Joey Hess fcf5d11c63
add "input" field to json output
The use case of this field is mostly to support -J combined with --json.
When that is implemented, a user will be able to look at the field to
determine which of the requests they have sent it corresponds to.

The field typically has a single value in its list, but in some cases
mutliple values (eg 2 command-line params) are combined together and the
list will have more.

Note that json parsing was already non-strict, so old git-annex metadata
--json --batch can be fed json produced by the new git-annex and will
not stumble over the new field.
2020-09-15 16:22:44 -04:00

312 lines
9.1 KiB

{- git-annex output messages
- Copyright 2010-2020 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Messages (
) where
import System.Log.Logger
import System.Log.Formatter
import System.Log.Handler (setFormatter)
import System.Log.Handler.Simple
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Common
import Types
import Types.Messages
import Types.ActionItem
import Types.Concurrency
import Types.Command (StartMessage(..), SeekInput)
import Types.Transfer (transferKey)
import Messages.Internal
import Messages.Concurrent
import qualified Messages.JSON as JSON
import qualified Annex
showStart :: String -> RawFilePath -> SeekInput -> Annex ()
showStart command file si = outputMessage json $
encodeBS' command <> " " <> file <> " "
json = JSON.start command (Just file) Nothing si
showStartKey :: String -> Key -> ActionItem -> SeekInput -> Annex ()
showStartKey command key ai si = outputMessage json $
encodeBS' command <> " " <> actionItemDesc ai <> " "
json = JSON.start command (actionItemWorkTreeFile ai) (Just key) si
showStartOther :: String -> Maybe String -> SeekInput -> Annex ()
showStartOther command mdesc si = outputMessage json $ encodeBS' $
command ++ (maybe "" (" " ++) mdesc) ++ " "
json = JSON.start command Nothing Nothing si
showStartMessage :: StartMessage -> Annex ()
showStartMessage (StartMessage command ai si) = case ai of
ActionItemAssociatedFile _ k -> showStartKey command k ai si
ActionItemKey k -> showStartKey command k ai si
ActionItemBranchFilePath _ k -> showStartKey command k ai si
ActionItemFailedTransfer t _ -> showStartKey command (transferKey t) ai si
ActionItemWorkTreeFile file -> showStart command file si
ActionItemOther msg -> showStartOther command msg si
OnlyActionOn _ ai' -> showStartMessage (StartMessage command ai' si)
showStartMessage (StartUsualMessages command ai si) = do
outputType <$> Annex.getState Annex.output >>= \case
QuietOutput -> Annex.setOutput NormalOutput
_ -> noop
showStartMessage (StartMessage command ai si)
showStartMessage (StartNoMessage _) = noop
showStartMessage (CustomOutput _) =
outputType <$> Annex.getState Annex.output >>= \case
NormalOutput -> Annex.setOutput QuietOutput
_ -> noop
-- Only show end result if the StartMessage is one that gets displayed.
showEndMessage :: StartMessage -> Bool -> Annex ()
showEndMessage (StartMessage _ _ _) = showEndResult
showEndMessage (StartUsualMessages _ _ _) = showEndResult
showEndMessage (StartNoMessage _) = const noop
showEndMessage (CustomOutput _) = const noop
showNote :: String -> Annex ()
showNote s = outputMessage (JSON.note s) $ encodeBS' $ "(" ++ s ++ ") "
showAction :: String -> Annex ()
showAction s = showNote $ s ++ "..."
showSideAction :: String -> Annex ()
showSideAction m = Annex.getState Annex.output >>= go
go st
| sideActionBlock st == StartBlock = do
let st' = st { sideActionBlock = InBlock }
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.output = st' }
| sideActionBlock st == InBlock = return ()
| otherwise = p
p = outputMessage JSON.none $ encodeBS' $ "(" ++ m ++ "...)\n"
showStoringStateAction :: Annex ()
showStoringStateAction = showSideAction "recording state in git"
{- Performs an action, supressing showSideAction messages. -}
doQuietSideAction :: Annex a -> Annex a
doQuietSideAction = doSideAction' InBlock
{- Performs an action, that may call showSideAction multiple times.
- Only the first will be displayed. -}
doSideAction :: Annex a -> Annex a
doSideAction = doSideAction' StartBlock
doSideAction' :: SideActionBlock -> Annex a -> Annex a
doSideAction' b = bracket setup cleanup . const
setup = do
o <- Annex.getState Annex.output
set $ o { sideActionBlock = b }
return o
cleanup = set
set o = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.output = o }
{- Performs an action, suppressing all normal standard output,
- but not json output. -}
doQuietAction :: Annex a -> Annex a
