Maybe Seconds
, remoteAnnexStallDetection :: Maybe StallDetection
, remoteAnnexBwLimit :: Maybe BwRate
, remoteAnnexAllowUnverifiedDownloads :: Bool
, remoteAnnexConfigUUID :: Maybe UUID
{- These settings are specific to particular types of remotes
- including special remotes. -}
, remoteAnnexShell :: Maybe String
, remoteAnnexSshOptions :: [String]
, remoteAnnexRsyncOptions :: [String]
, remoteAnnexRsyncUploadOptions :: [String]
, remoteAnnexRsyncDownloadOptions :: [String]
, remoteAnnexRsyncTransport :: [String]
, remoteAnnexGnupgOptions :: [String]
, remoteAnnexGnupgDecryptOptions :: [String]
, remoteAnnexRsyncUrl :: Maybe String
, remoteAnnexBupRepo :: Maybe String
, remoteAnnexBorgRepo :: Maybe String
, remoteAnnexTahoe :: Maybe FilePath
, remoteAnnexBupSplitOptions :: [String]
, remoteAnnexDirectory :: Maybe FilePath
, remoteAnnexAndroidDirectory :: Maybe FilePath
, remoteAnnexAndroidSerial :: Maybe String
, remoteAnnexGCrypt :: Maybe String
, remoteAnnexGitLFS :: Bool
, remoteAnnexDdarRepo :: Maybe String
, remoteAnnexHookType :: Maybe String
, remoteAnnexExternalType :: Maybe String
{- The Git.Repo is the local repository, which has the remote with the
- given RemoteName. -}
extractRemoteGitConfig :: Git.Repo -> RemoteName -> STM RemoteGitConfig
extractRemoteGitConfig r remotename = do
annexcost <- mkDynamicConfig readCommandRunner
(notempty $ getmaybe "cost-command")
(getmayberead "cost")
annexignore <- mkDynamicConfig unsuccessfullCommandRunner
(notempty $ getmaybe "ignore-command")
(getbool "ignore" False)
annexsync <- mkDynamicConfig successfullCommandRunner
(notempty $ getmaybe "sync-command")
(getbool "sync" True)
return $ RemoteGitConfig
{ remoteAnnexCost = annexcost
, remoteAnnexIgnore = annexignore
, remoteAnnexSync = annexsync
, remoteAnnexPull = getbool "pull" True
, remoteAnnexPush = getbool "push" True
, remoteAnnexReadOnly = getbool "readonly" False
, remoteAnnexCheckUUID = getbool "checkuuid" True
, remoteAnnexVerify = getbool "verify" True
, remoteAnnexTrackingBranch = Git.Ref . encodeBS <$>
( notempty (getmaybe "tracking-branch")
<|> notempty (getmaybe "export-tracking") -- old name
, remoteAnnexTrustLevel = notempty $ getmaybe "trustlevel"
, remoteAnnexStartCommand = notempty $ getmaybe "start-command"
, remoteAnnexStopCommand = notempty $ getmaybe "stop-command"
, remoteAnnexAvailability = getmayberead "availability"
, remoteAnnexSpeculatePresent = getbool "speculate-present" False
, remoteAnnexBare = getmaybebool "bare"
, remoteAnnexRetry = getmayberead "retry"
, remoteAnnexForwardRetry = getmayberead "forward-retry"
, remoteAnnexRetryDelay = Seconds
<$> getmayberead "retrydelay"
, remoteAnnexStallDetection =
either (const Nothing) Just . parseStallDetection
=<< getmaybe "stalldetection"
, remoteAnnexBwLimit = do
sz <- readSize dataUnits =<< getmaybe "bwlimit"
return (BwRate sz (Duration 1))
, remoteAnnexAllowUnverifiedDownloads = (== Just "ACKTHPPT") $
getmaybe ("security-allow-unverified-downloads")
, remoteAnnexConfigUUID = toUUID <$> getmaybe "config-uuid"
, remoteAnnexShell = getmaybe "shell"
, remoteAnnexSshOptions = getoptions "ssh-options"
, remoteAnnexRsyncOptions = getoptions "rsync-options"
, remoteAnnexRsyncDownloadOptions = getoptions "rsync-download-options"
, remoteAnnexRsyncUploadOptions = getoptions "rsync-upload-options"
, remoteAnnexRsyncTransport = getoptions "rsync-transport"
, remoteAnnexGnupgOptions = getoptions "gnupg-options"
, remoteAnnexGnupgDecryptOptions = getoptions "gnupg-decrypt-options"
, remoteAnnexRsyncUrl = notempty $ getmaybe "rsyncurl"
, remoteAnnexBupRepo = getmaybe "buprepo"
, remoteAnnexBorgRepo = getmaybe "borgrepo"
, remoteAnnexTahoe = getmaybe "tahoe"
, remoteAnnexBupSplitOptions = getoptions "bup-split-options"
, remoteAnnexDirectory = notempty $ getmaybe "directory"
, remoteAnnexAndroidDirectory = notempty $ getmaybe "androiddirectory"
, remoteAnnexAndroidSerial = notempty $ getmaybe "androidserial"
, remoteAnnexGCrypt = notempty $ getmaybe "gcrypt"
, remoteAnnexGitLFS = getbool "git-lfs" False
, remoteAnnexDdarRepo = getmaybe "ddarrepo"
, remoteAnnexHookType = notempty $ getmaybe "hooktype"
, remoteAnnexExternalType = notempty $ getmaybe "externaltype"
getbool k d = fromMaybe d $ getmaybebool k
getmaybebool k = Git.Config.isTrueFalse' =<< getmaybe' k
getmayberead k = readish =<< getmaybe k
getmaybe = fmap fromConfigValue . getmaybe'
getmaybe' k =
Git.Config.getMaybe (remoteAnnexConfig remotename k) r
Git.Config.getMaybe (annexConfig k) r
getoptions k = fromMaybe [] $ words <$> getmaybe k
notempty :: Maybe String -> Maybe String
notempty Nothing = Nothing
notempty (Just "") = Nothing
notempty (Just s) = Just s
dummyRemoteGitConfig :: IO RemoteGitConfig
dummyRemoteGitConfig = atomically $
extractRemoteGitConfig Git.Construct.fromUnknown "dummy"
type UnqualifiedConfigKey = B.ByteString
{- A global annex setting in git config. -}
annexConfig :: UnqualifiedConfigKey -> ConfigKey
annexConfig key = ConfigKey ("annex." <> key)
class RemoteNameable r where
getRemoteName :: r -> RemoteName
instance RemoteNameable Git.Repo where
getRemoteName r = fromMaybe "" (Git.remoteName r)
instance RemoteNameable RemoteName where
getRemoteName = id
{- A per-remote annex setting in git config. -}
remoteAnnexConfig :: RemoteNameable r => r -> UnqualifiedConfigKey -> ConfigKey
remoteAnnexConfig r = remoteConfig r . remoteAnnexConfigEnd
remoteAnnexConfigEnd :: UnqualifiedConfigKey -> UnqualifiedConfigKey
remoteAnnexConfigEnd key = "annex-" <> key
{- A per-remote setting in git config. -}
remoteConfig :: RemoteNameable r => r -> UnqualifiedConfigKey -> ConfigKey
remoteConfig r key = ConfigKey $
"remote." <> encodeBS (getRemoteName r) <> "." <> key