Also audited for other calls to openTempFile, and all are ok, except for viaTmp which will need further work. Remote.Directory fixed to set umask mode when writing to an export, although it has another one using viaTmp that's not fixed. Will make exports that are published via a http server running as another user work, for example. Remote.BitTorrent fixed to set umask mode when downloading the torrent file. Normally this does not matter as that file does not hang around after the download, but if a bittorrent download were started by one user, got interrupted and then another user ran it, this will let them access the torrent file created by the first user.
499 lines
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499 lines
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{- A "remote" that is just a filesystem directory.
- Copyright 2011-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Remote.Directory (
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Default
import Annex.Common
import Types.Remote
import Types.Export
import Types.Creds
import qualified Git
import Config.Cost
import Config
import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config
import Utility.FileMode
import Remote.Helper.Special
import Remote.Helper.ExportImport
import Types.Import
import qualified Remote.Directory.LegacyChunked as Legacy
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Perms
import Annex.UUID
import Backend
import Types.KeySource
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.InodeCache
import Types.ProposedAccepted
remote :: RemoteType
remote = specialRemoteType $ RemoteType
{ typename = "directory"
, enumerate = const (findSpecialRemotes "directory")
, generate = gen
, configParser = mkRemoteConfigParser
[ optionalStringParser directoryField
(FieldDesc "(required) where the special remote stores data")
, setup = directorySetup
, exportSupported = exportIsSupported
, importSupported = importIsSupported
directoryField :: RemoteConfigField
directoryField = Accepted "directory"
gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> RemoteStateHandle -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
gen r u rc gc rs = do
c <- parsedRemoteConfig remote rc
cst <- remoteCost gc cheapRemoteCost
let chunkconfig = getChunkConfig c
return $ Just $ specialRemote c
(storeKeyM dir chunkconfig)
(retrieveKeyFileM dir chunkconfig)
(removeKeyM dir)
(checkPresentM dir chunkconfig)
{ uuid = u
, cost = cst
, name = Git.repoDescribe r
, storeKey = storeKeyDummy
, retrieveKeyFile = retrieveKeyFileDummy
, retrieveKeyFileCheap = retrieveKeyFileCheapM dir chunkconfig
, retrievalSecurityPolicy = RetrievalAllKeysSecure
, removeKey = removeKeyDummy
, lockContent = Nothing
, checkPresent = checkPresentDummy
, checkPresentCheap = True
, exportActions = ExportActions
{ storeExport = storeExportM dir
, retrieveExport = retrieveExportM dir
, removeExport = removeExportM dir
, checkPresentExport = checkPresentExportM dir
-- Not needed because removeExportLocation
-- auto-removes empty directories.
, removeExportDirectory = Nothing
, renameExport = renameExportM dir
, importActions = ImportActions
{ listImportableContents = listImportableContentsM dir
, importKey = Just (importKeyM dir)
, retrieveExportWithContentIdentifier = retrieveExportWithContentIdentifierM dir
, storeExportWithContentIdentifier = storeExportWithContentIdentifierM dir
, removeExportWithContentIdentifier = removeExportWithContentIdentifierM dir
-- Not needed because removeExportWithContentIdentifier
-- auto-removes empty directories.
, removeExportDirectoryWhenEmpty = Nothing
, checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifier = checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifierM dir
, whereisKey = Nothing
, remoteFsck = Nothing
, repairRepo = Nothing
, config = c
, getRepo = return r
, gitconfig = gc
, localpath = Just dir
, readonly = False
, appendonly = False
, availability = LocallyAvailable
, remotetype = remote
, mkUnavailable = gen r u rc
(gc { remoteAnnexDirectory = Just "/dev/null" }) rs
, getInfo = return [("directory", dir)]
, claimUrl = Nothing
, checkUrl = Nothing
, remoteStateHandle = rs
dir = fromMaybe (giveup "missing directory") $ remoteAnnexDirectory gc
directorySetup :: SetupStage -> Maybe UUID -> Maybe CredPair -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
directorySetup _ mu _ c gc = do
u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu
-- verify configuration is sane
let dir = maybe (giveup "Specify directory=") fromProposedAccepted $
M.lookup directoryField c
absdir <- liftIO $ absPath dir
liftIO $ unlessM (doesDirectoryExist absdir) $
giveup $ "Directory does not exist: " ++ absdir
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c gc
-- The directory is stored in git config, not in this remote's
-- persistant state, so it can vary between hosts.
