This fixes fsck of a remote that uses chunking displaying (checking remotename) (checking remotename)" for every chunk. Also, some remotes displayed the message, and others did not, with no consistency. It was originally displayed only when accessing remotes that were expensive or might involve a password prompt, I think, but nothing in the API said when to do it so it became an inconsistent mess. Originally I thought fsck should always display it. But it only displays in fsck --from remote, so the user knows the remote is being accessed, so there is no reason to tell them it's accessing it over and over. It was also possible for git-annex move to sometimes display it twice, due to checking if content is present twice. But, the user of move specifies --from/--to, so it does not need to display when it's accessing the remote, as the user expects it to access the remote. git-annex get might display it, but only if the remote also supports hasKeyCheap, which is really only local git remotes, which didn't display it always; and in any case nothing displayed it before hasKeyCheap, which is checked first, so I don't think this needs to display it ever. mirror is like move. And that's all the main places it would have been displayed. This commit was sponsored by Jochen Bartl on Patreon.
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{- External special remote interface.
- Copyright 2013-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Remote.External (remote) where
import Remote.External.Types
import Remote.External.AsyncExtension
import qualified Annex
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex.ExternalAddonProcess as AddonProcess
import Types.Remote
import Types.Export
import Types.CleanupActions
import Types.UrlContents
import Types.ProposedAccepted
import qualified Git
import Config
import Git.Config (boolConfig)
import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config
import Remote.Helper.Special
import Remote.Helper.ExportImport
import Remote.Helper.ReadOnly
import Utility.Metered
import Types.Transfer
import Logs.PreferredContent.Raw
import Logs.RemoteState
import Logs.Web
import Config.Cost
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Url
import Annex.UUID
import Creds
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
remote :: RemoteType
remote = specialRemoteType $ RemoteType
{ typename = "external"
, enumerate = const (findSpecialRemotes "externaltype")
, generate = gen
, configParser = remoteConfigParser
, setup = externalSetup
, exportSupported = checkExportSupported
, importSupported = importUnsupported
, thirdPartyPopulated = False
externaltypeField :: RemoteConfigField
externaltypeField = Accepted "externaltype"
readonlyField :: RemoteConfigField
readonlyField = Accepted "readonly"
gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> RemoteStateHandle -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
gen r u rc gc rs
-- readonly mode only downloads urls; does not use external program
| externaltype == "readonly" = do
c <- parsedRemoteConfig remote rc
cst <- remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost
mk c cst GloballyAvailable
(externalInfo externaltype)
| otherwise = do
c <- parsedRemoteConfig remote rc
external <- newExternal externaltype (Just u) c (Just gc)
(Git.remoteName r) (Just rs)
Annex.addCleanupAction (RemoteCleanup u) $ stopExternal external
cst <- getCost external r gc
avail <- getAvailability external r gc
exportsupported <- if exportTree c
then checkExportSupported' external
else return False
let exportactions = if exportsupported
then ExportActions
{ storeExport = storeExportM external
, retrieveExport = retrieveExportM external
, removeExport = removeExportM external
, versionedExport = False
, checkPresentExport = checkPresentExportM external
, removeExportDirectory = Just $ removeExportDirectoryM external
, renameExport = renameExportM external
else exportUnsupported
-- Cheap exportSupported that replaces the expensive
-- checkExportSupported now that we've already checked it.
let cheapexportsupported = if exportsupported
then exportIsSupported
else exportUnsupported
mk c cst avail
(storeKeyM external)
(retrieveKeyFileM external)
(removeKeyM external)
(checkPresentM external)
(Just (whereisKeyM external))
(getInfoM external)
(Just (claimUrlM external))
(Just (checkUrlM external))
mk c cst avail tostore toretrieve toremove tocheckkey towhereis togetinfo toclaimurl tocheckurl exportactions cheapexportsupported = do
let rmt = Remote
{ uuid = u
, cost = cst
, name = Git.repoDescribe r
, storeKey = storeKeyDummy
, retrieveKeyFile = retrieveKeyFileDummy
, retrieveKeyFileCheap = Nothing
-- External special remotes use many http libraries
-- and have no protection against redirects to
-- local private web servers, or in some cases
-- to file:// urls.
