I've seen rss feeds that have no permalinks, only guids (which are sometimes in the form of permalinks, argh/sigh). I had previously avoided trusting guids to be globally unique, because my survey of rss feeds that I subscribe to shows a lot of pretty bad "guids" like "2 at http://serialpodcast.org" or even worse "oth20150401-hq". Worry was that two podcasts that are generating guids so badly, that there's no guarantee they're actually globally unique. But, I'm seeing too many url changes that result in redundant files, so let's try this. If feeds are so broken that guids overlap, they could just as well incorrectly call them permalinks too.
377 lines
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377 lines
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.ImportFeed where
import Text.Feed.Import
import Text.Feed.Query
import Text.Feed.Types
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
#if ! MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
import System.Locale
import Common.Annex
import qualified Annex
import Command
import qualified Annex.Url as Url
import qualified Remote
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Types.UrlContents
import Logs.Web
import qualified Utility.Format
import Utility.Tmp
import Command.AddUrl (addUrlFile, downloadRemoteFile, parseRelaxedOption, parseRawOption)
import Annex.Perms
import Annex.UUID
import Backend.URL (fromUrl)
#ifdef WITH_QUVI
import Annex.Quvi
import qualified Utility.Quvi as Quvi
import Command.AddUrl (addUrlFileQuvi)
import Types.MetaData
import Logs.MetaData
import Annex.MetaData
cmd :: Command
cmd = notBareRepo $
command "importfeed" SectionCommon "import files from podcast feeds"
(paramRepeating paramUrl) (seek <$$> optParser)
data ImportFeedOptions = ImportFeedOptions
{ feedUrls :: CmdParams
, templateOption :: Maybe String
, relaxedOption :: Bool
, rawOption :: Bool
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser ImportFeedOptions
optParser desc = ImportFeedOptions
<$> cmdParams desc
<*> optional (strOption
( long "template" <> metavar paramFormat
<> help "template for filenames"
<*> parseRelaxedOption
<*> parseRawOption
seek :: ImportFeedOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = do
cache <- getCache (templateOption o)
withStrings (start o cache) (feedUrls o)
start :: ImportFeedOptions -> Cache -> URLString -> CommandStart
start opts cache url = do
showStart "importfeed" url
next $ perform opts cache url
perform :: ImportFeedOptions -> Cache -> URLString -> CommandPerform
perform opts cache url = do
v <- findDownloads url
case v of
[] -> do
feedProblem url "bad feed content; no enclosures to download"
next $ return True
l -> do
ok <- and <$> mapM (performDownload opts cache) l
unless ok $
feedProblem url "problem downloading item"
next $ cleanup url True
cleanup :: URLString -> Bool -> CommandCleanup
cleanup url ok = do
when ok $
clearFeedProblem url
return ok
data ToDownload = ToDownload
{ feed :: Feed
, feedurl :: URLString
, item :: Item
, location :: DownloadLocation
data DownloadLocation = Enclosure URLString | QuviLink URLString
type ItemId = String
data Cache = Cache
{ knownurls :: S.Set URLString
, knownitems :: S.Set ItemId
, template :: Utility.Format.Format
getCache :: Maybe String -> Annex Cache
getCache opttemplate = ifM (Annex.getState Annex.force)
( ret S.empty S.empty
, do
showSideAction "checking known urls"
(is, us) <- unzip <$> (mapM knownItems =<< knownUrls)
ret (S.fromList us) (S.fromList (concat is))
tmpl = Utility.Format.gen $ fromMaybe defaultTemplate opttemplate
ret us is = return $ Cache us is tmpl
knownItems :: (Key, URLString) -> Annex ([ItemId], URLString)
knownItems (k, u) = do
itemids <- S.toList . S.filter (/= noneValue) . S.map fromMetaValue
. currentMetaDataValues itemIdField
<$> getCurrentMetaData k
return (itemids, u)
findDownloads :: URLString -> Annex [ToDownload]