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' [("directory", absdir)]
return (M.delete directoryField c', u)
{- Locations to try to access a given Key in the directory.
- We try more than one since we used to write to different hash
- directories. -}
locations :: FilePath -> Key -> [FilePath]
locations d k = map (\f -> d </> fromRawFilePath f) (keyPaths k)
{- Returns the location off a Key in the directory. If the key is
- present, returns the location that is actually used, otherwise
- returns the first, default location. -}
getLocation :: FilePath -> Key -> IO FilePath
getLocation d k = do
let locs = locations d k
fromMaybe (Prelude.head locs) <$> firstM doesFileExist locs
{- Directory where the file(s) for a key are stored. -}
storeDir :: FilePath -> Key -> FilePath
storeDir d k = addTrailingPathSeparator $
d </> fromRawFilePath (hashDirLower def k) </> fromRawFilePath (keyFile k)
{- Check if there is enough free disk space in the remote's directory to
- store the key. Note that the unencrypted key size is checked. -}
storeKeyM :: FilePath -> ChunkConfig -> Storer
storeKeyM d chunkconfig k c m =
ifM (checkDiskSpaceDirectory d k)
( byteStorer (store d chunkconfig) k c m
, giveup "Not enough free disk space."
checkDiskSpaceDirectory :: FilePath -> Key -> Annex Bool
checkDiskSpaceDirectory d k = do
annexdir <- fromRepo gitAnnexObjectDir
samefilesystem <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO False $
(\a b -> deviceID a == deviceID b)
<$> getFileStatus d
<*> getFileStatus annexdir
checkDiskSpace (Just d) k 0 samefilesystem
store :: FilePath -> ChunkConfig -> Key -> L.ByteString -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
store d chunkconfig k b p = liftIO $ do
void $ tryIO $ createDirectoryUnder d tmpdir
case chunkconfig of
LegacyChunks chunksize ->
Legacy.store d chunksize (finalizeStoreGeneric d) k b p tmpdir destdir
_ -> do
let tmpf = tmpdir </> kf
meteredWriteFile p tmpf b
finalizeStoreGeneric d tmpdir destdir
tmpdir = addTrailingPathSeparator $ d </> "tmp" </> kf
kf = fromRawFilePath (keyFile k)
destdir = storeDir d k
{- Passed a temp directory that contains the files that should be placed
- in the dest directory, moves it into place. Anything already existing
- in the dest directory will be deleted. File permissions will be locked
- down. -}
finalizeStoreGeneric :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
finalizeStoreGeneric d tmp dest = do
void $ tryIO $ allowWrite dest -- may already exist
void $ tryIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive dest -- or not exist
createDirectoryUnder d (parentDir dest)
renameDirectory tmp dest
-- may fail on some filesystems
void $ tryIO $ do
mapM_ preventWrite =<< dirContents dest
preventWrite dest
retrieveKeyFileM :: FilePath -> ChunkConfig -> Retriever
retrieveKeyFileM d (LegacyChunks _) = Legacy.retrieve locations d
retrieveKeyFileM d _ = byteRetriever $ \k sink ->
sink =<< liftIO (L.readFile =<< getLocation d k)
retrieveKeyFileCheapM :: FilePath -> ChunkConfig -> Maybe (Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> Annex ())
-- no cheap retrieval possible for chunks
retrieveKeyFileCheapM _ (UnpaddedChunks _) = Nothing
retrieveKeyFileCheapM _ (LegacyChunks _) = Nothing
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
retrieveKeyFileCheapM d NoChunks = Just $ \k _af f -> liftIO $ do
file <- absPath =<< getLocation d k
ifM (doesFileExist file)
( createSymbolicLink file f
, giveup "content file not present in remote"
retrieveKeyFileCheapM _ _ = Nothing
removeKeyM :: FilePath -> Remover
removeKeyM d k = liftIO $ removeDirGeneric d (storeDir d k)
{- Removes the directory, which must be located under the topdir.
- Succeeds even on directories and contents that do not have write
- permission, if it's possible to turn the write bit on.