, retrievalSecurityPolicy = mkRetrievalVerifiableKeysSecure gc
, removeKey = removeKeyDummy
, lockContent = Nothing
, checkPresent = checkPresentDummy
, checkPresentCheap = False
, exportActions = exportactions
, importActions = importUnsupported
, whereisKey = towhereis
, remoteFsck = Nothing
, repairRepo = Nothing
, config = c
, localpath = Nothing
, getRepo = return r
, gitconfig = gc
, readonly = False
, appendonly = False
, untrustworthy = False
, availability = avail
, remotetype = remote
{ exportSupported = cheapexportsupported }
, mkUnavailable = gen r u rc
(gc { remoteAnnexExternalType = Just "!dne!" }) rs
, getInfo = togetinfo
, claimUrl = toclaimurl
, checkUrl = tocheckurl
, remoteStateHandle = rs
return $ Just $ specialRemote c
externaltype = fromMaybe (giveup "missing externaltype") (remoteAnnexExternalType gc)
externalSetup :: SetupStage -> Maybe UUID -> Maybe CredPair -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
externalSetup _ mu _ c gc = do
u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu
pc <- either giveup return $ parseRemoteConfig c lenientRemoteConfigParser
let readonlyconfig = getRemoteConfigValue readonlyField pc == Just True
let externaltype = if readonlyconfig
then "readonly"
else fromMaybe (giveup "Specify externaltype=") $
getRemoteConfigValue externaltypeField pc
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c gc
c'' <- if readonlyconfig
then do
-- Setting annex-readonly is not really necessary
-- anymore, but older versions of git-annex used
-- this, not externaltype=readonly, so still set
-- it.
setConfig (remoteAnnexConfig (fromJust (lookupName c)) "readonly") (boolConfig True)
return c'
else do
pc' <- either giveup return $ parseRemoteConfig c' lenientRemoteConfigParser
external <- newExternal externaltype (Just u) pc' (Just gc) Nothing Nothing
-- Now that we have an external, ask it to LISTCONFIGS,
-- and re-parse the RemoteConfig strictly, so we can
-- error out if the user provided an unexpected config.
_ <- either giveup return . parseRemoteConfig c'
=<< strictRemoteConfigParser external
handleRequest external INITREMOTE Nothing $ \case
INITREMOTE_FAILURE errmsg -> Just $ giveup $
respErrorMessage "INITREMOTE" errmsg
_ -> Nothing
-- Any config changes the external made before
-- responding to INITREMOTE need to be applied to
-- the RemoteConfig.
changes <- withExternalState external $
liftIO . atomically . readTMVar . externalConfigChanges
return (changes c')
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c'' [("externaltype", externaltype)]
return (M.delete readonlyField c'', u)
checkExportSupported :: ParsedRemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex Bool
checkExportSupported c gc = do
let externaltype = fromMaybe (giveup "Specify externaltype=") $
remoteAnnexExternalType gc <|> getRemoteConfigValue externaltypeField c
if externaltype == "readonly"
then return False
else checkExportSupported'
=<< newExternal externaltype Nothing c (Just gc) Nothing Nothing
checkExportSupported' :: External -> Annex Bool
checkExportSupported' external = go `catchNonAsync` (const (return False))
go = handleRequest external EXPORTSUPPORTED Nothing $ \resp -> case resp of
_ -> Nothing
storeKeyM :: External -> Storer
storeKeyM external = fileStorer $ \k f p ->
either giveup return =<< go k f p
go k f p = handleRequestKey external (\sk -> TRANSFER Upload sk f) k (Just p) $ \resp ->
case resp of
TRANSFER_SUCCESS Upload k' | k == k' ->
result (Right ())
TRANSFER_FAILURE Upload k' errmsg | k == k' ->
result (Left (respErrorMessage "TRANSFER" errmsg))
_ -> Nothing
retrieveKeyFileM :: External -> Retriever
retrieveKeyFileM external = fileRetriever $ \d k p ->
either giveup return =<< go d k p
go d k p = handleRequestKey external (\sk -> TRANSFER Download sk d) k (Just p) $ \resp ->
case resp of
| k == k' -> result $ Right ()
TRANSFER_FAILURE Download k' errmsg