doQuietAction = bracket setup cleanup . const
setup = do
o <- Annex.getState Annex.output
case outputType o of
NormalOutput -> set $ o { outputType = QuietOutput }
_ -> noop
return o
cleanup = set
set o = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.output = o }
{- Make way for subsequent output of a command. -}
showOutput :: Annex ()
showOutput = unlessM commandProgressDisabled $
outputMessage JSON.none "\n"
showLongNote :: String -> Annex ()
showLongNote s = outputMessage (JSON.note s) (encodeBS' (formatLongNote s))
formatLongNote :: String -> String
formatLongNote s = '\n' : indent s ++ "\n"
-- Used by external special remote, displayed same as showLongNote
-- to console, but json object containing the info is emitted immediately.
showInfo :: String -> Annex ()
showInfo s = outputMessage' outputJSON ( s) $
encodeBS' (formatLongNote s)
showEndOk :: Annex ()
showEndOk = showEndResult True
showEndFail :: Annex ()
showEndFail = showEndResult False
showEndResult :: Bool -> Annex ()
showEndResult ok = outputMessage (JSON.end ok) $ endResult ok <> "\n"
endResult :: Bool -> S.ByteString
endResult True = "ok"
endResult False = "failed"
toplevelWarning :: Bool -> String -> Annex ()
toplevelWarning makeway s = warning' makeway ("git-annex: " ++ s)
warning :: String -> Annex ()
warning = warning' True . indent
earlyWarning :: String -> Annex ()
earlyWarning = warning' False
warning' :: Bool -> String -> Annex ()
warning' makeway w = do
when makeway $
outputMessage JSON.none "\n"
outputError (w ++ "\n")
{- Not concurrent output safe. -}
warningIO :: String -> IO ()
warningIO w = do
putStr "\n"
hFlush stdout
hPutStrLn stderr w
indent :: String -> String
indent = intercalate "\n" . map (\l -> " " ++ l) . lines
{- Shows a JSON chunk only when in json mode. -}
maybeShowJSON :: JSON.JSONChunk v -> Annex ()
maybeShowJSON v = void $ withMessageState $ bufferJSON (JSON.add v)
{- Shows a complete JSON value, only when in json mode. -}
showFullJSON :: JSON.JSONChunk v -> Annex Bool
showFullJSON v = withMessageState $ bufferJSON (JSON.complete v)
{- Performs an action that outputs nonstandard/customized output, and
- in JSON mode wraps its output in JSON.start and JSON.end, so it's
- a complete JSON document.
- This is only needed when showStart and showEndOk is not used.
showCustom :: String -> SeekInput -> Annex Bool -> Annex ()
showCustom command si a = do
outputMessage (JSON.start command Nothing Nothing si) ""
r <- a
outputMessage (JSON.end r) ""
showHeader :: S.ByteString -> Annex ()
showHeader h = outputMessage JSON.none (h <> ": ")
showRaw :: S.ByteString -> Annex ()
showRaw s = outputMessage JSON.none (s <> "\n")
setupConsole :: IO ()
setupConsole = do
s <- setFormatter
<$> streamHandler stderr DEBUG
<*> pure preciseLogFormatter
updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName (setLevel NOTICE . setHandlers [s])
{- Force output to be line buffered. This is normally the case when
- it's connected to a terminal, but may not be when redirected to
- a file or a pipe. -}
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering
{- Log formatter with precision into fractions of a second. -}
preciseLogFormatter :: LogFormatter a
preciseLogFormatter = tfLogFormatter "%F %X%Q" "[$time] $msg"
enableDebugOutput :: IO ()
enableDebugOutput = updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName $ setLevel DEBUG
disableDebugOutput :: IO ()
disableDebugOutput = updateGlobalLogger rootLoggerName $ setLevel NOTICE
{- Checks if debugging is enabled. -}
debugEnabled :: IO Bool
debugEnabled = do
l <- getRootLogger
return $ getLevel l <= Just DEBUG
{- Should commands that normally output progress messages have that
- output disabled? -}
commandProgressDisabled :: Annex Bool
commandProgressDisabled = withMessageState $ \s -> return $
case outputType s of
QuietOutput -> True
JSONOutput _ -> True
NormalOutput -> concurrentOutputEnabled s
{- Prevents any concurrent console access while running an action, so
- that the action is the only thing using the console, and can eg prompt
- the user.
prompt :: Annex a -> Annex a
prompt a = do
p <- mkPrompter
p a
{- Like prompt, but for a non-annex action that prompts. -}
mkPrompter :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => Annex (m a -> m a)
mkPrompter = Annex.getState Annex.concurrency >>= \case
NonConcurrent -> return id
(Concurrent _) -> goconcurrent
ConcurrentPerCpu -> goconcurrent
goconcurrent = withMessageState $ \s -> do
let l = promptLock s
return $ \a ->
debugLocks $ bracketIO
(takeMVar l)
(putMVar l)
(const $ hideRegionsWhile s a)