- If the directory does not exist, succeeds as long as the topdir does
- exist. If the topdir does not exist, fails, because in this case the
- remote is not currently accessible and probably still has the content
- we were supposed to remove from it.
removeDirGeneric :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
removeDirGeneric topdir dir = do
void $ tryIO $ allowWrite dir
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
{- Windows needs the files inside the directory to be writable
- before it can delete them. -}
void $ tryIO $ mapM_ allowWrite =<< dirContents dir
tryNonAsync (removeDirectoryRecursive dir) >>= \case
Right () -> return ()
Left e ->
unlessM (doesDirectoryExist topdir <&&> (not <$> doesDirectoryExist dir)) $
throwM e
checkPresentM :: FilePath -> ChunkConfig -> CheckPresent
checkPresentM d (LegacyChunks _) k = Legacy.checkKey d locations k
checkPresentM d _ k = checkPresentGeneric d (locations d k)
checkPresentGeneric :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> Annex Bool
checkPresentGeneric d ps = checkPresentGeneric' d $
liftIO $ anyM doesFileExist ps
checkPresentGeneric' :: FilePath -> Annex Bool -> Annex Bool
checkPresentGeneric' d check = ifM check
( return True
, ifM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist d)
( return False
, giveup $ "directory " ++ d ++ " is not accessible"
storeExportM :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
storeExportM d src _k loc p = liftIO $ do
createDirectoryUnder d (takeDirectory dest)
-- Write via temp file so that checkPresentGeneric will not
-- see it until it's fully stored.
viaTmp (\tmp () -> withMeteredFile src p (L.writeFile tmp)) dest ()
dest = exportPath d loc
retrieveExportM :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
retrieveExportM d _k loc dest p =
liftIO $ withMeteredFile src p (L.writeFile dest)
src = exportPath d loc
removeExportM :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex ()
removeExportM d _k loc = liftIO $ do
nukeFile src
removeExportLocation d loc
src = exportPath d loc
checkPresentExportM :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
checkPresentExportM d _k loc =
checkPresentGeneric d [exportPath d loc]
renameExportM :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> Annex (Maybe ())
renameExportM d _k oldloc newloc = liftIO $ do
createDirectoryUnder d (takeDirectory dest)
renameFile src dest
removeExportLocation d oldloc
return (Just ())
src = exportPath d oldloc
dest = exportPath d newloc
exportPath :: FilePath -> ExportLocation -> FilePath
exportPath d loc = d </> fromRawFilePath (fromExportLocation loc)
{- Removes the ExportLocation's parent directory and its parents, so long as
- they're empty, up to but not including the topdir. -}
removeExportLocation :: FilePath -> ExportLocation -> IO ()
removeExportLocation topdir loc =
go (Just $ takeDirectory $ fromRawFilePath $ fromExportLocation loc) (Right ())
go _ (Left _e) = return ()
go Nothing _ = return ()
go (Just loc') _ = go (upFrom loc')
=<< tryIO (removeDirectory $ exportPath topdir (mkExportLocation (toRawFilePath loc')))
listImportableContentsM :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe (ImportableContents (ContentIdentifier, ByteSize)))
listImportableContentsM dir = catchMaybeIO $ liftIO $ do
l <- dirContentsRecursive dir
l' <- mapM go l
return $ ImportableContents (catMaybes l') []
go f = do
st <- getFileStatus f
mkContentIdentifier f st >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just cid -> do
relf <- toRawFilePath <$> relPathDirToFile dir f
sz <- getFileSize' f st
return $ Just (mkImportLocation relf, (cid, sz))
-- Make a ContentIdentifier that contains an InodeCache.
-- The InodeCache is generated without checking a sentinal file.
-- So in a case when a remount etc causes all the inodes to change,
-- files may appear to be modified when they are not, which will only
-- result in extra work to re-import them.
-- If the file is not a regular file, this will return Nothing.
mkContentIdentifier :: FilePath -> FileStatus -> IO (Maybe ContentIdentifier)
mkContentIdentifier f st =
fmap (ContentIdentifier . encodeBS . showInodeCache)
<$> toInodeCache noTSDelta f st
guardSameContentIdentifiers :: a -> ContentIdentifier -> Maybe ContentIdentifier -> a
guardSameContentIdentifiers cont old new
| new == Just old = cont
| otherwise = giveup "file content has changed"
importKeyM :: FilePath -> ExportLocation -> ContentIdentifier -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Key
importKeyM dir loc cid p = do
backend <- chooseBackend (fromRawFilePath f)
k <- fst <$> genKey ks p backend
currcid <- liftIO $ mkContentIdentifier absf =<< getFileStatus absf
guardSameContentIdentifiers (return k) cid currcid
f = fromExportLocation loc
absf = dir </> fromRawFilePath f
ks = KeySource
{ keyFilename = f
, contentLocation = toRawFilePath absf
, inodeCache = Nothing
retrieveExportWithContentIdentifierM :: FilePath -> ExportLocation -> ContentIdentifier -> FilePath -> Annex Key -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Key
retrieveExportWithContentIdentifierM dir loc cid dest mkkey p =
precheck $ docopy postcheck
f = exportPath dir loc
docopy cont = do
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
let open = do
-- Need a duplicate fd for the post check, since
-- hGetContentsMetered closes its handle.