| k == k' -> result $ Left $
respErrorMessage "TRANSFER" errmsg
_ -> Nothing
removeKeyM :: External -> Remover
removeKeyM external k = either giveup return =<< go
go = handleRequestKey external REMOVE k Nothing $ \resp ->
case resp of
| k == k' -> result $ Right ()
| k == k' -> result $ Left $
respErrorMessage "REMOVE" errmsg
_ -> Nothing
checkPresentM :: External -> CheckPresent
checkPresentM external k = either giveup id <$> go
go = handleRequestKey external CHECKPRESENT k Nothing $ \resp ->
case resp of
| k' == k -> result $ Right True
| k' == k -> result $ Right False
| k' == k -> result $ Left $
respErrorMessage "CHECKPRESENT" errmsg
_ -> Nothing
whereisKeyM :: External -> Key -> Annex [String]
whereisKeyM external k = handleRequestKey external WHEREIS k Nothing $ \resp -> case resp of
WHEREIS_SUCCESS s -> result [s]
WHEREIS_FAILURE -> result []
_ -> Nothing
storeExportM :: External -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
storeExportM external f k loc p = either giveup return =<< go
go = handleRequestExport external loc req k (Just p) $ \resp -> case resp of
TRANSFER_SUCCESS Upload k' | k == k' -> result $ Right ()
TRANSFER_FAILURE Upload k' errmsg | k == k' ->
result $ Left $ respErrorMessage "TRANSFER" errmsg
result $ Left "TRANSFEREXPORT not implemented by external special remote"
_ -> Nothing
req sk = TRANSFEREXPORT Upload sk f
retrieveExportM :: External -> Key -> ExportLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
retrieveExportM external k loc d p = either giveup return =<< go
go = handleRequestExport external loc req k (Just p) $ \resp -> case resp of
| k == k' -> result $ Right ()
TRANSFER_FAILURE Download k' errmsg
| k == k' -> result $ Left $ respErrorMessage "TRANSFER" errmsg
result $ Left "TRANSFEREXPORT not implemented by external special remote"
_ -> Nothing
req sk = TRANSFEREXPORT Download sk d
checkPresentExportM :: External -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
checkPresentExportM external k loc = either giveup id <$> go
go = handleRequestExport external loc CHECKPRESENTEXPORT k Nothing $ \resp -> case resp of
| k' == k -> result $ Right True
| k' == k -> result $ Right False
| k' == k -> result $ Left $
respErrorMessage "CHECKPRESENT" errmsg
Left "CHECKPRESENTEXPORT not implemented by external special remote"
_ -> Nothing
removeExportM :: External -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex ()
removeExportM external k loc = either giveup return =<< go
go = handleRequestExport external loc REMOVEEXPORT k Nothing $ \resp -> case resp of
| k == k' -> result $ Right ()
| k == k' -> result $ Left $ respErrorMessage "REMOVE" errmsg
Left $ "REMOVEEXPORT not implemented by external special remote"
_ -> Nothing
removeExportDirectoryM :: External -> ExportDirectory -> Annex ()
removeExportDirectoryM external dir = either giveup return =<< go
go = handleRequest external req Nothing $ \resp -> case resp of
Left "failed to remove directory"
UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST -> result $ Right ()
_ -> Nothing
renameExportM :: External -> Key -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> Annex (Maybe ())
renameExportM external k src dest = either giveup return =<< go
go = handleRequestExport external src req k Nothing $ \resp -> case resp of
| k' == k -> result $ Right (Just ())
| k' == k -> result $ Left "failed to rename exported file"
UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST -> result (Right Nothing)
_ -> Nothing
req sk = RENAMEEXPORT sk dest
{- Sends a Request to the external remote, and waits for it to generate
- a Response. That is fed into the responsehandler, which should return
- the action to run for it (or Nothing if there's a protocol error).
- While the external remote is processing the Request, it may send
- any number of RemoteRequests, that are handled here.
