Joey Hess ab5e409a95 keep track of which remotes have been scanned in process state
Since it turned out to make sense to always scan all remotes on startup,
there's no need to persist the info about which have been scanned.
2012-08-24 15:52:23 -04:00

232 lines
7.6 KiB

{- git-annex transfer information files and lock files
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Logs.Transfer where
import Common.Annex
import Annex.Perms
import Annex.Exception
import qualified Git
import Types.Remote
import Types.Key
import Utility.Percentage
import System.Posix.Types
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time
import System.Locale
import Control.Concurrent
{- Enough information to uniquely identify a transfer, used as the filename
- of the transfer information file. -}
data Transfer = Transfer
{ transferDirection :: Direction
, transferUUID :: UUID
, transferKey :: Key
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
{- Information about a Transfer, stored in the transfer information file.
- Note that the associatedFile may not correspond to a file in the local
- git repository. It's some file, possibly relative to some directory,
- of some repository, that was acted on to initiate the transfer.
data TransferInfo = TransferInfo
{ startedTime :: Maybe POSIXTime
, transferPid :: Maybe ProcessID
, transferTid :: Maybe ThreadId
, transferRemote :: Maybe Remote
, bytesComplete :: Maybe Integer
, associatedFile :: Maybe FilePath
, transferPaused :: Bool
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Direction = Upload | Download
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
showLcDirection :: Direction -> String
showLcDirection Upload = "upload"
showLcDirection Download = "download"
readLcDirection :: String -> Maybe Direction
readLcDirection "upload" = Just Upload
readLcDirection "download" = Just Download
readLcDirection _ = Nothing
percentComplete :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Maybe Percentage
percentComplete (Transfer { transferKey = key }) (TransferInfo { bytesComplete = Just complete }) =
(\size -> percentage size complete) <$> keySize key
percentComplete _ _ = Nothing
upload :: UUID -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Annex Bool -> Annex Bool
upload u key file a = runTransfer (Transfer Upload u key) file a
download :: UUID -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Annex Bool -> Annex Bool
download u key file a = runTransfer (Transfer Download u key) file a
{- Runs a transfer action. Creates and locks the lock file while the
- action is running, and stores info in the transfer information
- file. Will throw an error if the transfer is already in progress.
- If the transfer action returns False, the transfer info is
- left in the failedTransferDir.
runTransfer :: Transfer -> Maybe FilePath -> Annex Bool -> Annex Bool
runTransfer t file a = do
tfile <- fromRepo $ transferFile t
createAnnexDirectory $ takeDirectory tfile
mode <- annexFileMode
info <- liftIO $ TransferInfo
<$> (Just . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> getCurrentTime)
<*> pure Nothing -- pid not stored in file, so omitted for speed
<*> pure Nothing -- tid ditto
<*> pure Nothing -- not 0; transfer may be resuming
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure file
<*> pure False
let content = writeTransferInfo info
ok <- bracketIO (prep tfile mode content) (cleanup tfile) a
unless ok $ failed content
return ok
prep tfile mode content = do
fd <- openFd (transferLockFile tfile) ReadWrite (Just mode)
defaultFileFlags { trunc = True }
locked <- catchMaybeIO $
setLock fd (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
when (locked == Nothing) $
error $ "transfer already in progress"
writeFile tfile content
return fd
cleanup tfile fd = do
void $ tryIO $ removeFile tfile
void $ tryIO $ removeFile $ transferLockFile tfile
closeFd fd
failed content = do
failedtfile <- fromRepo $ failedTransferFile t
createAnnexDirectory $ takeDirectory failedtfile
liftIO $ writeFile failedtfile content
{- If a transfer is still running, returns its TransferInfo. -}
checkTransfer :: Transfer -> Annex (Maybe TransferInfo)
checkTransfer t = do
mode <- annexFileMode
tfile <- fromRepo $ transferFile t
mfd <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $
openFd (transferLockFile tfile) ReadOnly (Just mode) defaultFileFlags
case mfd of
Nothing -> return Nothing -- failed to open file; not running
Just fd -> do
locked <- liftIO $
getLock fd (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0)
liftIO $ closeFd fd
case locked of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (pid, _) -> liftIO $
flip catchDefaultIO Nothing $ do
readTransferInfo (Just pid)
<$> readFile tfile
{- Gets all currently running transfers. -}
getTransfers :: Annex [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
getTransfers = do
transfers <- catMaybes . map parseTransferFile . concat <$> findfiles
infos <- mapM checkTransfer transfers
return $ map (\(t, Just i) -> (t, i)) $
filter running $ zip transfers infos
findfiles = liftIO . mapM dirContentsRecursive
=<< mapM (fromRepo . transferDir)
[Download, Upload]
running (_, i) = isJust i
{- Gets failed transfers for a given remote UUID. -}
getFailedTransfers :: UUID -> Annex [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
getFailedTransfers u = catMaybes <$> (liftIO . getpairs =<< concat <$> findfiles)
getpairs = mapM $ \f -> do
let mt = parseTransferFile f
mi <- readTransferInfo Nothing <$> readFile f
return $ case (mt, mi) of
(Just t, Just i) -> Just (t, i)
_ -> Nothing
findfiles = liftIO . mapM dirContentsRecursive
=<< mapM (fromRepo . failedTransferDir u)
[Download, Upload]
{- The transfer information file to use for a given Transfer. -}
transferFile :: Transfer -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
transferFile (Transfer direction u key) r = transferDir direction r
</> fromUUID u
</> keyFile key
{- The transfer information file to use to record a failed Transfer -}
failedTransferFile :: Transfer -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
failedTransferFile (Transfer direction u key) r = failedTransferDir u direction r
</> keyFile key
{- The transfer lock file corresponding to a given transfer info file. -}
transferLockFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
transferLockFile infofile = let (d,f) = splitFileName infofile in
combine d ("lck." ++ f)
{- Parses a transfer information filename to a Transfer. -}
parseTransferFile :: FilePath -> Maybe Transfer
parseTransferFile file
| "lck." `isPrefixOf` (takeFileName file) = Nothing
| otherwise = case drop (length bits - 3) bits of
[direction, u, key] -> Transfer
<$> readLcDirection direction
<*> pure (toUUID u)
<*> fileKey key
_ -> Nothing
bits = splitDirectories file
writeTransferInfo :: TransferInfo -> String
writeTransferInfo info = unlines
-- transferPid is not included; instead obtained by looking at
-- the process that locks the file.
[ maybe "" show $ startedTime info
-- bytesComplete is not included; changes too fast
, fromMaybe "" $ associatedFile info -- comes last; arbitrary content
readTransferInfo :: (Maybe ProcessID) -> String -> Maybe TransferInfo
readTransferInfo mpid s =
case bits of
[time] -> TransferInfo
<$> (Just <$> parsePOSIXTime time)
<*> pure mpid
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure Nothing
<*> pure (if null filename then Nothing else Just filename)
<*> pure False
_ -> Nothing
(bits, filebits) = splitAt 1 $ lines s
filename = join "\n" filebits
parsePOSIXTime :: String -> Maybe POSIXTime
parsePOSIXTime s = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds
<$> parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s%Qs" s
{- The directory holding transfer information files for a given Direction. -}
transferDir :: Direction -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
transferDir direction r = gitAnnexTransferDir r </> showLcDirection direction
{- The directory holding failed transfer information files for a given
- Direction and UUID -}
failedTransferDir :: UUID -> Direction -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
failedTransferDir u direction r = gitAnnexTransferDir r
</> "failed"
</> showLcDirection direction
</> fromUUID u