Otherwise use the vendored copy as before. The library is in Debian testing but not stable. Once it reaches stable, the vendored copy can be removed. Did not add it to debian/control because IIRC that's used to build git-annex on stable too, possibly. However, the Debian maintainer will probably want to make the package depend on libghc-git-lfs-dev. This commit was sponsored by Ilya Shlyakhter on Patreon.
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{- git-lfs API
- https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/blob/master/docs/api
- Copyright 2019 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
-- | This implementation of the git-lfs API uses http Request and Response,
-- but leaves actually connecting up the http client to the user.
-- You'll want to use a Manager that supports https, since the protocol
-- uses http basic auth.
-- Some LFS servers, notably Github's, may require a User-Agent header
-- in some of the requests, in order to allow eg, uploads. No such header
-- is added by default, so be sure to add your own.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- This is a vendored copy of Network.GitLFS from the git-lfs package,
-- and will be removed once that package is available in all build
-- environments.
module Utility.GitLFS (
-- * Transfer requests
-- * Responses to transfer requests
-- * Making transfers
-- * Endpoint discovery
-- * Errors
-- * Additional data types
) where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import GHC.Generics
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Network.URI as URI
data TransferRequest = TransferRequest
{ req_operation :: TransferRequestOperation
, req_transfers :: [TransferAdapter]
, req_ref :: Maybe GitRef
, req_objects :: [TransferRequestObject]
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON TransferRequest where
toJSON = genericToJSON transferRequestOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding transferRequestOptions
instance FromJSON TransferRequest where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON transferRequestOptions
transferRequestOptions :: Options
transferRequestOptions = stripFieldPrefix nonNullOptions
data TransferRequestObject = TransferRequestObject
{ req_oid :: SHA256
, req_size :: Integer
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON TransferRequestObject where
toJSON = genericToJSON transferRequestObjectOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding transferRequestObjectOptions
instance FromJSON TransferRequestObject where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON transferRequestObjectOptions
transferRequestObjectOptions :: Options
transferRequestObjectOptions = stripFieldPrefix defaultOptions
data TransferRequestOperation = RequestDownload | RequestUpload
deriving (Show)
instance ToJSON TransferRequestOperation where
toJSON RequestDownload = "download"
toJSON RequestUpload = "upload"
instance FromJSON TransferRequestOperation where
parseJSON (String "download") = pure RequestDownload
parseJSON (String "upload") = pure RequestUpload
parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "TransferRequestOperation" invalid
data TransferResponse op = TransferResponse
{ transfer :: Maybe TransferAdapter
, objects :: [TransferResponseOperation op]
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance IsTransferResponseOperation op => ToJSON (TransferResponse op) where
toJSON = genericToJSON nonNullOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding nonNullOptions
instance IsTransferResponseOperation op => FromJSON (TransferResponse op)
-- | This is an error with a TransferRequest as a whole. It's also possible
-- for a TransferRequest to overall succeed, but fail for some
-- objects; such failures use TransferResponseObjectError.
data TransferResponseError = TransferResponseError
{ resperr_message :: T.Text
, resperr_request_id :: Maybe T.Text
, resperr_documentation_url :: Maybe Url
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON TransferResponseError where
toJSON = genericToJSON transferResponseErrorOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding transferResponseErrorOptions
instance FromJSON TransferResponseError where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON transferResponseErrorOptions
transferResponseErrorOptions :: Options
transferResponseErrorOptions = stripFieldPrefix nonNullOptions
-- | An error with a single object within a TransferRequest.
data TransferResponseObjectError = TransferResponseObjectError
{ respobjerr_code :: Int
, respobjerr_message :: T.Text
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON TransferResponseObjectError where
toJSON = genericToJSON transferResponseObjectErrorOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding transferResponseObjectErrorOptions
instance FromJSON TransferResponseObjectError where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON transferResponseObjectErrorOptions
transferResponseObjectErrorOptions :: Options
transferResponseObjectErrorOptions = stripFieldPrefix nonNullOptions
data TransferAdapter = Basic
deriving (Show)
instance ToJSON TransferAdapter where
toJSON Basic = "basic"
instance FromJSON TransferAdapter where
parseJSON (String "basic") = pure Basic
parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "basic" invalid
data TransferResponseOperation op = TransferResponseOperation
{ resp_oid :: SHA256
, resp_size :: Integer
, resp_authenticated :: Maybe Bool
, resp_actions :: Maybe op
, resp_error :: Maybe TransferResponseObjectError
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON op => ToJSON (TransferResponseOperation op) where
toJSON = genericToJSON transferResponseOperationOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding transferResponseOperationOptions
instance FromJSON op => FromJSON (TransferResponseOperation op) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON transferResponseOperationOptions
transferResponseOperationOptions :: Options
transferResponseOperationOptions = stripFieldPrefix nonNullOptions
-- | Class of types that can be responses to a transfer request,
-- that contain an operation to use to make the transfer.