- An external remote process can only handle one request at a time.
- Concurrent requests will start up additional processes.
- May throw exceptions, for example on protocol errors, or
- when the repository cannot be used.
handleRequest :: External -> Request -> Maybe MeterUpdate -> ResponseHandler a -> Annex a
handleRequest external req mp responsehandler =
withExternalState external $ \st ->
handleRequest' st external req mp responsehandler
handleRequestKey :: External -> (SafeKey -> Request) -> Key -> Maybe MeterUpdate -> ResponseHandler a -> Annex a
handleRequestKey external mkreq k mp responsehandler = case mkSafeKey k of
Right sk -> handleRequest external (mkreq sk) mp responsehandler
Left e -> giveup e
{- Export location is first sent in an EXPORT message before
- the main request. This is done because the ExportLocation can
- contain spaces etc. -}
handleRequestExport :: External -> ExportLocation -> (SafeKey -> Request) -> Key -> Maybe MeterUpdate -> ResponseHandler a -> Annex a
handleRequestExport external loc mkreq k mp responsehandler = do
withExternalState external $ \st -> do
checkPrepared st external
sendMessage st (EXPORT loc)
handleRequestKey external mkreq k mp responsehandler
handleRequest' :: ExternalState -> External -> Request -> Maybe MeterUpdate -> ResponseHandler a -> Annex a
handleRequest' st external req mp responsehandler
| needsPREPARE req = do
checkPrepared st external
| otherwise = go
go = do
sendMessage st req
loop = receiveMessage st external responsehandler
(\rreq -> Just $ handleRemoteRequest rreq >> loop)
(\msg -> Just $ handleExceptionalMessage msg >> loop)
handleRemoteRequest (PROGRESS bytesprocessed) =
maybe noop (\a -> liftIO $ a bytesprocessed) mp
handleRemoteRequest (DIRHASH k) =
send $ VALUE $ fromRawFilePath $ hashDirMixed def k
handleRemoteRequest (DIRHASH_LOWER k) =
send $ VALUE $ fromRawFilePath $ hashDirLower def k
handleRemoteRequest (SETCONFIG setting value) =
liftIO $ atomically $ do
ParsedRemoteConfig m c <- takeTMVar (externalConfig st)
let !m' = M.insert
(Accepted setting)
(RemoteConfigValue (PassedThrough value))
let !c' = M.insert
(Accepted setting)
(Accepted value)
putTMVar (externalConfig st) (ParsedRemoteConfig m' c')
f <- takeTMVar (externalConfigChanges st)
let !f' = M.insert (Accepted setting) (Accepted value) . f
putTMVar (externalConfigChanges st) f'
handleRemoteRequest (GETCONFIG setting) = do
value <- maybe "" fromProposedAccepted
. (M.lookup (Accepted setting))
. unparsedRemoteConfig
<$> liftIO (atomically $ readTMVar $ externalConfig st)
send $ VALUE value
handleRemoteRequest (SETCREDS setting login password) = case (externalUUID external, externalGitConfig external) of
(Just u, Just gc) -> do
pc <- liftIO $ atomically $ takeTMVar (externalConfig st)
pc' <- setRemoteCredPair' pc encryptionAlreadySetup gc
(credstorage setting u)
(Just (login, password))
let configchanges = M.differenceWithKey
(\_k a b -> if a == b then Nothing else Just a)
(unparsedRemoteConfig pc')
(unparsedRemoteConfig pc)
void $ liftIO $ atomically $ do
putTMVar (externalConfig st) pc'
f <- takeTMVar (externalConfigChanges st)
let !f' = M.union configchanges . f
putTMVar (externalConfigChanges st) f'
_ -> senderror "cannot send SETCREDS here"
handleRemoteRequest (GETCREDS setting) = case (externalUUID external, externalGitConfig external) of
(Just u, Just gc) -> do
c <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTMVar $ externalConfig st
creds <- fromMaybe ("", "") <$>
