This eliminates the distinction between decodeBS and decodeBS', encodeBS and encodeBS', etc. The old implementation truncated at NUL, and the primed versions had to do extra work to avoid that problem. The new implementation does not truncate at NUL, and is also a lot faster. (Benchmarked at 2x faster for decodeBS and 3x for encodeBS; more for the primed versions.) Note that filepath-bytestring contains the same optimisation, and upgrading to it will speed up to/fromRawFilePath. AFAIK, nothing relied on the old behavior of truncating at NUL. Some code used the faster versions in places where I was sure there would not be a NUL. So this change is unlikely to break anything. Also, moved s2w8 and w82s out of the module, as they do not involve filesystem encoding really. Sponsored-by: Shae Erisson on Patreon
374 lines
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374 lines
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{- git-annex external backend
- Copyright 2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Backend.External (makeBackend) where
import Annex.Common
import Annex.ExternalAddonProcess
import Backend.Utilities
import Types.Key
import Types.Backend
import Types.KeySource
import Utility.Metered
import qualified Utility.SimpleProtocol as Proto
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Char
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
newtype ExternalBackendName = ExternalBackendName S.ByteString
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- Makes Backend representing an external backend of any type.
-- If the program is not available or doesn't work, makes a Backend
-- that cannot generate or verify keys, but that still lets the keys be
-- basically used.
makeBackend :: S.ByteString -> HasExt -> Annex Backend
makeBackend bname hasext =
withExternalState ebname hasext (return . externalBackend)
ebname = ExternalBackendName bname
makeBackend' :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> Either ExternalAddonStartError ExternalAddonProcess -> Annex Backend
makeBackend' ebname@(ExternalBackendName bname) hasext (Right p) = do
let st = ExternalState
{ externalAddonProcess = Right p
, externalBackend = unavailBackend ebname hasext
canverify <- handleRequest st CANVERIFY (pure False) $ \case
CANVERIFY_YES -> result True
CANVERIFY_NO -> result False
_ -> Nothing
isstable <- handleRequest st ISSTABLE (pure False) $ \case
ISSTABLE_YES -> result True
ISSTABLE_NO -> result False
_ -> Nothing
iscryptographicallysecure <- handleRequest st ISCRYPTOGRAPHICALLYSECURE (pure False) $ \case
_ -> Nothing
return $ Backend
{ backendVariety = ExternalKey bname hasext
, genKey = Just $ genKeyExternal ebname hasext
, verifyKeyContent = if canverify
then Just $ verifyKeyContentExternal ebname hasext
-- The protocol supports PROGRESS here,
-- but it's not actually used. It was put
-- in to avoid needing a protocol version
-- bump if progress handling is later added.
else Nothing
, verifyKeyContentIncrementally = Nothing
, canUpgradeKey = Nothing
, fastMigrate = Nothing
, isStableKey = const isstable
, isCryptographicallySecure = const iscryptographicallysecure
makeBackend' ebname hasext (Left _) = return $ unavailBackend ebname hasext
unavailBackend :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> Backend
unavailBackend (ExternalBackendName bname) hasext =
{ backendVariety = ExternalKey bname hasext
, genKey = Nothing
, verifyKeyContent = Nothing
, verifyKeyContentIncrementally = Nothing
, canUpgradeKey = Nothing
, fastMigrate = Nothing
, isStableKey = const False
, isCryptographicallySecure = const False
genKeyExternal :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> KeySource -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Key
genKeyExternal ebname hasext ks meterupdate =
withExternalState ebname hasext $ \st ->
handleRequest st req notavail go
req = GENKEY (fromRawFilePath (contentLocation ks))
notavail = giveup $ "Cannot generate a key, since " ++ externalBackendProgram ebname ++ " is not available."
go (GENKEY_SUCCESS pk) = Just $ Result <$> fromProtoKey pk hasext ks
go (GENKEY_FAILURE msg) = Just $ giveup $
"External backend program failed to generate a key: " ++ msg
go (PROGRESS bytesprocessed) = Just $ do
liftIO $ meterupdate bytesprocessed
return $ GetNextMessage go
go _ = Nothing
verifyKeyContentExternal :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> MeterUpdate -> Key -> RawFilePath -> Annex Bool
verifyKeyContentExternal ebname hasext meterupdate k f =
withExternalState ebname hasext $ \st ->
handleRequest st req notavail go
req = VERIFYKEYCONTENT (toProtoKey k) (fromRawFilePath f)
-- This should not be able to happen, because CANVERIFY is checked
-- before this function is enable, and so the external program
-- is available. But if it does, fail the verification.