class (FromJSON op, ToJSON op) => IsTransferResponseOperation op
data DownloadOperation = DownloadOperation
{ download :: OperationParams }
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance IsTransferResponseOperation DownloadOperation
instance ToJSON DownloadOperation
instance FromJSON DownloadOperation
data UploadOperation = UploadOperation
{ upload :: OperationParams
, verify :: Maybe OperationParams
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance IsTransferResponseOperation UploadOperation
instance ToJSON UploadOperation where
toJSON = genericToJSON nonNullOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding nonNullOptions
instance FromJSON UploadOperation
data OperationParams = OperationParams
{ href :: Url
, header :: Maybe (M.Map HTTPHeader HTTPHeaderValue)
, expires_in :: Maybe NumSeconds
, expires_at :: Maybe T.Text
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON OperationParams where
toJSON = genericToJSON nonNullOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding nonNullOptions
instance FromJSON OperationParams
data Verification = Verification
{ verification_oid :: SHA256
, verification_size :: Integer
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON Verification where
toJSON = genericToJSON verificationOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding verificationOptions
instance FromJSON Verification where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON verificationOptions
verificationOptions :: Options
verificationOptions = stripFieldPrefix defaultOptions
-- | Sent over ssh connection when using that to find the endpoint.
data SshDiscoveryResponse = SshDiscoveryResponse
{ endpoint_href :: Url
, endpoint_header :: Maybe (M.Map HTTPHeader HTTPHeaderValue)
, endpoint_expires_in :: Maybe NumSeconds
, endpoint_expires_at :: Maybe T.Text
} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON SshDiscoveryResponse where
toJSON = genericToJSON sshDiscoveryResponseOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding sshDiscoveryResponseOptions
instance FromJSON SshDiscoveryResponse where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON sshDiscoveryResponseOptions
sshDiscoveryResponseOptions :: Options
sshDiscoveryResponseOptions = stripFieldPrefix nonNullOptions
data GitRef = GitRef
{ name :: T.Text }
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance FromJSON GitRef
instance ToJSON GitRef
type SHA256 = T.Text
-- | The endpoint of a git-lfs server.
data Endpoint = Endpoint Request
deriving (Show)
-- | Command to run via ssh with to discover an endpoint. The FilePath is
-- the location of the git repository on the ssh server.
-- Note that, when sshing to the server, you should take care that the
-- hostname you pass to ssh is really a hostname and not something that ssh
-- will parse an an option, such as -oProxyCommand=".
sshDiscoverEndpointCommand :: FilePath -> TransferRequestOperation -> [String]
sshDiscoverEndpointCommand remotepath tro =
[ "git-lfs-authenticate"
, remotepath
, case tro of
RequestDownload -> "download"
RequestUpload -> "upload"
-- Internal smart constructor for an Endpoint.
-- Since this uses the LFS batch API, it adds /objects/batch
-- to the endpoint url. It also adds the necessary headers to use JSON.
mkEndpoint :: URI.URI -> Maybe Endpoint
mkEndpoint uri = do
r <- requestFromURI uri
let r' = addLfsJsonHeaders $ r { path = path r <> "/objects/batch" }
return (Endpoint r')
-- | Parse the json output when doing ssh endpoint discovery.
parseSshDiscoverEndpointResponse :: L.ByteString -> Maybe Endpoint
parseSshDiscoverEndpointResponse resp = do
sr <- decode resp
uri <- URI.parseURI (T.unpack (endpoint_href sr))
endpoint <- mkEndpoint uri
return $ modifyEndpointRequest endpoint $ case endpoint_header sr of
Nothing -> id
Just headers ->
let headers' = map convheader (M.toList headers)
in \req -> req
{ requestHeaders = requestHeaders req ++ headers' }
convheader (k, v) = (CI.mk (E.encodeUtf8 k), E.encodeUtf8 v)
-- | Guesses the LFS endpoint from the http url of a git remote.
