* config: Added the --show-origin and --for-file options. * config: Support annex.numcopies and annex.mincopies. There is a little bit of redundancy here with other code elsewhere that combines the various configs and selects which to use. But really only for the special case of annex.numcopies, which is a git config that does not override the annex branch setting and for annex.mincopies, which does not have a git config but does have gitattributes settings as well as the annex branch setting. That seems small enough, and unlikely enough to grow into a mess that it was worth supporting annex.numcopies and annex.mincopies in git-annex config --show-origin. Because these settings are a prime thing that someone might get confused about and want to know where they were configured. And, it followed that git-annex config might as well support those two for --set and --get as well. While this is redundant with the speclialized commands, it's only a little code and it makes it more consistent. Note that --set does not have as nice output as numcopies/mincopies commands in some special cases like setting to 0 or a negative number. It does avoid setting to a bad value thanks to the smart constructors (eg configuredNumCopies). As for other git-annex branch configurations that are not set by git-annex config, things like trust and wanted that are specific to a repository don't map to a git config name, so don't really fit into git-annex config. And they are only configured in the git-annex branch with no local override (at least so far), so --show-origin would not be useful for them. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's DANDI project
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2017-2023 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Command.Config where
import Command
import Logs.Config
import Config
import Types.GitConfig (globalConfigs)
import Git.Types (fromConfigValue, fromConfigKey)
import qualified Git.Command
import Utility.SafeOutput
import Annex.CheckAttr
import Types.NumCopies
import Logs.NumCopies
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
cmd :: Command
cmd = noMessages $ command "config" SectionSetup
"configuration stored in git-annex branch"
paramNothing (seek <$$> optParser)
data Action
= SetConfig ConfigKey ConfigValue
| GetConfig ConfigKey
| UnsetConfig ConfigKey
| ShowOrigin ConfigKey (Maybe FilePath)
type Name = String
type Value = String
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser Action
optParser _ = setconfig <|> getconfig <|> unsetconfig <|> showorigin
setconfig = SetConfig
<$> strOption
( long "set"
<> help "set configuration"
<> metavar paramName
<*> strArgument
( metavar paramValue
getconfig = GetConfig <$> strOption
( long "get"
<> help "get configuration"
<> metavar paramName
unsetconfig = UnsetConfig <$> strOption
( long "unset"
<> help "unset configuration"
<> metavar paramName
showorigin = ShowOrigin
<$> strOption
( long "show-origin"
<> help "explain where a value is configured"
<> metavar paramName
<*> optional (strOption
( long "for-file"
<> help "filename to check for in gitattributes"
<> metavar paramFile
seek :: Action -> CommandSeek
seek (SetConfig ck@(ConfigKey name) val) = checkIsGlobalConfig ck $ \setter _unsetter _getter ->
commandAction $ startingUsualMessages (decodeBS name) ai si $ do
setter val
when (needLocalUpdate ck) $
setConfig ck (fromConfigValue val)
next $ return True
ai = ActionItemOther (Just (UnquotedString (fromConfigValue val)))
si = SeekInput [decodeBS name]
seek (UnsetConfig ck@(ConfigKey name)) = checkIsGlobalConfig ck $ \_setter unsetter _getter ->
commandAction $ startingUsualMessages (decodeBS name) ai si $ do
when (needLocalUpdate ck) $
unsetConfig ck
next $ return True
ai = ActionItemOther (Just "unset")
si = SeekInput [decodeBS name]
seek (GetConfig ck) = checkIsGlobalConfig ck $ \_setter _unsetter getter ->
commandAction $ startingCustomOutput ai $ do
getter >>= \case
Just (ConfigValue v) -> liftIO $ S8.putStrLn $ safeOutput v
Just NoConfigValue -> return ()
Nothing -> return ()
next $ return True
ai = ActionItemOther Nothing
seek (ShowOrigin ck@(ConfigKey name) forfile) = commandAction $
startingCustomOutput ai $ next $ checknotconfigured $
case checkIsGlobalConfig' ck of
Just (_setter, _unsetter, getter) ->
ifM gitconfigorigin
( return True
, checkattrs (checkconfigbranch getter)
Nothing -> ifM gitconfigorigin
( return True
, checkattrs checkgitconfigunderride
ai = ActionItemOther Nothing
| name `elem` gitconfigdoesnotoverride = return False
| otherwise = gitconfigorigin'
gitconfigorigin' = inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool
[ Param "config"
, Param "--show-origin"
, Param (decodeBS name)
-- git configs for these do not override values from git attributes
-- or the branch
gitconfigdoesnotoverride =
[ "annex.numcopies"
, "annex.mincopies"
-- the git config for annex.numcopies is a special case; it's only
-- used if not configured anywhere else
| name == "annex.numcopies" = gitconfigorigin'
| otherwise = return False
-- Display similar to git config --show-origin
showval loc v = liftIO $ do
putStrLn $ loc ++ "\t" ++ v
return True
configbranch v
| needLocalUpdate ck = checkgitconfigunderride
| otherwise = showval "branch:git-annex" (decodeBS v)
checkconfigbranch getter = getter >>= \case
Just (ConfigValue v) -> configbranch v
_ -> checkgitconfigunderride
checkattrs cont
| decodeBS name `elem` annexAttrs =
case forfile of
Just file -> do
v <- checkAttr (decodeBS name) (toRawFilePath file)
if null v
then cont
else showval "gitattributes" v
Nothing -> do
| otherwise = cont
warnforfile = warning $ UnquotedString $ configKeyMessage ck $ unwords
[ "may be configured in gitattributes."
, "Pass --for-file= with a filename to check"
checknotconfigured a = do
ok <- a
unless ok $
warning $ UnquotedString $ configKeyMessage ck
"is not configured"
return ok
type Setter = ConfigValue -> Annex ()
type Unsetter = Annex ()
type Getter = Annex (Maybe ConfigValue)
checkIsGlobalConfig :: ConfigKey -> (Setter -> Unsetter -> Getter -> Annex a) -> Annex a
checkIsGlobalConfig ck a = case checkIsGlobalConfig' ck of
Just (setter, unsetter, getter) -> a setter unsetter getter
Nothing -> giveup $ configKeyMessage ck "is not a configuration setting that can be stored in the git-annex branch"
checkIsGlobalConfig' :: ConfigKey -> Maybe (Setter, Unsetter, Getter)
checkIsGlobalConfig' ck
| elem ck globalConfigs = Just
( setGlobalConfig ck
, unsetGlobalConfig ck
, getGlobalConfig ck
-- These came before this command, but are also global configs,
-- so support them here as well.
| ck == ConfigKey "annex.numcopies" = Just
( mksetter (setGlobalNumCopies . configuredNumCopies)
, error "unsetting annex.numcopies is not supported"
, mkgetter fromNumCopies getGlobalNumCopies
| ck == ConfigKey "annex.mincopies" = Just
( mksetter (setGlobalMinCopies . configuredMinCopies)
, error "unsetting annex.mincopies is not supported"
, mkgetter fromMinCopies getGlobalMinCopies
| otherwise = Nothing
mksetter f =
maybe (error ("invalid value for " ++ fromConfigKey ck)) f
. readish . decodeBS . fromConfigValue
mkgetter f g = fmap (ConfigValue . encodeBS . show . f) <$> g
configKeyMessage :: ConfigKey -> String -> String
configKeyMessage (ConfigKey name) msg = decodeBS name ++ " " ++ msg
needLocalUpdate :: ConfigKey -> Bool
needLocalUpdate (ConfigKey "annex.securehashesonly") = True
needLocalUpdate _ = False