
Add back support for ftp urls, which was disabled as part of the fix for security hole CVE-2018-10857 (except for configurations which enabled curl and bypassed public IP address restrictions). Now it will work if allowed by annex.security.allowed-ip-addresses.
260 lines
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260 lines
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{- | Restricted Manager for http-client-tls
- Copyright 2018 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Portions from http-client-tls Copyright (c) 2013 Michael Snoyman
- License: MIT
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable, LambdaCase, PatternGuards #-}
module Utility.HttpManagerRestricted (
) where
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal
(ManagerSettings(..), Connection, runProxyOverride, makeConnection)
import Network.Socket
import Network.BSD (getProtocolNumber)
import Control.Exception
import qualified Network.Connection as NC
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BU
import Data.Default
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Applicative
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem
import Data.Monoid
import Prelude
data Restriction = Restriction
{ checkAddressRestriction :: AddrInfo -> Maybe ConnectionRestricted
appendRestrictions :: Restriction -> Restriction -> Restriction
appendRestrictions a b = Restriction
{ checkAddressRestriction = \addr ->
checkAddressRestriction a addr <|> checkAddressRestriction b addr
-- | mempty does not restrict HTTP connections in any way
instance Monoid Restriction where
mempty = Restriction
{ checkAddressRestriction = \_ -> Nothing
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
#elif MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
mappend = (Sem.<>)
mappend = appendRestrictions
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
instance Sem.Semigroup Restriction where
(<>) = appendRestrictions
-- | An exception used to indicate that the connection was restricted.
data ConnectionRestricted = ConnectionRestricted String
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception ConnectionRestricted
type IPAddrString = String
-- | Constructs a ConnectionRestricted, passing the function a string
-- containing the IP address.
addrConnectionRestricted :: (IPAddrString -> String) -> AddrInfo -> ConnectionRestricted
addrConnectionRestricted mkmessage =
ConnectionRestricted . mkmessage . showSockAddress . addrAddress
data ProxyRestricted = ProxyRestricted
deriving (Show)
-- | Adjusts a ManagerSettings to enforce a Restriction. The restriction
-- will be checked each time a Request is made, and for each redirect
-- followed.
-- The http proxy is also checked against the Restriction, and if
-- access to it is blocked, the http proxy will not be used.
:: Restriction
-> ManagerSettings
-> IO (ManagerSettings, Maybe ProxyRestricted)
restrictManagerSettings cfg base = restrictProxy cfg $ base
{ managerRawConnection = restrictedRawConnection cfg
, managerTlsConnection = restrictedTlsConnection cfg
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
, managerWrapException = wrapOurExceptions base
, managerWrapIOException = wrapOurExceptions base
:: Restriction
-> ManagerSettings
-> IO (ManagerSettings, Maybe ProxyRestricted)
restrictProxy cfg base = do
http_proxy_addr <- getproxyaddr False
https_proxy_addr <- getproxyaddr True
let (http_proxy, http_r) = mkproxy http_proxy_addr
let (https_proxy, https_r) = mkproxy https_proxy_addr
let ms = managerSetInsecureProxy http_proxy $
managerSetSecureProxy https_proxy base
return (ms, http_r <|> https_r)
-- This does not use localhost because http-client may choose
-- not to use the proxy for localhost.
