Dotfiles, and files inside dotdirs are not added by "git annex add" unless the dotfile or directory is explicitly listed. So "git annex add ." will add all untracked files in the current directory except for those in dotdirs. One reason for this is that it will make git-annex more usable with vcsh, where you don't want "vcsh big annex add" to check in all the dotfiles that are already versioned in other repositories. (If you're using vcsh for repos that contain non-dotfiles, this won't help, and you'll need to .gitignore such things, but this will cover the common case.) A more general reason why this seems like a good idea is the same reason ls ignores dotfiles, just the unix convention that they are cruft that is kept out of the way most of the time. All the other git-annex commands still do deal with any dotfiles that do get into the annex. This seemed right because if I've gone to the trouble to add a dotfile, I will want "git annex get ." to get it along with everything else.
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{- path manipulation
- Copyright 2010-2011 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Utility.Path where
import Data.String.Utils
import System.Path
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Applicative
import System.Posix.User
import Utility.Monad
{- Returns the parent directory of a path. Parent of / is "" -}
parentDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
parentDir dir
| not $ null dirs = slash ++ join s (init dirs)
| otherwise = ""
dirs = filter (not . null) $ split s dir
slash = if isAbsolute dir then s else ""
s = [pathSeparator]
prop_parentDir_basics :: FilePath -> Bool
prop_parentDir_basics dir
| null dir = True
| dir == "/" = parentDir dir == ""
| otherwise = p /= dir
p = parentDir dir
{- Checks if the first FilePath is, or could be said to contain the second.
- For example, "foo/" contains "foo/bar". Also, "foo", "./foo", "foo/" etc
- are all equivilant.
dirContains :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
dirContains a b = a == b || a' == b' || (a'++"/") `isPrefixOf` b'
norm p = fromMaybe "" $ absNormPath p "."
a' = norm a
b' = norm b
{- Converts a filename into a normalized, absolute path. -}
absPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
absPath file = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
return $ absPathFrom cwd file
{- Converts a filename into a normalized, absolute path
- from the specified cwd. -}
absPathFrom :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
absPathFrom cwd file = fromMaybe bad $ absNormPath cwd file
bad = error $ "unable to normalize " ++ file
{- Constructs a relative path from the CWD to a file.
- For example, assuming CWD is /tmp/foo/bar:
- relPathCwdToFile "/tmp/foo" == ".."
- relPathCwdToFile "/tmp/foo/bar" == ""
relPathCwdToFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
relPathCwdToFile f = relPathDirToFile <$> getCurrentDirectory <*> absPath f
{- Constructs a relative path from a directory to a file.
- Both must be absolute, and normalized (eg with absNormpath).
relPathDirToFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
relPathDirToFile from to = join s $ dotdots ++ uncommon
s = [pathSeparator]
pfrom = split s from
pto = split s to
common = map fst $ filter same $ zip pfrom pto
same (c,d) = c == d
uncommon = drop numcommon pto
dotdots = replicate (length pfrom - numcommon) ".."
numcommon = length common
prop_relPathDirToFile_basics :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
prop_relPathDirToFile_basics from to
| from == to = null r
| otherwise = not (null r)
r = relPathDirToFile from to
{- Given an original list of files, and an expanded list derived from it,
- ensures that the original list's ordering is preserved.
- The input list may contain a directory, like "dir" or "dir/". Any
- items in the expanded list that are contained in that directory will
- appear at the same position as it did in the input list.
preserveOrder :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
preserveOrder [] new = new
preserveOrder [_] new = new -- optimisation
preserveOrder (l:ls) new = found ++ preserveOrder ls rest
(found, rest)=partition (l `dirContains`) new
{- Runs an action that takes a list of FilePaths, and ensures that
- its return list preserves order.
- This assumes that it's cheaper to call preserveOrder on the result,
- than it would be to run the action separately with each param. In the case
- of git file list commands, that assumption tends to hold.
runPreserveOrder :: ([FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]) -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
runPreserveOrder a files = preserveOrder files <$> a files
{- Lists the contents of a directory.
- Unlike getDirectoryContents, paths are not relative to the directory. -}
dirContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
dirContents d = map (d </>) . filter notcruft <$> getDirectoryContents d
notcruft "." = False
notcruft ".." = False
notcruft _ = True
{- Current user's home directory. -}
myHomeDir :: IO FilePath
myHomeDir = homeDirectory <$> (getUserEntryForID =<< getEffectiveUserID)
{- Checks if a command is available in PATH. -}
inPath :: String -> IO Bool
inPath command = getSearchPath >>= anyM indir
indir d = doesFileExist $ d </> command
{- Checks if a filename is a unix dotfile. All files inside dotdirs
- count as dotfiles. -}
dotfile :: FilePath -> Bool
dotfile file
| f == "." = False
| f == ".." = False
| f == "" = False
| otherwise = "." `isPrefixOf` f || dotfile (takeDirectory file)
f = takeFileName file