I ran into several evilsplicer problems with the new lib versions, most notably including a problem with encoding of embedded binary files
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394 lines
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From 9a41401d903f160e11d56fff35c24eb59d97885d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 19:04:40 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] remove TH
src/Generics/Deriving/TH.hs | 354 --------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 354 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Generics/Deriving/TH.hs b/src/Generics/Deriving/TH.hs
index 783cb65..9aab713 100644
--- a/src/Generics/Deriving/TH.hs
+++ b/src/Generics/Deriving/TH.hs
@@ -19,18 +19,6 @@
-- Adapted from Generics.Regular.TH
module Generics.Deriving.TH (
- deriveMeta
- , deriveData
- , deriveConstructors
- , deriveSelectors
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 701
- , deriveAll
- , deriveRepresentable0
- , deriveRep0
- , simplInstance
) where
import Generics.Deriving.Base
@@ -41,124 +29,6 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift(..))
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Control.Monad
--- | Given the names of a generic class, a type to instantiate, a function in
--- the class and the default implementation, generates the code for a basic
--- generic instance.
-simplInstance :: Name -> Name -> Name -> Name -> Q [Dec]
-simplInstance cl ty fn df = do
- i <- reify (genRepName 0 ty)
- x <- newName "x"
- let typ = ForallT [PlainTV x] []
- ((foldl (\a -> AppT a . VarT . tyVarBndrToName) (ConT (genRepName 0 ty))
- (typeVariables i)) `AppT` (VarT x))
- fmap (: []) $ instanceD (cxt []) (conT cl `appT` conT ty)
- [funD fn [clause [] (normalB (varE df `appE`
- (sigE (global 'undefined) (return typ)))) []]]
--- | Given the type and the name (as string) for the type to derive,
--- generate the 'Data' instance, the 'Constructor' instances, the 'Selector'
--- instances, and the 'Representable0' instance.
-deriveAll :: Name -> Q [Dec]
-deriveAll n =
- do a <- deriveMeta n
- b <- deriveRepresentable0 n
- return (a ++ b)
--- | Given the type and the name (as string) for the type to derive,
--- generate the 'Data' instance, the 'Constructor' instances, and the 'Selector'
--- instances.
-deriveMeta :: Name -> Q [Dec]
-deriveMeta n =
- do a <- deriveData n
- b <- deriveConstructors n
- c <- deriveSelectors n
- return (a ++ b ++ c)
--- | Given a datatype name, derive a datatype and instance of class 'Datatype'.
-deriveData :: Name -> Q [Dec]
-deriveData = dataInstance
--- | Given a datatype name, derive datatypes and
--- instances of class 'Constructor'.
-deriveConstructors :: Name -> Q [Dec]
-deriveConstructors = constrInstance
--- | Given a datatype name, derive datatypes and instances of class 'Selector'.
-deriveSelectors :: Name -> Q [Dec]
-deriveSelectors = selectInstance
--- | Given the type and the name (as string) for the Representable0 type
--- synonym to derive, generate the 'Representable0' instance.
-deriveRepresentable0 :: Name -> Q [Dec]
-deriveRepresentable0 n = do
- rep0 <- deriveRep0 n
- inst <- deriveInst n
- return $ rep0 ++ inst
--- | Derive only the 'Rep0' type synonym. Not needed if 'deriveRepresentable0'
--- is used.