getRemoteCredPair c gc (credstorage setting u)
send $ CREDS (fst creds) (snd creds)
_ -> senderror "cannot send GETCREDS here"
handleRemoteRequest GETUUID = case externalUUID external of
Just u -> send $ VALUE $ fromUUID u
Nothing -> senderror "cannot send GETUUID here"
handleRemoteRequest GETGITDIR =
send . VALUE . fromRawFilePath =<< fromRepo Git.localGitDir
handleRemoteRequest GETGITREMOTENAME =
case externalRemoteName external of
Just n -> send $ VALUE n
Nothing -> senderror "git remote name not known"
handleRemoteRequest (SETWANTED expr) = case externalUUID external of
Just u -> preferredContentSet u expr
Nothing -> senderror "cannot send SETWANTED here"
handleRemoteRequest GETWANTED = case externalUUID external of
Just u -> do
expr <- fromMaybe "" . M.lookup u
<$> preferredContentMapRaw
send $ VALUE expr
Nothing -> senderror "cannot send GETWANTED here"
handleRemoteRequest (SETSTATE key state) =
case externalRemoteStateHandle external of
Just h -> setRemoteState h key state
Nothing -> senderror "cannot send SETSTATE here"
handleRemoteRequest (GETSTATE key) =
case externalRemoteStateHandle external of
Just h -> do
state <- fromMaybe ""
<$> getRemoteState h key
send $ VALUE state
Nothing -> senderror "cannot send GETSTATE here"
handleRemoteRequest (SETURLPRESENT key url) =
setUrlPresent key url
handleRemoteRequest (SETURLMISSING key url) =
setUrlMissing key url
handleRemoteRequest (SETURIPRESENT key uri) =
withurl (SETURLPRESENT key) uri
handleRemoteRequest (SETURIMISSING key uri) =
withurl (SETURLMISSING key) uri
handleRemoteRequest (GETURLS key prefix) = do
mapM_ (send . VALUE) =<< getUrlsWithPrefix key prefix
send (VALUE "") -- end of list
handleRemoteRequest (DEBUG msg) = fastDebug "Remote.External" msg
handleRemoteRequest (INFO msg) = showInfo msg
handleRemoteRequest (VERSION _) = senderror "too late to send VERSION"
handleExceptionalMessage (ERROR err) = giveup $ "external special remote error: " ++ err
send = sendMessage st
senderror = sendMessage st . ERROR
credstorage setting u = CredPairStorage
{ credPairFile = base
, credPairEnvironment = (base ++ "login", base ++ "password")
, credPairRemoteField = Accepted setting
base = replace "/" "_" $ fromUUID u ++ "-" ++ setting
withurl mk uri = handleRemoteRequest $ mk $
setDownloader (show uri) OtherDownloader
sendMessage :: (Sendable m, ToAsyncWrapped m) => ExternalState -> m -> Annex ()
sendMessage st m = liftIO $ externalSend st m
sendMessageAddonProcess :: Sendable m => AddonProcess.ExternalAddonProcess -> m -> IO ()
sendMessageAddonProcess p m = do
AddonProcess.protocolDebug p True line
hPutStrLn h line
hFlush h
h = AddonProcess.externalSend p
line = unwords $ formatMessage m
receiveMessageAddonProcess :: AddonProcess.ExternalAddonProcess -> IO (Maybe String)
receiveMessageAddonProcess p = do
v <- catchMaybeIO $ hGetLine $ AddonProcess.externalReceive p
maybe noop (AddonProcess.protocolDebug p False) v
return v
shutdownAddonProcess :: AddonProcess.ExternalAddonProcess -> Bool -> IO ()
shutdownAddonProcess = AddonProcess.externalShutdown
{- A response handler can yeild a result, or it can request that another
- message be consumed from the external. -}
data ResponseHandlerResult a
= Result a
| GetNextMessage (ResponseHandler a)
type ResponseHandler a = Response -> Maybe (Annex (ResponseHandlerResult a))
result :: a -> Maybe (Annex (ResponseHandlerResult a))
result = Just . return . Result
{- Waits for a message from the external remote, and passes it to the
- apppropriate handler.
