Joey Hess 92f775eba0
convert to withCreateProcess for async exception safety
Not yet 100% done, so far I've grepped for waitForProcess and converted
everything that uses that to start the process with withCreateProcess.

Except for some things like P2P.IO and Assistant.TransferrerPool,
and Utility.CoProcess, that manage a pool of processes. See 
for how those will need to be dealt with.

checkSuccessProcess, ignoreFailureProcess, and forceSuccessProcess calls waitForProcess, so
callers of them will also need to be dealt with, and have not been yet.
2020-06-03 15:48:09 -04:00

112 lines
3 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{- git commit history interface
- Copyright 2019 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Git.History where
import Common
import Git
import Git.Command
import Git.Sha
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
data History t = History t (S.Set (History t))
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
mapHistory :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> History a -> History b
mapHistory f (History t s) = History (f t) ( (mapHistory f) s)
historyDepth :: History t -> Integer
historyDepth (History _ s)
| S.null s = 1
| otherwise = 1 + maximum (map historyDepth (S.toList s))
truncateHistoryToDepth :: Ord t => Integer -> History t -> History t
truncateHistoryToDepth n (History t ps) = History t (go 1 ps)
go depth s
| depth >= n = S.empty
| otherwise =
let depth' = succ depth
in flip s $ \(History t' s') ->
History t' (go depth' s')
data HistoryCommit = HistoryCommit
{ historyCommit :: Sha
, historyCommitTree :: Sha
, historyCommitParents :: [Sha]
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{- Gets a History starting with the provided commit, and down to the
- requested depth. -}
getHistoryToDepth :: Integer -> Ref -> Repo -> IO (Maybe (History HistoryCommit))
getHistoryToDepth n commit r = withCreateProcess p go
p = (gitCreateProcess params r)
{ std_out = CreatePipe }
go _ (Just inh) _ pid = do
!h <- fmap (truncateHistoryToDepth n)
. build Nothing
. map parsehistorycommit
. map L.toStrict
. L8.lines
<$> L.hGetContents inh
hClose inh
void $ waitForProcess pid
return h
go _ _ _ _ = error "internal"
build h [] = fmap (mapHistory fst) h
build _ (Nothing:_) = Nothing
build Nothing (Just v:rest) =
build (Just (History v S.empty)) rest
build (Just h) (Just v:rest) =
let h' = traverseadd v h
in build (Just h') $
-- detect when all parents down to desired depth
-- have been found, and avoid processing any more,
-- this makes it much faster when there is a lot of
-- history.
if parentsfound h' then [] else rest
traverseadd v@(hc, _ps) (History v'@(hc', ps') s)
| historyCommit hc `elem` ps' =
let ps'' = filter (/= historyCommit hc) ps'
in History (hc', ps'') (S.insert (History v S.empty) s)
| otherwise = History v' ( (traverseadd v) s)
parentsfound = parentsfound' 1
parentsfound' depth (History (_hc, ps) s)
| not (null ps) = False
| null ps && depth == n = True
| depth >= n = True
| otherwise = all (parentsfound' (succ depth)) (S.toList s)
params =
[ Param "log"
, Param (fromRef commit)
, Param "--full-history"
, Param "--no-abbrev"
, Param "--format=%T %H %P"
parsehistorycommit l = case map extractSha (B8.split ' ' l) of
(Just t:Just c:ps) -> Just $
( HistoryCommit
{ historyCommit = c
, historyCommitTree = t
, historyCommitParents = catMaybes ps
, catMaybes ps
_ -> Nothing