-- https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/blob/master/docs/api/server-discovery.md
guessEndpoint :: URI.URI -> Maybe Endpoint
guessEndpoint uri = case URI.uriScheme uri of
"https:" -> endpoint
"http:" -> endpoint
_ -> Nothing
endpoint = mkEndpoint $ uri
-- force https because the git-lfs protocol uses http
-- basic auth tokens, which should not be exposed
{ URI.uriScheme = "https:"
, URI.uriPath = guessedpath
| ".git" `isSuffixOf` URI.uriPath uri =
URI.uriPath uri ++ "/info/lfs"
| ".git/" `isSuffixOf` URI.uriPath uri =
URI.uriPath uri ++ "info/lfs"
| otherwise = (droptrailing '/' (URI.uriPath uri)) ++ ".git/info/lfs"
droptrailing c = reverse . dropWhile (== c) . reverse
-- | When an Endpoint is used to generate a Request, this allows adjusting
-- that Request.
-- This can be used to add http basic authentication to an Endpoint:
-- > modifyEndpointRequest (guessEndpoint u) (applyBasicAuth "user" "pass")
modifyEndpointRequest :: Endpoint -> (Request -> Request) -> Endpoint
modifyEndpointRequest (Endpoint r) f = Endpoint (f r)
-- | Makes a Request that will start the process of making a transfer to or
-- from the LFS endpoint.
startTransferRequest :: Endpoint -> TransferRequest -> Request
startTransferRequest (Endpoint r) tr = r
{ method = "POST"
, requestBody = RequestBodyLBS (encode tr)
addLfsJsonHeaders :: Request -> Request
addLfsJsonHeaders r = r
{ requestHeaders = requestHeaders r ++
[ ("Accept", lfsjson)
, ("Content-Type", lfsjson)
lfsjson = "application/vnd.git-lfs+json"
data ParsedTransferResponse op
= ParsedTransferResponse (TransferResponse op)
| ParsedTransferResponseError TransferResponseError
| ParseFailed String
-- | Parse the body of a response to a transfer request.
:: IsTransferResponseOperation op
=> L.ByteString
-> ParsedTransferResponse op
parseTransferResponse resp = case eitherDecode resp of
Right tr -> ParsedTransferResponse tr
-- If unable to decode as a TransferResponse, try to decode
-- as a TransferResponseError instead, in case the LFS server
-- sent an error message.
Left err ->
either (const $ ParseFailed err) ParsedTransferResponseError $
eitherDecode resp
-- | Builds a http request to perform a download.
downloadOperationRequest :: DownloadOperation -> Maybe Request
downloadOperationRequest = operationParamsRequest . download
-- | Builds http request to perform an upload. The content to upload is
-- provided in the RequestBody, along with its SHA256 and size.
-- When the LFS server requested verification, there will be a second
-- Request that does that; it should be run only after the upload has
-- succeeded.
-- When the LFS server already contains the object, an empty list may be
-- returned.
uploadOperationRequests :: UploadOperation -> RequestBody -> SHA256 -> Integer -> Maybe [Request]
uploadOperationRequests op content oid size =
case (mkdlreq, mkverifyreq) of
(Nothing, _) -> Nothing
(Just dlreq, Nothing) -> Just [dlreq]
(Just dlreq, Just verifyreq) -> Just [dlreq, verifyreq]
mkdlreq = mkdlreq'
<$> operationParamsRequest (upload op)
mkdlreq' r = r
{ method = "PUT"
, requestBody = content
mkverifyreq = mkverifyreq'
<$> (operationParamsRequest =<< verify op)
mkverifyreq' r = addLfsJsonHeaders $ r
{ method = "POST"
, requestBody = RequestBodyLBS $ encode $
Verification oid size
operationParamsRequest :: OperationParams -> Maybe Request
operationParamsRequest ps = do
r <- parseRequest (T.unpack (href ps))
let headers = map convheader $ maybe [] M.toList (header ps)
return $ r { requestHeaders = headers }
convheader (k, v) = (CI.mk (E.encodeUtf8 k), E.encodeUtf8 v)
type Url = T.Text
type NumSeconds = Integer
type HTTPHeader = T.Text
type HTTPHeaderValue = T.Text
-- Prevent Nothing from serializing to null.
nonNullOptions :: Options
nonNullOptions = defaultOptions { omitNothingFields = True }
-- Remove prefix from field names.
stripFieldPrefix :: Options -> Options
stripFieldPrefix o =
o { fieldLabelModifier = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '_') }