-deriveRep0 :: Name -> Q [Dec]
-deriveRep0 n = do
- i <- reify n
- fmap (:[]) $ tySynD (genRepName 0 n) (typeVariables i) (rep0Type n)
-deriveInst :: Name -> Q [Dec]
-deriveInst t = do
- i <- reify t
- let typ q = foldl (\a -> AppT a . VarT . tyVarBndrToName) (ConT q)
- (typeVariables i)
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
- let tyIns = TySynInstD ''Rep (TySynEqn [typ t] (typ (genRepName 0 t)))
- let tyIns = TySynInstD ''Rep [typ t] (typ (genRepName 0 t))
- fcs <- mkFrom t 1 0 t
- tcs <- mkTo t 1 0 t
- liftM (:[]) $
- instanceD (cxt []) (conT ''Generic `appT` return (typ t))
- [return tyIns, funD 'from fcs, funD 'to tcs]
-dataInstance :: Name -> Q [Dec]
-dataInstance n = do
- i <- reify n
- case i of
- TyConI (DataD _ n _ _ _) -> mkInstance n
- TyConI (NewtypeD _ n _ _ _) -> mkInstance n
- _ -> return []
- where
- mkInstance n = do
- ds <- mkDataData n
- is <- mkDataInstance n
- return $ [ds,is]
-constrInstance :: Name -> Q [Dec]
-constrInstance n = do
- i <- reify n
- case i of
- TyConI (DataD _ n _ cs _) -> mkInstance n cs
- TyConI (NewtypeD _ n _ c _) -> mkInstance n [c]
- _ -> return []
- where
- mkInstance n cs = do
- ds <- mapM (mkConstrData n) cs
- is <- mapM (mkConstrInstance n) cs
- return $ ds ++ is
-selectInstance :: Name -> Q [Dec]
-selectInstance n = do
- i <- reify n
- case i of
- TyConI (DataD _ n _ cs _) -> mkInstance n cs
- TyConI (NewtypeD _ n _ c _) -> mkInstance n [c]
- _ -> return []
- where
- mkInstance n cs = do
- ds <- mapM (mkSelectData n) cs
- is <- mapM (mkSelectInstance n) cs
- return $ concat (ds ++ is)
typeVariables :: Info -> [TyVarBndr]
typeVariables (TyConI (DataD _ _ tv _ _)) = tv
typeVariables (TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ tv _ _)) = tv
@@ -179,233 +49,9 @@ genName = mkName . (++"_") . intercalate "_" . map nameBase
genRepName :: Int -> Name -> Name
genRepName n = mkName . (++"_") . (("Rep" ++ show n) ++) . nameBase
-mkDataData :: Name -> Q Dec
-mkDataData n = dataD (cxt []) (genName [n]) [] [] []
-mkConstrData :: Name -> Con -> Q Dec
-mkConstrData dt (NormalC n _) =
- dataD (cxt []) (genName [dt, n]) [] [] []
-mkConstrData dt r@(RecC _ _) =
- mkConstrData dt (stripRecordNames r)
-mkConstrData dt (InfixC t1 n t2) =
- mkConstrData dt (NormalC n [t1,t2])
-mkSelectData :: Name -> Con -> Q [Dec]
-mkSelectData dt r@(RecC n fs) = return (map one fs)
- where one (f, _, _) = DataD [] (genName [dt, n, f]) [] [] []
-mkSelectData dt _ = return []
-mkDataInstance :: Name -> Q Dec
-mkDataInstance n =
- instanceD (cxt []) (appT (conT ''Datatype) (conT $ genName [n]))
- [funD 'datatypeName [clause [wildP] (normalB (stringE (nameBase n))) []]
- ,funD 'moduleName [clause [wildP] (normalB (stringE name)) []]]
- where
- name = maybe (error "Cannot fetch module name!") id (nameModule n)
-instance Lift Fixity where
- lift Prefix = conE 'Prefix
- lift (Infix a n) = conE 'Infix `appE` [| a |] `appE` [| n |]
-instance Lift Associativity where
- lift LeftAssociative = conE 'LeftAssociative
- lift RightAssociative = conE 'RightAssociative
- lift NotAssociative = conE 'NotAssociative
-mkConstrInstance :: Name -> Con -> Q Dec
-mkConstrInstance dt (NormalC n _) = mkConstrInstanceWith dt n []
-mkConstrInstance dt (RecC n _) = mkConstrInstanceWith dt n
- [ funD 'conIsRecord [clause [wildP] (normalB (conE 'True)) []]]
-mkConstrInstance dt (InfixC t1 n t2) =
- do
- i <- reify n
- let fi = case i of
- DataConI _ _ _ f -> convertFixity f
- _ -> Prefix
- instanceD (cxt []) (appT (conT ''Constructor) (conT $ genName [dt, n]))
- [funD 'conName [clause [wildP] (normalB (stringE (nameBase n))) []],
- funD 'conFixity [clause [wildP] (normalB [| fi |]) []]]
- where
- convertFixity (Fixity n d) = Infix (convertDirection d) n
- convertDirection InfixL = LeftAssociative
- convertDirection InfixR = RightAssociative
- convertDirection InfixN = NotAssociative
-mkConstrInstanceWith :: Name -> Name -> [Q Dec] -> Q Dec
-mkConstrInstanceWith dt n extra =
- instanceD (cxt []) (appT (conT ''Constructor) (conT $ genName [dt, n]))
- (funD 'conName [clause [wildP] (normalB (stringE (nameBase n))) []] : extra)
-mkSelectInstance :: Name -> Con -> Q [Dec]
-mkSelectInstance dt r@(RecC n fs) = return (map one fs) where
- one (f, _, _) =
- InstanceD ([]) (AppT (ConT ''Selector) (ConT $ genName [dt, n, f]))
- [FunD 'selName [Clause [WildP]
- (NormalB (LitE (StringL (nameBase f)))) []]]
-mkSelectInstance _ _ = return []
-rep0Type :: Name -> Q Type
-rep0Type n =
- do
- -- runIO $ putStrLn $ "processing " ++ show n
- i <- reify n
- let b = case i of
- TyConI (DataD _ dt vs cs _) ->
- (conT ''D1) `appT` (conT $ genName [dt]) `appT`
- (foldr1' sum (conT ''V1)
- (map (rep0Con (dt, map tyVarBndrToName vs)) cs))
- TyConI (NewtypeD _ dt vs c _) ->
- (conT ''D1) `appT` (conT $ genName [dt]) `appT`
- (rep0Con (dt, map tyVarBndrToName vs) c)
- TyConI (TySynD t _ _) -> error "type synonym?"