- If the handler returns Nothing, this is a protocol error.-}
:: ExternalState
-> External
-> ResponseHandler a
-> (RemoteRequest -> Maybe (Annex a))
-> (ExceptionalMessage -> Maybe (Annex a))
-> Annex a
receiveMessage st external handleresponse handlerequest handleexceptional =
go =<< liftIO (externalReceive st)
go Nothing = protocolError False "<EOF>"
go (Just s) = case parseMessage s :: Maybe Response of
Just resp -> case handleresponse resp of
Nothing -> protocolError True s
Just callback -> callback >>= \case
Result a -> return a
GetNextMessage handleresponse' ->
receiveMessage st external handleresponse' handlerequest handleexceptional
Nothing -> case parseMessage s :: Maybe RemoteRequest of
Just req -> maybe (protocolError True s) id (handlerequest req)
Nothing -> case parseMessage s :: Maybe ExceptionalMessage of
Just msg -> maybe (protocolError True s) id (handleexceptional msg)
Nothing -> protocolError False s
protocolError parsed s = do
warning $ "external special remote protocol error, unexpectedly received \"" ++ s ++ "\" " ++
if parsed
then "(command not allowed at this time)"
else "(unable to parse command)"
giveup "unable to use special remote due to protocol error"
{- While the action is running, the ExternalState provided to it will not
- be available to any other calls.
- Starts up a new process if no ExternalStates are available.
- If the action is interrupted by an async exception, the external process
- is in an unknown state, and may eg be still performing a transfer. So it
- is killed. The action should not normally throw any exception itself,
- unless perhaps there's a problem communicating with the external
- process.
withExternalState :: External -> (ExternalState -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withExternalState external a = do
st <- get
r <- a st `onException` liftIO (externalShutdown st True)
put st -- only when no exception is thrown
return r
v = externalState external
get = do
ms <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
l <- readTVar v
case l of
[] -> return Nothing
(st:rest) -> do
writeTVar v rest
return (Just st)
maybe (startExternal external) return ms
put st = liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' v (st:)
{- Starts an external remote process running, and checks VERSION and
- exchanges EXTENSIONS.
- When the ASYNC extension is negotiated, a single process is used,
- and this constructs a external state that communicates with a thread
- that relays to it.
startExternal :: External -> Annex ExternalState
startExternal external =
liftIO (atomically $ takeTMVar (externalAsync external)) >>= \case
UncheckedExternalAsync -> do
(st, extensions) <- startExternal' external
`onException` store UncheckedExternalAsync
if asyncExtensionEnabled extensions
then do
annexrunner <- Annex.makeRunner
relay <- liftIO $ runRelayToExternalAsync external st annexrunner
st' <- liftIO $ asyncRelayExternalState relay
store (ExternalAsync relay)
return st'
else do
store NoExternalAsync
return st
v@NoExternalAsync -> do
store v
fst <$> startExternal' external
v@(ExternalAsync relay) -> do
store v
liftIO $ asyncRelayExternalState relay
store = liftIO . atomically . putTMVar (externalAsync external)
startExternal' :: External -> Annex (ExternalState, ExtensionList)
startExternal' external = do
pid <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
n <- succ <$> readTVar (externalLastPid external)
writeTVar (externalLastPid external) n
return n
AddonProcess.startExternalAddonProcess basecmd pid >>= \case
Left (AddonProcess.ProgramFailure err) -> do
unusable err
Left (AddonProcess.ProgramNotInstalled err) ->
case (lookupName (unparsedRemoteConfig (externalDefaultConfig external)), remoteAnnexReadOnly <$> externalGitConfig external) of
(Just rname, Just True) -> unusable $ unlines
[ err
, "This remote has annex-readonly=true, and previous versions of"
, "git-annex would tried to download from it without"
, "installing " ++ basecmd ++ ". If you want that, you need to set:"
, "git config remote." ++ rname ++ ".annex-externaltype readonly"
_ -> unusable err
Right p -> do
cv <- liftIO $ newTMVarIO $ externalDefaultConfig external
ccv <- liftIO $ newTMVarIO id
pv <- liftIO $ newTMVarIO Unprepared
let st = ExternalState
{ externalSend = sendMessageAddonProcess p
, externalReceive = receiveMessageAddonProcess p
, externalShutdown = shutdownAddonProcess p
, externalPrepared = pv
, externalConfig = cv
, externalConfigChanges = ccv
extensions <- startproto st
return (st, extensions)
basecmd = "git-annex-remote-" ++ externalType external
startproto st = do
receiveMessage st external
(const Nothing)
(checkVersion st)
(const Nothing)
sendMessage st (EXTENSIONS supportedExtensionList)
-- It responds with a EXTENSIONS_RESPONSE; that extensions
-- list is reserved for future expansion. UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST
-- is also accepted.
