This is more efficient. Note that the peer will get CHANGED messages for all refs changed since the connection opened, even if those changes happened before it sent NOTIFYCHANGE.
154 lines
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154 lines
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{- P2P protocol, Annex implementation
- Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts #-}
module P2P.Annex
( RunMode(..)
, P2PConnection(..)
, runFullProto
) where
import Annex.Common
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Transfer
import Annex.ChangedRefs
import P2P.Protocol
import P2P.IO
import Logs.Location
import Types.NumCopies
import Utility.Metered
import Control.Monad.Free
data RunMode
= Serving UUID ChangedRefsHandle
| Client
-- Full interpreter for Proto, that can receive and send objects.
runFullProto :: RunMode -> P2PConnection -> Proto a -> Annex (Either String a)
runFullProto runmode conn = go
go :: RunProto Annex
go (Pure v) = pure (Right v)
go (Free (Net n)) = runNet conn go n
go (Free (Local l)) = runLocal runmode go l
runLocal :: RunMode -> RunProto Annex -> LocalF (Proto a) -> Annex (Either String a)
runLocal runmode runner a = case a of
TmpContentSize k next -> do
tmp <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation k
size <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO 0 $ getFileSize tmp
runner (next (Len size))
FileSize f next -> do
size <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO 0 $ getFileSize f
runner (next (Len size))
ContentSize k next -> do
let getsize = liftIO . catchMaybeIO . getFileSize
size <- inAnnex' isJust Nothing getsize k
runner (next (Len <$> size))
ReadContent k af o sender next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ prepSendAnnex k
case v of
-- The check can detect if the file
-- changed while it was transferred, but we don't
-- use it. Instead, the receiving peer must
-- AlwaysVerify the content it receives.
Right (Just (f, _check)) -> do
v' <- tryNonAsync $
transfer upload k af $
sinkfile f o sender
case v' of
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
Right (Left e) -> return (Left (show e))
Right (Right ok) -> runner (next ok)
-- content not available
Right Nothing -> runner (next False)
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
StoreContent k af o l getb next -> do
ok <- flip catchNonAsync (const $ return False) $
transfer download k af $ \p ->
getViaTmp AlwaysVerify k $ \tmp ->
unVerified $ storefile tmp o l getb p
runner (next ok)
StoreContentTo dest o l getb next -> do
ok <- flip catchNonAsync (const $ return False) $
storefile dest o l getb nullMeterUpdate
runner (next ok)
SetPresent k u next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ logChange k u InfoPresent
case v of
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
Right () -> runner next
CheckContentPresent k next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ inAnnex k
case v of
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
Right result -> runner (next result)
RemoveContent k next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $
ifM (Annex.Content.inAnnex k)
( lockContentForRemoval k $ \contentlock -> do
removeAnnex contentlock
logStatus k InfoMissing
return True
, return True
case v of
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
Right result -> runner (next result)
TryLockContent k protoaction next -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ lockContentShared k $ \verifiedcopy ->
case verifiedcopy of
LockedCopy _ -> runner (protoaction True)
_ -> runner (protoaction False)
-- If locking fails, lockContentShared throws an exception.
-- Let the peer know it failed.
case v of
Left _ -> runner $ do
protoaction False
Right _ -> runner next
WaitRefChange next -> case runmode of
Serving _ h -> do
v <- tryNonAsync $ liftIO $ waitChangedRefs h
case v of
Left e -> return (Left (show e))
Right changedrefs -> runner (next changedrefs)
_ -> return $ Left "change notification not implemented for client"
transfer mk k af ta = case runmode of
-- Update transfer logs when serving.
Serving theiruuid _ ->
mk theiruuid k af noRetry ta noNotification
-- Transfer logs are updated higher in the stack when
-- a client.
Client -> ta nullMeterUpdate
storefile dest (Offset o) (Len l) getb p = do
let p' = offsetMeterUpdate p (toBytesProcessed o)
v <- runner getb
case v of
Right b -> liftIO $ do
withBinaryFile dest ReadWriteMode $ \h -> do
when (o /= 0) $
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek o
meteredWrite p' h b
sz <- getFileSize dest
return (toInteger sz == l + o)
Left e -> error e
sinkfile f (Offset o) sender p = bracket setup cleanup go
setup = liftIO $ openBinaryFile f ReadMode
cleanup = liftIO . hClose
go h = do
let p' = offsetMeterUpdate p (toBytesProcessed o)
when (o /= 0) $
liftIO $ hSeek h AbsoluteSeek o
b <- liftIO $ hGetContentsMetered h p'
runner (sender b)