fd <- openFd f ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
dupfd <- dup fd
h <- fdToHandle fd
return (h, dupfd)
let close (h, dupfd) = do
hClose h
closeFd dupfd
bracketIO open close $ \(h, dupfd) -> do
let open = openBinaryFile f ReadMode
let close = hClose
bracketIO open close $ \h -> do
liftIO $ hGetContentsMetered h p >>= L.writeFile dest
k <- mkkey
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
cont dupfd (return k)
cont (return k)
-- Check before copy, to avoid expensive copy of wrong file
-- content.
precheck cont = guardSameContentIdentifiers cont cid
=<< liftIO . mkContentIdentifier f
=<< liftIO (getFileStatus f)
-- Check after copy, in case the file was changed while it was
-- being copied.
-- When possible (not on Windows), check the same handle
-- that the file was copied from. Avoids some race cases where
-- the file is modified while it's copied but then gets restored
-- to the original content afterwards.
-- This does not guard against every possible race, but neither
-- can InodeCaches detect every possible modification to a file.
-- It's probably as good or better than git's handling of similar
-- situations with files being modified while it's updating the
-- working tree for a merge.
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
postcheck fd cont = do
postcheck cont = do
currcid <- liftIO $ mkContentIdentifier f
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
=<< getFdStatus fd
=<< getFileStatus f
guardSameContentIdentifiers cont cid currcid
storeExportWithContentIdentifierM :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ContentIdentifier
storeExportWithContentIdentifierM dir src _k loc overwritablecids p = do
liftIO $ createDirectoryUnder dir destdir
withTmpFileIn destdir template $ \tmpf tmph -> do
liftIO $ withMeteredFile src p (L.hPut tmph)
liftIO $ hFlush tmph
liftIO $ hClose tmph
resetAnnexFilePerm tmpf
liftIO (getFileStatus tmpf) >>= liftIO . mkContentIdentifier tmpf >>= \case
Nothing -> giveup "unable to generate content identifier"
Just newcid -> do
checkExportContent dir loc
(giveup "unsafe to overwrite file")
(const $ liftIO $ rename tmpf dest)
return newcid
dest = exportPath dir loc
(destdir, base) = splitFileName dest
template = relatedTemplate (base ++ ".tmp")
removeExportWithContentIdentifierM :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> Annex ()
removeExportWithContentIdentifierM dir k loc removeablecids =
checkExportContent dir loc removeablecids (giveup "unsafe to remove modified file") $ \case
DoesNotExist -> return ()
KnownContentIdentifier -> removeExportM dir k loc
checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifierM :: FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> Annex Bool
checkPresentExportWithContentIdentifierM dir _k loc knowncids =
checkPresentGeneric' dir $
checkExportContent dir loc knowncids (return False) $ \case
DoesNotExist -> return False
KnownContentIdentifier -> return True
data CheckResult = DoesNotExist | KnownContentIdentifier
-- Checks if the content at an ExportLocation is in the knowncids,
-- and only runs the callback that modifies it if it's safe to do so.
-- This should avoid races to the extent possible. However,
-- if something has the file open for write, it could write to the handle
-- after the callback has overwritten or deleted it, and its write would
-- be lost, and we don't need to detect that.
-- (In similar situations, git doesn't either!)
-- It follows that if something is written to the destination file
-- shortly before, it's acceptable to run the callback anyway, as that's
-- nearly indistinguishable from the above case.
-- So, it suffices to check if the destination file's current
-- content is known, and immediately run the callback.
checkExportContent :: FilePath -> ExportLocation -> [ContentIdentifier] -> Annex a -> (CheckResult -> Annex a) -> Annex a
checkExportContent dir loc knowncids unsafe callback =
tryWhenExists (liftIO $ getFileStatus dest) >>= \case
Just destst
| not (isRegularFile destst) -> unsafe
| otherwise -> catchDefaultIO Nothing (liftIO $ mkContentIdentifier dest destst) >>= \case
Just destcid
| destcid `elem` knowncids -> callback KnownContentIdentifier
-- dest exists with other content
| otherwise -> unsafe
-- should never happen
Nothing -> unsafe
-- dest does not exist
Nothing -> callback DoesNotExist
dest = exportPath dir loc