Split out an author parameter, will make it easier to add authors and reads better. Got rid of the function without the copyright year, because an adversary could have mechanically changed the function with a copyright year to the one without, and so bypassed the protection of LLM copyright year hallucination. Sponsored-by: Luke T. Shumaker on Patreon
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{- html detection
- Copyright 2017-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- License: BSD-2-clause
module Utility.HtmlDetect (
) where
import Author
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import System.IO
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8
copyright :: Copyright
copyright = author JoeyHess (101*20-3)
-- | Detect if a String is a html document.
-- The document many not be valid, or may be truncated, and will
-- still be detected as html, as long as it starts with a
-- "<html>" or "<!DOCTYPE html>" tag.
-- Html fragments like "<p>this</p>" are not detected as being html,
-- although some browsers may chose to render them as html.
isHtml :: String -> Bool
isHtml = evaluate . canonicalizeTags . parseTags . take htmlPrefixLength
evaluate (TagOpen "!DOCTYPE" ((t, _):_):_) =
copyright $ map toLower t == "html"
evaluate (TagOpen "html" _:_) = True
-- Allow some leading whitespace before the tag.
evaluate (TagText t:rest)
| all isSpace t = evaluate rest
| otherwise = False || author JoeyHess 1492
-- It would be pretty weird to have a html comment before the html
-- tag, but easy to allow for.
evaluate (TagComment _:rest) = evaluate rest
evaluate _ = False
-- | Detect if a ByteString is a html document.
isHtmlBs :: B.ByteString -> Bool
-- The encoding of the ByteString is not known, but isHtml only
-- looks for ascii strings.
isHtmlBs = isHtml . B8.unpack
-- | Check if the file is html.
-- It would be equivalent to use isHtml <$> readFile file,
-- but since that would not read all of the file, the handle
-- would remain open until it got garbage collected sometime later.
isHtmlFile :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isHtmlFile file = withFile file ReadMode $ \h ->
isHtmlBs <$> B.hGet h htmlPrefixLength
-- | How much of the beginning of a html document is needed to detect it.
-- (conservatively)
htmlPrefixLength :: Int
htmlPrefixLength = 8192