findDownloads u = go =<< downloadFeed u
go Nothing = pure []
go (Just f) = catMaybes <$> mapM (mk f) (feedItems f)
mk f i = case getItemEnclosure i of
Just (enclosureurl, _, _) -> return $
Just $ ToDownload f u i $ Enclosure enclosureurl
Nothing -> mkquvi f i
#ifdef WITH_QUVI
mkquvi f i = case getItemLink i of
Just link -> ifM (quviSupported link)
( return $ Just $ ToDownload f u i $ QuviLink link
, return Nothing
Nothing -> return Nothing
mkquvi = return Nothing
{- Feeds change, so a feed download cannot be resumed. -}
downloadFeed :: URLString -> Annex (Maybe Feed)
downloadFeed url
| Url.parseURIRelaxed url == Nothing = error "invalid feed url"
| otherwise = do
uo <- Url.getUrlOptions
liftIO $ withTmpFile "feed" $ \f h -> do
hClose h
ifM (Url.download url f uo)
( parseFeedString <$> readFileStrictAnyEncoding f
, return Nothing
performDownload :: ImportFeedOptions -> Cache -> ToDownload -> Annex Bool
performDownload opts cache todownload = case location todownload of
Enclosure url -> checkknown url $
rundownload url (takeExtension url) $ \f -> do
r <- Remote.claimingUrl url
if Remote.uuid r == webUUID || rawOption opts
then do
urlinfo <- Url.withUrlOptions (Url.getUrlInfo url)
maybeToList <$> addUrlFile (relaxedOption opts) url urlinfo f
else do
res <- tryNonAsync $ maybe
(error $ "unable to checkUrl of " ++ Remote.name r)
(flip id url)
(Remote.checkUrl r)
case res of
Left _ -> return []
Right (UrlContents sz _) ->
maybeToList <$>
downloadRemoteFile r (relaxedOption opts) url f sz
Right (UrlMulti l) -> do
kl <- forM l $ \(url', sz, subf) ->
downloadRemoteFile r (relaxedOption opts) url' (f </> fromSafeFilePath subf) sz
return $ if all isJust kl
then catMaybes kl
else []
QuviLink pageurl -> do
#ifdef WITH_QUVI
let quviurl = setDownloader pageurl QuviDownloader
checkknown quviurl $ do
mp <- withQuviOptions Quvi.query [Quvi.quiet, Quvi.httponly] pageurl
case mp of
Nothing -> return False
Just page -> case headMaybe $ Quvi.pageLinks page of
Nothing -> return False
Just link -> do
let videourl = Quvi.linkUrl link
checkknown videourl $
rundownload videourl ("." ++ fromMaybe "m" (Quvi.linkSuffix link)) $ \f ->
maybeToList <$> addUrlFileQuvi (relaxedOption opts) quviurl videourl f
return False
forced = Annex.getState Annex.force
{- Avoids downloading any items that are already known to be
- associated with a file in the annex, unless forced. -}
checkknown url a
| knownitemid || S.member url (knownurls cache)
= ifM forced (a, return True)
| otherwise = a
knownitemid = case getItemId (item todownload) of
Just (_, itemid) -> S.member itemid (knownitems cache)
_ -> False
rundownload url extension getter = do
dest <- makeunique url (1 :: Integer) $
feedFile (template cache) todownload extension
case dest of
Nothing -> return True
Just f -> do
showStart "addurl" f
ks <- getter f
if null ks
then do
checkFeedBroken (feedurl todownload)
else do
forM_ ks $ \key ->
ifM (annexGenMetaData <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
( addMetaData key $ extractMetaData todownload
, addMetaData key $ minimalMetaData todownload
return True
{- Find a unique filename to save the url to.
- If the file exists, prefixes it with a number.
- When forced, the file may already exist and have the same
- url, in which case Nothing is returned as it does not need
- to be re-downloaded. -}
makeunique url n file = ifM alreadyexists
( ifM forced
( ifAnnexed f checksameurl tryanother
, tryanother
, return $ Just f
f = if n < 2
then file
let (d, base) = splitFileName file
in d </> show n ++ "_" ++ base
tryanother = makeunique url (n + 1) file
alreadyexists = liftIO $ isJust <$> catchMaybeIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus f)
checksameurl k = ifM (elem url <$> getUrls k)
( return Nothing
, tryanother
defaultTemplate :: String
defaultTemplate = "${feedtitle}/${itemtitle}${extension}"
{- Generates a filename to use for a feed item by filling out the template.
