Now youtubeDlCheck downloads the beginning of the url's content and checks if it's html, only when it is does it pass it off the youtube-dl to check if it supports it. This means more work is done for urls that youtube-dl does support, but is probably more efficient for other urls, since it only downloads the first chunk of content, while youtube-dl probably downloads more. As well as the reported bug, this also fixes behavior when an url was added with youtube-dl, but the url content has now changed from a html page to something else. Remote.Web.checkKey used to wrongly succeed in that situation, since youtube-dl said sure it can download that something else. This commit was supported by the NSF-funded DataLad project.
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{- html detection
- Copyright 2017 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- License: BSD-2-clause
module Utility.HtmlDetect where
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8
-- | Detect if a String is a html document.
-- The document many not be valid, or may be truncated, and will
-- still be detected as html, as long as it starts with a
-- "<html>" or "<!DOCTYPE html>" tag.
-- Html fragments like "<p>this</p>" are not detected as being html,
-- although some browsers may chose to render them as html.
isHtml :: String -> Bool
isHtml = evaluate . canonicalizeTags . parseTags . take htmlPrefixLength
evaluate (TagOpen "!DOCTYPE" ((t, _):_):_) = map toLower t == "html"
evaluate (TagOpen "html" _:_) = True
-- Allow some leading whitespace before the tag.
evaluate (TagText t:rest)
| all isSpace t = evaluate rest
| otherwise = False
-- It would be pretty weird to have a html comment before the html
-- tag, but easy to allow for.
evaluate (TagComment _:rest) = evaluate rest
evaluate _ = False
-- | Detect if a ByteString is a html document.
isHtmlBs :: B.ByteString -> Bool
-- The encoding of the ByteString is not known, but isHtml only
-- looks for ascii strings.
isHtmlBs = isHtml . B8.unpack
-- | How much of the beginning of a html document is needed to detect it.
-- (conservatively)
htmlPrefixLength :: Int
htmlPrefixLength = 8192