This was originally added so that unannex could prevent the hook from running while files were in a state that the hook would interpret as old-style unlocked and so would lock. Now that's gone, so the only thing the hook was preventing was two pre-commit processes running simulantaneously. But such concurrency is normal in git-annex and should not be a problem. Does mean that .git/hooks/pre-commit-annex might run more concurrently, that seems the only risk of it causing any problems.
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2010-2014 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.PreCommit where
import Command
import qualified Command.Fix
import qualified Command.Smudge
import Annex.Hook
import Annex.Link
import Annex.View
import Annex.View.ViewedFile
import Annex.LockFile
import Logs.View
import Logs.MetaData
import Types.View
import Types.MetaData
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
cmd :: Command
cmd = command "pre-commit" SectionPlumbing
"run by git pre-commit hook"
(withParams seek)
seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
seek ps = do
l <- workTreeItems ps
-- fix symlinks to files being committed
flip withFilesToBeCommitted l $ \f -> commandAction $
maybe stop (Command.Fix.start Command.Fix.FixSymlinks f)
=<< isAnnexLink f
-- after a merge conflict or git cherry-pick or stash, pointer
-- files in the worktree won't be populated, so populate them here
Command.Smudge.updateSmudged (Restage False)
runAnnexHook preCommitAnnexHook
-- committing changes to a view updates metadata
mv <- currentView
case mv of
Nothing -> noop
Just v -> withViewChanges
(addViewMetaData v)
(removeViewMetaData v)
addViewMetaData :: View -> ViewedFile -> Key -> CommandStart
addViewMetaData v f k = starting "metadata" (mkActionItem (k, toRawFilePath f)) $
next $ changeMetaData k $ fromView v f
removeViewMetaData :: View -> ViewedFile -> Key -> CommandStart
removeViewMetaData v f k = starting "metadata" (mkActionItem (k, toRawFilePath f)) $
next $ changeMetaData k $ unsetMetaData $ fromView v f
changeMetaData :: Key -> MetaData -> CommandCleanup
changeMetaData k metadata = do
showMetaDataChange metadata
addMetaData k metadata
return True
showMetaDataChange :: MetaData -> Annex ()
showMetaDataChange = showLongNote . unlines . concatMap showmeta . fromMetaData
showmeta (f, vs) = map (showmetavalue f) $ S.toList vs
showmetavalue f v = T.unpack (fromMetaField f) <> showset v <> "=" <> decodeBS (fromMetaValue v)
showset v
| isSet v = "+"
| otherwise = "-"