exwanted <- receiveMessage st external
(\resp -> case resp of
UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST -> result mempty
_ -> Nothing
(const Nothing)
(const Nothing)
case filter (`notElem` fromExtensionList supportedExtensionList) (fromExtensionList exwanted) of
[] -> return exwanted
exrest -> unusable $ unwords $
[ basecmd
, "requested extensions that this version of git-annex does not support:"
] ++ exrest
unusable msg = do
warning msg
giveup ("unable to use external special remote " ++ basecmd)
stopExternal :: External -> Annex ()
stopExternal external = liftIO $ do
l <- atomically $ swapTVar (externalState external) []
mapM_ (flip externalShutdown False) l
checkVersion :: ExternalState -> RemoteRequest -> Maybe (Annex ())
checkVersion st (VERSION v) = Just $
if v `elem` supportedProtocolVersions
then noop
else sendMessage st (ERROR "unsupported VERSION")
checkVersion _ _ = Nothing
{- If repo has not been prepared, sends PREPARE.
- If the repo fails to prepare, or failed before, throws an exception with
- the error message. -}
checkPrepared :: ExternalState -> External -> Annex ()
checkPrepared st external = do
v <- liftIO $ atomically $ takeTMVar $ externalPrepared st
case v of
Prepared -> setprepared Prepared
FailedPrepare errmsg -> do
setprepared (FailedPrepare errmsg)
giveup errmsg
Unprepared ->
handleRequest' st external PREPARE Nothing $ \resp ->
case resp of
setprepared Prepared
return (Result ())
PREPARE_FAILURE errmsg -> Just $ do
let errmsg' = respErrorMessage "PREPARE" errmsg
setprepared $ FailedPrepare errmsg'
giveup errmsg'
_ -> Nothing
setprepared status = liftIO $ atomically $
putTMVar (externalPrepared st) status
respErrorMessage :: String -> String -> String
respErrorMessage req err
| null err = req ++ " failed with no reason given"
| otherwise = err
{- Caches the cost in the git config to avoid needing to start up an
- external special remote every time time just to ask it what its
- cost is. -}
getCost :: External -> Git.Repo -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex Cost
getCost external r gc =
(go =<< remoteCost' gc) `catchNonAsync` const (pure defcst)
go (Just c) = return c
go Nothing = do
c <- handleRequest external GETCOST Nothing $ \req -> case req of
COST c -> result c
UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST -> result defcst
_ -> Nothing
setRemoteCost r c
return c
defcst = expensiveRemoteCost
{- Caches the availability in the git config to avoid needing to start up an
- external special remote every time time just to ask it what its
- availability is.
- Most remotes do not bother to implement a reply to this request;
- globally available is the default.