- _ -> error "unknown construct"
- --appT b (conT $ mkName (nameBase n))
- b where
- sum :: Q Type -> Q Type -> Q Type
- sum a b = conT ''(:+:) `appT` a `appT` b
-rep0Con :: (Name, [Name]) -> Con -> Q Type
-rep0Con (dt, vs) (NormalC n []) =
- conT ''C1 `appT` (conT $ genName [dt, n]) `appT`
- (conT ''S1 `appT` conT ''NoSelector `appT` conT ''U1)
-rep0Con (dt, vs) (NormalC n fs) =
- conT ''C1 `appT` (conT $ genName [dt, n]) `appT`
- (foldr1 prod (map (repField (dt, vs) . snd) fs)) where
- prod :: Q Type -> Q Type -> Q Type
- prod a b = conT ''(:*:) `appT` a `appT` b
-rep0Con (dt, vs) r@(RecC n []) =
- conT ''C1 `appT` (conT $ genName [dt, n]) `appT` conT ''U1
-rep0Con (dt, vs) r@(RecC n fs) =
- conT ''C1 `appT` (conT $ genName [dt, n]) `appT`
- (foldr1 prod (map (repField' (dt, vs) n) fs)) where
- prod :: Q Type -> Q Type -> Q Type
- prod a b = conT ''(:*:) `appT` a `appT` b
-rep0Con d (InfixC t1 n t2) = rep0Con d (NormalC n [t1,t2])
---dataDeclToType :: (Name, [Name]) -> Type
---dataDeclToType (dt, vs) = foldl (\a b -> AppT a (VarT b)) (ConT dt) vs
-repField :: (Name, [Name]) -> Type -> Q Type
---repField d t | t == dataDeclToType d = conT ''I
-repField d t = conT ''S1 `appT` conT ''NoSelector `appT`
- (conT ''Rec0 `appT` return t)
-repField' :: (Name, [Name]) -> Name -> (Name, Strict, Type) -> Q Type
---repField' d ns (_, _, t) | t == dataDeclToType d = conT ''I
-repField' (dt, vs) ns (f, _, t) = conT ''S1 `appT` conT (genName [dt, ns, f])
- `appT` (conT ''Rec0 `appT` return t)
--- Note: we should generate Par0 too, at some point
-mkFrom :: Name -> Int -> Int -> Name -> Q [Q Clause]
-mkFrom ns m i n =
- do
- -- runIO $ putStrLn $ "processing " ++ show n
- let wrapE e = lrE m i e
- i <- reify n
- let b = case i of
- TyConI (DataD _ dt vs cs _) ->
- zipWith (fromCon wrapE ns (dt, map tyVarBndrToName vs)
- (length cs)) [0..] cs
- TyConI (NewtypeD _ dt vs c _) ->
- [fromCon wrapE ns (dt, map tyVarBndrToName vs) 1 0 c]
- TyConI (TySynD t _ _) -> error "type synonym?"
- -- [clause [varP (field 0)] (normalB (wrapE $ conE 'K1 `appE` varE (field 0))) []]
- _ -> error "unknown construct"
- return b
-mkTo :: Name -> Int -> Int -> Name -> Q [Q Clause]
-mkTo ns m i n =
- do
- -- runIO $ putStrLn $ "processing " ++ show n
- let wrapP p = lrP m i p
- i <- reify n
- let b = case i of
- TyConI (DataD _ dt vs cs _) ->
- zipWith (toCon wrapP ns (dt, map tyVarBndrToName vs)
- (length cs)) [0..] cs
- TyConI (NewtypeD _ dt vs c _) ->
- [toCon wrapP ns (dt, map tyVarBndrToName vs) 1 0 c]
- TyConI (TySynD t _ _) -> error "type synonym?"