notavail = return False
go (PROGRESS bytesprocessed) = Just $ do
liftIO $ meterupdate bytesprocessed
return $ GetNextMessage go
go _ = Nothing
-- State about a running external backend program.
data ExternalState = ExternalState
{ externalAddonProcess :: Either ExternalAddonStartError ExternalAddonProcess
, externalBackend :: Backend
handleRequest :: ExternalState -> Request -> Annex a -> ResponseHandler a -> Annex a
handleRequest st req whenunavail responsehandler =
withExternalAddon st whenunavail $ \p -> do
sendMessage p req
let loop = receiveResponse p responsehandler
(Just . handleExceptionalMessage loop)
handleExceptionalMessage _ (ERROR err) = do
warning ("external special remote error: " ++ err)
handleExceptionalMessage loop (DEBUG msg) = do
fastDebug "Backend.External" msg
withExternalAddon :: ExternalState -> a -> (ExternalAddonProcess -> a) -> a
withExternalAddon st whenunavail a = case externalAddonProcess st of
Right addon -> a addon
Left _ -> whenunavail
sendMessage :: Proto.Sendable m => ExternalAddonProcess -> m -> Annex ()
sendMessage p m = liftIO $ do
protocolDebug p True line
hPutStrLn (externalSend p) line
hFlush (externalSend p)
line = unwords $ Proto.formatMessage m
{- A response handler can yeild a result, or it can request that another
- message be consumed from the external. -}
data ResponseHandlerResult a
= Result a
| GetNextMessage (ResponseHandler a)
type ResponseHandler a = Response -> Maybe (Annex (ResponseHandlerResult a))
result :: a -> Maybe (Annex (ResponseHandlerResult a))
result = Just . return . Result
{- Waits for a message from the external backend, and passes it to the
- apppropriate handler.
- If the handler returns Nothing, this is a protocol error.
:: ExternalAddonProcess
-> ResponseHandler a
-> (ExceptionalMessage -> Maybe (Annex a))
-> Annex a
receiveResponse p handleresponse handleexceptional =
go =<< liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ hGetLine $ externalReceive p)
go Nothing = protocolError False ""
go (Just s) = do
liftIO $ protocolDebug p False s
case Proto.parseMessage s :: Maybe Response of
Just resp -> case handleresponse resp of
Nothing -> protocolError True s
Just callback -> callback >>= \case
Result a -> return a
GetNextMessage handleresponse' ->
receiveResponse p handleresponse' handleexceptional
Nothing -> case Proto.parseMessage s :: Maybe ExceptionalMessage of
Just msg -> maybe (protocolError True s) id (handleexceptional msg)
Nothing -> protocolError False s
protocolError parsed s = giveup $ "external backend protocol error, unexpectedly received \"" ++ s ++ "\" " ++
if parsed
then "(message not allowed at this time)"
else "(unable to parse message)"
-- Information about pools of of running external backends that are
-- available to use is stored in this global.
{-# NOINLINE poolVar #-}
poolVar :: MVar (M.Map ExternalBackendName (ExternalAddonPID, [ExternalState]))
poolVar = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar M.empty
-- Starts a new instance of an external backend.
-- Does not add it to the poolVar; caller should add it once it's done
-- using it.
newExternalState :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> ExternalAddonPID -> Annex ExternalState
newExternalState ebname hasext pid = do
st <- startExternalAddonProcess basecmd pid
st' <- case st of
Left (ProgramNotInstalled msg) -> warnonce msg >> return st
Left (ProgramFailure msg) -> warnonce msg >> return st
Right p -> do
sendMessage p GETVERSION
v <- receiveResponse p
(\resp -> case resp of
VERSION v -> result v
_ -> Nothing
(const Nothing)
if v `notElem` supportedProtocolVersions
then do
warnonce (basecmd ++ " uses an unsupported version of the external backend protocol")
return $ Left (ProgramFailure "bad protocol version")
else return (Right p)
backend <- makeBackend' ebname hasext st'
return $ ExternalState
{ externalAddonProcess = st'
, externalBackend = backend
basecmd = externalBackendProgram ebname
warnonce msg = when (pid == 1) $
warning msg
externalBackendProgram :: ExternalBackendName -> String
externalBackendProgram (ExternalBackendName bname) = "git-annex-backend-X" ++ decodeBS bname
-- Runs an action with an ExternalState, starting a new external backend
-- process if necessary. It is returned to the pool once the action
-- finishes successfully. On exception, it's shut down.
