This includes recovery from the ssh-agent problem that led to many reporting http://git-annex.branchable.com/bugs/Internal_Server_Error:_Unknown_UUID/ (Including fixing up .ssh/config to set IdentitiesOnly.) Remotes that have no known uuid are now displayed in the webapp as "unfinished". There's a link to check their status, and if the remote has been set annex-ignore, a retry button can be used to unset that and try again to set up the remote. As this bug has shown, the process of adding a ssh remote has some failure modes that are not really ideal. It would certianly be better if, when setting up a ssh remote it would detect if it's failed to get the UUID, and handle that in the remote setup process, rather than waiting until later and handling it this way. However, that's hard to do, particularly for local pairing, since the PairListener runs as a background thread. The best it could do is pop up an alert if there's a problem. This solution is not much different. Also, this solution handles cases where the user has gotten their repo into a mess manually and let's the assistant help with cleaning it up. This commit was sponsored by Chia Shee Liang. Thanks!
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<div .span9 .hero-unit>
$if null stalled
The repository is still not finished being set up. Patience..
If you suspect something is wrong, you might want to take a look #
at the
<a href="@{LogR}">
Setting up this repository seems to have stalled!
Make sure the remote system is available and
<a .btn .btn-primary href="@{RetryUnfinishedRepositoriesR}">