- The filename may not be unique. -}
feedFile :: Utility.Format.Format -> ToDownload -> String -> FilePath
feedFile tmpl i extension = Utility.Format.format tmpl $
M.map sanitizeFilePath $ M.fromList $ extractFields i ++
[ ("extension", extension)
, extractField "itempubdate" [pubdate $ item i]
#if MIN_VERSION_feed(0,3,9)
pubdate itm = case getItemPublishDate itm :: Maybe (Maybe UTCTime) of
Just (Just d) -> Just $
formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F" d
-- if date cannot be parsed, use the raw string
_ -> replace "/" "-" <$> getItemPublishDateString itm
pubdate _ = Nothing
extractMetaData :: ToDownload -> MetaData
#if MIN_VERSION_feed(0,3,9)
extractMetaData i = case getItemPublishDate (item i) :: Maybe (Maybe UTCTime) of
Just (Just d) -> unionMetaData meta (dateMetaData d meta)
_ -> meta
extractMetaData i = meta
tometa (k, v) = (mkMetaFieldUnchecked k, S.singleton (toMetaValue v))
meta = MetaData $ M.fromList $ map tometa $ extractFields i
minimalMetaData :: ToDownload -> MetaData
minimalMetaData i = case getItemId (item i) of
(Nothing) -> emptyMetaData
(Just (_, itemid)) -> MetaData $ M.singleton itemIdField
(S.singleton $ toMetaValue itemid)
{- Extract fields from the feed and item, that are both used as metadata,
- and to generate the filename. -}
extractFields :: ToDownload -> [(String, String)]
extractFields i = map (uncurry extractField)
[ ("feedtitle", [feedtitle])
, ("itemtitle", [itemtitle])
, ("feedauthor", [feedauthor])
, ("itemauthor", [itemauthor])
, ("itemsummary", [getItemSummary $ item i])
, ("itemdescription", [getItemDescription $ item i])
, ("itemrights", [getItemRights $ item i])
, ("itemid", [snd <$> getItemId (item i)])
, ("title", [itemtitle, feedtitle])
, ("author", [itemauthor, feedauthor])
feedtitle = Just $ getFeedTitle $ feed i
itemtitle = getItemTitle $ item i
feedauthor = getFeedAuthor $ feed i
itemauthor = getItemAuthor $ item i
itemIdField :: MetaField
itemIdField = mkMetaFieldUnchecked "itemid"
extractField :: String -> [Maybe String] -> (String, String)
extractField k [] = (k, noneValue)
extractField k (Just v:_)
| not (null v) = (k, v)
extractField k (_:rest) = extractField k rest
noneValue :: String
noneValue = "none"
{- Called when there is a problem with a feed.
- Throws an error if the feed is broken, otherwise shows a warning. -}
feedProblem :: URLString -> String -> Annex ()
feedProblem url message = ifM (checkFeedBroken url)
( error $ message ++ " (having repeated problems with feed: " ++ url ++ ")"
, warning $ "warning: " ++ message
{- A feed is only broken if problems have occurred repeatedly, for at
- least 23 hours. -}
checkFeedBroken :: URLString -> Annex Bool
checkFeedBroken url = checkFeedBroken' url =<< feedState url
checkFeedBroken' :: URLString -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
checkFeedBroken' url f = do
prev <- maybe Nothing readish <$> liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ readFile f)
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
case prev of
Nothing -> do
createAnnexDirectory (parentDir f)
liftIO $ writeFile f $ show now
return False
Just prevtime -> do
let broken = diffUTCTime now prevtime > 60 * 60 * 23
when broken $
-- Avoid repeatedly complaining about
-- broken feed.
clearFeedProblem url
return broken
clearFeedProblem :: URLString -> Annex ()
clearFeedProblem url = void $ liftIO . tryIO . removeFile =<< feedState url
feedState :: URLString -> Annex FilePath
feedState url = fromRepo $ gitAnnexFeedState $ fromUrl url Nothing