withExternalState :: ExternalBackendName -> HasExt -> (ExternalState -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withExternalState bname hasext a = do
st <- get
r <- a st `onException` shutdown st
put st -- only when no exception is thrown
return r
get = do
m <- liftIO $ takeMVar poolVar
case fromMaybe (1, []) (M.lookup bname m) of
(pid, []) -> do
let m' = M.insert bname (succ pid, []) m
liftIO $ putMVar poolVar m'
newExternalState bname hasext pid
(pid, (st:rest)) -> do
let m' = M.insert bname (pid, rest) m
liftIO $ putMVar poolVar m'
return st
put st = liftIO $ modifyMVar_ poolVar $
pure . M.adjust (\(pid, l) -> (pid, st:l)) bname
shutdown st = liftIO $
withExternalAddon st noop (flip externalShutdown False)
-- This is a key as seen by the protocol consumer. When the "E" variant
-- of the external backend is in use, it does not include an extension.
-- And it's assumed not to contain spaces or newlines, or anything besides
-- ascii alphanumerics, because the protocol does not allow keys containing
-- such things.
newtype ProtoKey = ProtoKey Key
deriving (Show)
fromProtoKey :: ProtoKey -> HasExt -> KeySource -> Annex Key
fromProtoKey (ProtoKey k) (HasExt False) _ = pure k
fromProtoKey (ProtoKey k) hasext@(HasExt True) source =
addE source (setHasExt hasext) k
toProtoKey :: Key -> ProtoKey
toProtoKey k = ProtoKey $ alterKey k $ \d -> d
-- The extension can be easily removed, because the protocol
-- documentation does not allow '.' to be used in the keyName,
-- so the first one is the extension.
{ keyName = S.takeWhile (/= dot) (keyName d)
, keyVariety = setHasExt (HasExt False) (keyVariety d)
dot = fromIntegral (ord '.')
setHasExt :: HasExt -> KeyVariety -> KeyVariety
setHasExt hasext (ExternalKey name _) = ExternalKey name hasext
setHasExt _ v = v
instance Proto.Serializable ProtoKey where
serialize (ProtoKey k) = Proto.serialize k
deserialize = fmap ProtoKey . Proto.deserialize
data Request
| GENKEY FilePath
deriving (Show)
data Response
= VERSION ProtocolVersion
| PROGRESS BytesProcessed
deriving (Show)
data ExceptionalMessage
= ERROR ErrorMsg
| DEBUG String
deriving (Show)
type ErrorMsg = String
newtype ProtocolVersion = ProtocolVersion Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
supportedProtocolVersions :: [ProtocolVersion]
supportedProtocolVersions = [ProtocolVersion 1]
instance Proto.Serializable ProtocolVersion where
serialize (ProtocolVersion n) = show n
deserialize = ProtocolVersion <$$> readish
instance Proto.Sendable ExceptionalMessage where
formatMessage (ERROR err) = ["ERROR", Proto.serialize err]
formatMessage (DEBUG msg) = ["DEBUG", Proto.serialize msg]
instance Proto.Receivable ExceptionalMessage where
parseCommand "ERROR" = Proto.parse1 ERROR
parseCommand "DEBUG" = Proto.parse1 DEBUG
parseCommand _ = Proto.parseFail
instance Proto.Sendable Request where
formatMessage CANVERIFY = ["CANVERIFY"]
formatMessage ISSTABLE = ["ISSTABLE"]
formatMessage (GENKEY file) = ["GENKEY", Proto.serialize file]
formatMessage (VERIFYKEYCONTENT key file) =
["VERIFYKEYCONTENT", Proto.serialize key, Proto.serialize file]
instance Proto.Receivable Response where
parseCommand "VERSION" = Proto.parse1 VERSION
parseCommand "CANVERIFY-YES" = Proto.parse0 CANVERIFY_YES
parseCommand "CANVERIFY-NO" = Proto.parse0 CANVERIFY_NO
parseCommand "ISSTABLE-YES" = Proto.parse0 ISSTABLE_YES
parseCommand "ISSTABLE-NO" = Proto.parse0 ISSTABLE_NO
parseCommand "GENKEY-SUCCESS" = Proto.parse1 GENKEY_SUCCESS
parseCommand "GENKEY-FAILURE" = Proto.parse1 GENKEY_FAILURE
parseCommand "PROGRESS" = Proto.parse1 PROGRESS
parseCommand _ = Proto.parseFail