testnetip = ""
dummyreq https = parseRequest_ $
"http" ++ (if https then "s" else "") ++ "://" ++ testnetip
getproxyaddr https = extractproxy >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just p -> do
proto <- getProtocolNumber "tcp"
let serv = show (proxyPort p)
let hints = defaultHints
{ addrFlags = [AI_ADDRCONFIG]
, addrProtocol = proto
, addrSocketType = Stream
let h = BU.toString $ proxyHost p
getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just h) (Just serv) >>= \case
[] -> return Nothing
(addr:_) -> return $ Just addr
-- These contortions are necessary until this issue
-- is fixed:
-- https://github.com/snoyberg/http-client/issues/355
extractproxy = do
let po = if https
then managerProxySecure base
else managerProxyInsecure base
f <- runProxyOverride po https
return $ proxy $ f $ dummyreq https
mkproxy Nothing = (noProxy, Nothing)
mkproxy (Just proxyaddr) = case checkAddressRestriction cfg proxyaddr of
Nothing -> (addrtoproxy (addrAddress proxyaddr), Nothing)
Just _ -> (noProxy, Just ProxyRestricted)
addrtoproxy addr = case addr of
SockAddrInet pn _ -> mk pn
SockAddrInet6 pn _ _ _ -> mk pn
_ -> noProxy
mk pn = useProxy Network.HTTP.Client.Proxy
{ proxyHost = BU.fromString (showSockAddress addr)
, proxyPort = fromIntegral pn
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
wrapOurExceptions :: ManagerSettings -> Request -> IO a -> IO a
wrapOurExceptions base req a =
let wrapper se
| Just (_ :: ConnectionRestricted) <- fromException se =
toException $ HttpExceptionRequest req $
InternalException se
| otherwise = se
in managerWrapException base req (handle (throwIO . wrapper) a)
wrapOurExceptions :: ManagerSettings -> IO a -> IO a
wrapOurExceptions base a =
let wrapper se = case fromException se of
Just (_ :: ConnectionRestricted) ->
-- Not really a TLS exception, but there is no
-- way to put SomeException in the
-- InternalIOException this old version uses.
toException $ TlsException se
Nothing -> se
in managerWrapIOException base (handle (throwIO . wrapper) a)
restrictedRawConnection :: Restriction -> IO (Maybe HostAddress -> String -> Int -> IO Connection)
restrictedRawConnection cfg = getConnection cfg Nothing
restrictedTlsConnection :: Restriction -> IO (Maybe HostAddress -> String -> Int -> IO Connection)
restrictedTlsConnection cfg = getConnection cfg $
-- It's not possible to access the TLSSettings
-- used in the base ManagerSettings. So, use the default
-- value, which is the same thing http-client-tls defaults to.
-- Since changing from the default settings can only make TLS
-- less secure, this is not a big problem.
Just def
-- Based on Network.HTTP.Client.TLS.getTlsConnection.
-- Checks the Restriction
-- Does not support SOCKS.
getConnection :: Restriction -> Maybe NC.TLSSettings -> IO (Maybe HostAddress -> String -> Int -> IO Connection)
getConnection cfg tls = do
context <- NC.initConnectionContext
return $ \_ha h p -> bracketOnError
(go context h p)
go context h p = do
let connparams = NC.ConnectionParams
{ NC.connectionHostname = h
, NC.connectionPort = fromIntegral p
, NC.connectionUseSecure = tls
, NC.connectionUseSocks = Nothing -- unsupprted
proto <- getProtocolNumber "tcp"
let serv = show p
let hints = defaultHints
{ addrFlags = [AI_ADDRCONFIG]
, addrProtocol = proto
, addrSocketType = Stream
addrs <- getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just h) (Just serv)
(firstSuccessful $ map tryToConnect addrs)
(\sock -> NC.connectFromSocket context sock connparams)
tryToConnect addr = case checkAddressRestriction cfg addr of
Nothing -> bracketOnError
(socket (addrFamily addr) (addrSocketType addr) (addrProtocol addr))
(\sock -> connect sock (addrAddress addr) >> return sock)
Just r -> throwIO r
firstSuccessful [] = throwIO $ NC.HostNotResolved h
firstSuccessful (a:as) = a `catch` \(e ::IOException) ->
case as of
[] -> throwIO e
_ -> firstSuccessful as
-- Copied from Network.HTTP.Client.TLS, unfortunately not exported.
convertConnection :: NC.Connection -> IO Connection
convertConnection conn = makeConnection
(NC.connectionGetChunk conn)
(NC.connectionPut conn)
-- Closing an SSL connection gracefully involves writing/reading
-- on the socket. But when this is called the socket might be
-- already closed, and we get a @ResourceVanished@.
(NC.connectionClose conn `Control.Exception.catch` \(_ :: IOException) -> return ())
-- For ipv4 and ipv6, the string will contain only the IP address,
-- omitting the port that the Show instance includes.
showSockAddress :: SockAddr -> IPAddrString
showSockAddress a@(SockAddrInet _ _) =
takeWhile (/= ':') $ show a
showSockAddress a@(SockAddrInet6 _ _ _ _) =
takeWhile (/= ']') $ drop 1 $ show a
showSockAddress a = show a