I can't seem to get stack to resolve dependencies with Win32-, no matter what I try. Why it blows up, I don't know. And allow-newer: true actually causes it to downgrade Win32 to the one version that won't build. Unbelivable that allows downgrades. So just gonna have to wait for that to get into stackage nightly, and then stack.yaml can be updated to use that, and the changes in this commit reverted.
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# This CI setup provides a largely homogeneous configuration across all
# major platforms (Windows, MacOS, and Linux). The aim of this test setup is
# to create a "native" platform experience, using as few cross-platform
# helper tools as possible.
# All workers support remote login. Login details are shown at the top of each
# CI run log.
# - Linux/Mac workers (via SSH):
# - A permitted SSH key must be defined in an APPVEYOR_SSH_KEY environment
# variable (via the appveyor project settings)
# - SSH login info is given in the form of: 'appveyor@67.225.164.xx -p 22xxx'
# - Login with:
# ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <LOGIN>
# - to prevent the CI run from exiting, `touch` a file named `BLOCK` in the
# user HOME directory (current directory directly after login). The session
# will run until the file is removed (or 60 min have passed)
# - Windows workers (via RDP):
# - An RDP password should be defined in an APPVEYOR_RDP_PASSWORD environment
# variable (via the appveyor project settings), or a random password is used
# every time
# - RDP login info is given in the form of IP:PORT
# - Login with:
# xfreerdp /cert:ignore /dynamic-resolution /u:appveyor /p:<PASSWORD> /v:<LOGIN>
# - to prevent the CI run from exiting, create a textfile named
# `BLOCK.txt` in the currently directory after login. The session
# will run until the file is removed (or 60 min have passed)
# Do a shallow clone with enough commits that queued builds will still
# find the commit they want to build.
clone_depth: 100
# Do not use `image` as a matrix dimension, to have fine-grained control over
# what tests run on which platform
# The ID variable had no impact, but sorts first in the CI run overview
# an intelligible name can help to locate a specific test run
# List a CI run for each platform first, to have immediate access when there
# is a need for debugging
# Windows core tests
- ID: WinP39core
STACK_ROOT: "c:\\sr"
# MacOS core tests
- ID: MacP38core
# Ubuntu core tests
# (disabled because it's not needed)
#- ID: Ubu20
# do not run the CI if only documentation changes were made
# documentation builds are tested elsewhere and cheaper
- doc/
# it is OK to specify paths that may not exist for a particular test run
- C:\sr -> stack.yaml
- C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Local\Programs\stack -> stack.yaml
- /Users/appveyor/.stack -> stack.yaml
# turn of support for MS project build support (not needed)
build: off
# init cannot use any components from the repo, because it runs prior to
# cloning it
# remove windows 260-char limit on path names
- cmd: powershell Set-Itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name LongPathsEnabled -value 1
# enable developer mode on windows
# this should enable mklink without admin privileges, but it doesn't seem to work
#- cmd: powershell tools\ci\appveyor_enable_windevmode.ps1
# enable RDP access on windows (RDP password is in appveyor project config)
# this is relatively expensive (1-2min), but very convenient to jump into any build at any time
- cmd: powershell.exe iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1'))
# enable external SSH access to CI worker on all other systems
# needs APPVEYOR_SSH_KEY defined in project settings (or environment)
- sh: curl -sflL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-ssh.sh' | bash -e -
# install stack (works on linux, OSX, and windows)
- curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh
# Building dependencies takes almost too long on windows, so build without
# optimisation (including when building the dependencies)
- sh: cp stack.yaml stack.yaml.build
- ps: cp stack-lts-18.13.yaml stack.yaml.build
- sh: 'echo "apply-ghc-options: everything" >> stack.yaml.build'
- ps: '"apply-ghc-options: everything" |Add-Content -Path .\stack.yaml.build'
- stack --stack-yaml stack.yaml.build build --only-dependencies --ghc-options=-O0
- stack --stack-yaml stack.yaml.build build --copy-bins --ghc-options=-O0
# Cannot use stack run git-annex because it does not support --ghc-options
# and would rebuild all deps. Instead, use the binary --copy-bins installed.
- cmd: C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Roaming\local\bin\git-annex.exe test
- sh: ln -s $(stack path --local-bin)/git-annex git-annex
- sh: ln -s $(stack path --local-bin)/git-annex git-annex-shell
- sh: PATH=`pwd`:$PATH; export PATH; git-annex test
# conditionally block the exit of a CI run for direct debugging
- sh: while [ -f ~/BLOCK ]; do sleep 5; done
- cmd: powershell.exe while ((Test-Path "C:\Users\\appveyor\\BLOCK.txt")) { Start-Sleep 5 }
# block exit until 60 minute timeout, for direct debugging
#- sh: while true; do sleep 5; done
#- cmd: powershell.exe while ($true) { Start-Sleep 5 }