- -- [clause [wrapP $ conP 'K1 [varP (field 0)]] (normalB $ varE (field 0)) []]
- _ -> error "unknown construct"
- return b
-fromCon :: (Q Exp -> Q Exp) -> Name -> (Name, [Name]) -> Int -> Int -> Con -> Q Clause
-fromCon wrap ns (dt, vs) m i (NormalC cn []) =
- clause
- [conP cn []]
- (normalB $ appE (conE 'M1) $ wrap $ lrE m i $ appE (conE 'M1) $
- conE 'M1 `appE` (conE 'U1)) []
-fromCon wrap ns (dt, vs) m i (NormalC cn fs) =
- -- runIO (putStrLn ("constructor " ++ show ix)) >>
- clause
- [conP cn (map (varP . field) [0..length fs - 1])]
- (normalB $ appE (conE 'M1) $ wrap $ lrE m i $ conE 'M1 `appE`
- foldr1 prod (zipWith (fromField (dt, vs)) [0..] (map snd fs))) []
- where prod x y = conE '(:*:) `appE` x `appE` y
-fromCon wrap ns (dt, vs) m i r@(RecC cn []) =
- clause
- [conP cn []]
- (normalB $ appE (conE 'M1) $ wrap $ lrE m i $ conE 'M1 `appE` (conE 'U1)) []
-fromCon wrap ns (dt, vs) m i r@(RecC cn fs) =
- clause
- [conP cn (map (varP . field) [0..length fs - 1])]
- (normalB $ appE (conE 'M1) $ wrap $ lrE m i $ conE 'M1 `appE`
- foldr1 prod (zipWith (fromField (dt, vs)) [0..] (map trd fs))) []
- where prod x y = conE '(:*:) `appE` x `appE` y
-fromCon wrap ns (dt, vs) m i (InfixC t1 cn t2) =
- fromCon wrap ns (dt, vs) m i (NormalC cn [t1,t2])
-fromField :: (Name, [Name]) -> Int -> Type -> Q Exp
---fromField (dt, vs) nr t | t == dataDeclToType (dt, vs) = conE 'I `appE` varE (field nr)
-fromField (dt, vs) nr t = conE 'M1 `appE` (conE 'K1 `appE` varE (field nr))
-toCon :: (Q Pat -> Q Pat) -> Name -> (Name, [Name]) -> Int -> Int -> Con -> Q Clause
-toCon wrap ns (dt, vs) m i (NormalC cn []) =
- clause
- [wrap $ conP 'M1 [lrP m i $ conP 'M1 [conP 'M1 [conP 'U1 []]]]]
- (normalB $ conE cn) []
-toCon wrap ns (dt, vs) m i (NormalC cn fs) =
- -- runIO (putStrLn ("constructor " ++ show ix)) >>
- clause
- [wrap $ conP 'M1 [lrP m i $ conP 'M1
- [foldr1 prod (zipWith (toField (dt, vs)) [0..] (map snd fs))]]]
- (normalB $ foldl appE (conE cn) (map (varE . field) [0..length fs - 1])) []
- where prod x y = conP '(:*:) [x,y]
-toCon wrap ns (dt, vs) m i r@(RecC cn []) =
- clause
- [wrap $ conP 'M1 [lrP m i $ conP 'M1 [conP 'U1 []]]]
- (normalB $ conE cn) []
-toCon wrap ns (dt, vs) m i r@(RecC cn fs) =
- clause
- [wrap $ conP 'M1 [lrP m i $ conP 'M1
- [foldr1 prod (zipWith (toField (dt, vs)) [0..] (map trd fs))]]]
- (normalB $ foldl appE (conE cn) (map (varE . field) [0..length fs - 1])) []
- where prod x y = conP '(:*:) [x,y]
-toCon wrap ns (dt, vs) m i (InfixC t1 cn t2) =
- toCon wrap ns (dt, vs) m i (NormalC cn [t1,t2])
-toField :: (Name, [Name]) -> Int -> Type -> Q Pat
---toField (dt, vs) nr t | t == dataDeclToType (dt, vs) = conP 'I [varP (field nr)]
-toField (dt, vs) nr t = conP 'M1 [conP 'K1 [varP (field nr)]]
field :: Int -> Name
field n = mkName $ "f" ++ show n
-lrP :: Int -> Int -> (Q Pat -> Q Pat)
-lrP 1 0 p = p
-lrP m 0 p = conP 'L1 [p]
-lrP m i p = conP 'R1 [lrP (m-1) (i-1) p]
-lrE :: Int -> Int -> (Q Exp -> Q Exp)
-lrE 1 0 e = e
-lrE m 0 e = conE 'L1 `appE` e
-lrE m i e = conE 'R1 `appE` lrE (m-1) (i-1) e
trd (_,_,c) = c