When --batch is used with matching options like --in, --metadata, etc, only operate on the provided files when they match those options. Otherwise, a blank line is output in the batch protocol. Affected commands: find, add, whereis, drop, copy, move, get In the case of find, the documentation for --batch already said it honored the matching options. The docs for the rest didn't, but it makes sense to have them honor them. While this is a behavior change, why specify the matching options with --batch if you didn't want them to apply? Note that the batch output for all of the affected commands could already output a blank line in other cases, so batch users should already be prepared to deal with it. git-annex metadata didn't seem worth making support the matching options, since all it does is output metadata or set metadata, the use cases for using it in combination with the martching options seem small. Made it refuse to run when they're combined, leaving open the possibility for later support if a use case develops. This commit was sponsored by Brett Eisenberg on Patreon.
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git-annex add - adds files to the git annex
git annex add `[path ...]`
Adds the specified files to the annex. If a directory is specified,
acts on all files inside the directory and its subdirectories.
If no path is specified, adds files from the current directory and below.
Files that are already checked into git and are unmodified, or that
git has been configured to ignore will be silently skipped.
If annex.largefiles is configured, and does not match a file,
`git annex add` will behave the same as `git add` and add the
non-large file directly to the git repository, instead of to the annex.
Large files are added to the annex in locked form, which prevents further
modification of their content unless unlocked by [[git-annex-unlock]](1).
(This is not the case however when a repository is in a filesystem not
supporting symlinks, or is in direct mode.)
To add a file to the annex in unlocked form, `git add` can be used instead
(that only works when the repository has annex.version 6 or higher).
This command can also be used to add symbolic links, both symlinks to
annexed content, and other symlinks.
* `--include-dotfiles`
Dotfiles are skipped unless explicitly listed, or unless this option is
* `--force`
Add gitignored files.
* `--backend`
Specifies which key-value backend to use.
* file matching options
Many of the [[git-annex-matching-options]](1)
can be used to specify files to add.
For example: `--largerthan=1GB`
* `--jobs=N` `-JN`
Adds multiple files in parallel. This may be faster.
For example: `-J4`
* `--update` `-u`
Like `git add --update`, this does not add new files, but any updates
to tracked files will be added to the index.
* `--json`
Enable JSON output. This is intended to be parsed by programs that use
git-annex. Each line of output is a JSON object.
* `--json-error-messages`
Messages that would normally be output to standard error are included in
the json instead.
* `--batch`
Enables batch mode, in which a file to add is read in a line from stdin,
the file is added, and repeat.
Note that if a file is skipped (due to not existing, being gitignored,
already being in git, or doesn't meet the matching options),
an empty line will be output instead of the normal output produced
when adding a file.
Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
Warning: Automatically converted into a man page by mdwn2man. Edit with care.