getAvailability :: External -> Git.Repo -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex Availability
getAvailability external r gc =
maybe (catchNonAsync query (const (pure defavail))) return
(remoteAnnexAvailability gc)
query = do
avail <- handleRequest external GETAVAILABILITY Nothing $ \req -> case req of
AVAILABILITY avail -> result avail
UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST -> result defavail
_ -> Nothing
setRemoteAvailability r avail
return avail
defavail = GloballyAvailable
claimUrlM :: External -> URLString -> Annex Bool
claimUrlM external url =
handleRequest external (CLAIMURL url) Nothing $ \req -> case req of
CLAIMURL_FAILURE -> result False
_ -> Nothing
checkUrlM :: External -> URLString -> Annex UrlContents
checkUrlM external url =
handleRequest external (CHECKURL url) Nothing $ \req -> case req of
CHECKURL_CONTENTS sz f -> result $ UrlContents sz $
if null f then Nothing else Just f
CHECKURL_MULTI l -> result $ UrlMulti $ map mkmulti l
CHECKURL_FAILURE errmsg -> Just $ giveup $
respErrorMessage "CHECKURL" errmsg
UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST -> giveup "CHECKURL not implemented by external special remote"
_ -> Nothing
mkmulti (u, s, f) = (u, s, f)
retrieveUrl :: Retriever
retrieveUrl = fileRetriever $ \f k p -> do
us <- getWebUrls k
unlessM (withUrlOptions $ downloadUrl k p us f) $
giveup "failed to download content"
checkKeyUrl :: CheckPresent
checkKeyUrl k = do
us <- getWebUrls k
anyM (\u -> withUrlOptions $ checkBoth u (fromKey keySize k)) us
getWebUrls :: Key -> Annex [URLString]
getWebUrls key = filter supported <$> getUrls key
supported u = snd (getDownloader u) == WebDownloader
externalInfo :: ExternalType -> Annex [(String, String)]
externalInfo et = return [("externaltype", et)]
getInfoM :: External -> Annex [(String, String)]
getInfoM external = (++)
<$> externalInfo (externalType external)
<*> handleRequest external GETINFO Nothing (collect [])
collect l req = case req of
INFOFIELD f -> Just $ return $
GetNextMessage $ collectvalue l f
INFOEND -> result (reverse l)
_ -> Nothing
collectvalue l f req = case req of
INFOVALUE v -> Just $ return $
GetNextMessage $ collect ((f, v) : l)
_ -> Nothing
{- All unknown configs are passed through in case the external program
- uses them. -}
lenientRemoteConfigParser :: RemoteConfigParser
lenientRemoteConfigParser =
addRemoteConfigParser specialRemoteConfigParsers baseRemoteConfigParser
baseRemoteConfigParser :: RemoteConfigParser
baseRemoteConfigParser = RemoteConfigParser
{ remoteConfigFieldParsers =
[ optionalStringParser externaltypeField
(FieldDesc "type of external special remote to use")
, trueFalseParser readonlyField (Just False)
(FieldDesc "enable readonly mode")
, remoteConfigRestPassthrough = Just
( const True
, [("*", FieldDesc "all other parameters are passed to external special remote program")]
{- When the remote supports LISTCONFIGS, only accept the ones it listed.
- When it does not, accept all configs. -}
strictRemoteConfigParser :: External -> Annex RemoteConfigParser
strictRemoteConfigParser external = listConfigs external >>= \case
Nothing -> return lenientRemoteConfigParser
Just l -> do
let s = S.fromList (map fst l)
let listed f = S.member (fromProposedAccepted f) s
return $ lenientRemoteConfigParser
{ remoteConfigRestPassthrough = Just (listed, l) }
listConfigs :: External -> Annex (Maybe [(Setting, FieldDesc)])
listConfigs external = handleRequest external LISTCONFIGS Nothing (collect [])
collect l req = case req of
CONFIG s d -> Just $ return $
GetNextMessage $ collect ((s, FieldDesc d) : l)
CONFIGEND -> result (Just (reverse l))
_ -> Nothing
remoteConfigParser :: RemoteConfig -> Annex RemoteConfigParser
remoteConfigParser c
-- No need to start the external when there is no config to parse,
-- or when everything in the config was already accepted; in those
-- cases the lenient parser will do the same thing as the strict
-- parser.
| M.null (M.filter isproposed c) = return lenientRemoteConfigParser
| otherwise = case parseRemoteConfig c baseRemoteConfigParser of
Left _ -> return lenientRemoteConfigParser
Right pc -> case (getRemoteConfigValue externaltypeField pc, getRemoteConfigValue readonlyField pc) of
(Nothing, _) -> return lenientRemoteConfigParser
(_, Just True) -> return lenientRemoteConfigParser
(Just externaltype, _) -> do
external <- newExternal externaltype Nothing pc Nothing Nothing Nothing
strictRemoteConfigParser external
isproposed (Accepted _) = False
isproposed (Proposed _) = True