Especially from borg, where the content identifier logs all end up being the same identical file! But also, for other imports, the location tracking logs can, in some cases, be identical files. Bonus optimisation: Avoid looking up (and parsing when set) GIT_ANNEX_VECTOR_CLOCK env var every time a log is written to. Although the lookup does happen at startup even when no log will be written now.
66 lines
2.1 KiB
66 lines
2.1 KiB
{- git-annex vector clocks
- We don't have a way yet to keep true distributed vector clocks.
- The next best thing is a timestamp.
- Copyright 2017-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.VectorClock (
module Annex.VectorClock,
module Types.VectorClock,
) where
import Types.VectorClock
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import Utility.TimeStamp
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as A
currentVectorClock :: Annex VectorClock
currentVectorClock = liftIO =<< Annex.getState Annex.getvectorclock
-- Runs the action and uses the same vector clock throughout.
-- When the action modifies several files in the git-annex branch,
-- this can cause less space to be used, since the same vector clock
-- value is used, which can compress better.
-- However, this should not be used when running a long-duration action,
-- because the vector clock is based on the start of the action, and not on
-- the later points where it writes changes. For example, if this were
-- used across downloads of several files, the location log information
-- would have an earlier vector clock than necessary, which might cause it
-- to be disregarded in favor of other information that was collected
-- at an earlier point in time than when the transfers completted and the
-- log was written.
reuseVectorClockWhile :: Annex a -> Annex a
reuseVectorClockWhile = bracket setup cleanup . const
setup = do
origget <- Annex.getState Annex.getvectorclock
vc <- liftIO origget
use (pure vc)
return origget
cleanup origget = use origget
use vc = Annex.changeState $ \s ->
s { Annex.getvectorclock = vc }
formatVectorClock :: VectorClock -> String
formatVectorClock Unknown = "0"
formatVectorClock (VectorClock t) = show t
buildVectorClock :: VectorClock -> Builder
buildVectorClock = string7 . formatVectorClock
parseVectorClock :: String -> Maybe VectorClock
parseVectorClock t = VectorClock <$> parsePOSIXTime t
vectorClockParser :: A.Parser VectorClock
vectorClockParser = VectorClock <$> parserPOSIXTime