I left status working in direct mode, although it doesn't show correct stats for known annex keys.
171 lines
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171 lines
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.Log where
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time
import System.Locale
import Data.Char
import Common.Annex
import Command
import qualified Logs.Location
import qualified Logs.Presence
import Annex.CatFile
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Git
import Git.Command
import qualified Remote
import qualified Option
import qualified Annex
data RefChange = RefChange
{ changetime :: POSIXTime
, oldref :: Git.Ref
, newref :: Git.Ref
type Outputter = Bool -> POSIXTime -> [UUID] -> Annex ()
def :: [Command]
def = [notDirect $ withOptions options $
command "log" paramPaths seek "shows location log"]
options :: [Option]
options = passthruOptions ++ [gourceOption]
passthruOptions :: [Option]
passthruOptions = map odate ["since", "after", "until", "before"] ++
[ Option.field ['n'] "max-count" paramNumber
"limit number of logs displayed"
odate n = Option.field [] n paramDate $ "show log " ++ n ++ " date"
gourceOption :: Option
gourceOption = Option.flag [] "gource" "format output for gource"
seek :: [CommandSeek]
seek = [withValue Remote.uuidDescriptions $ \m ->
withValue (liftIO getCurrentTimeZone) $ \zone ->
withValue (concat <$> mapM getoption passthruOptions) $ \os ->
withFlag gourceOption $ \gource ->
withFilesInGit $ whenAnnexed $ start m zone os gource]
getoption o = maybe [] (use o) <$>
Annex.getField (Option.name o)
use o v = [Param ("--" ++ Option.name o), Param v]
start :: M.Map UUID String -> TimeZone -> [CommandParam] -> Bool ->
FilePath -> (Key, Backend) -> CommandStart
start m zone os gource file (key, _) = do
showLog output =<< readLog <$> getLog key os
-- getLog produces a zombie; reap it
liftIO reapZombies
| gource = gourceOutput lookupdescription file
| otherwise = normalOutput lookupdescription file zone
lookupdescription u = fromMaybe (fromUUID u) $ M.lookup u m
showLog :: Outputter -> [RefChange] -> Annex ()
showLog outputter ps = do
sets <- mapM (getset newref) ps
previous <- maybe (return genesis) (getset oldref) (lastMaybe ps)
sequence_ $ compareChanges outputter $ sets ++ [previous]
genesis = (0, S.empty)
getset select change = do
s <- S.fromList <$> get (select change)
return (changetime change, s)
get ref = map toUUID . Logs.Presence.getLog . L.unpack <$>
catObject ref
normalOutput :: (UUID -> String) -> FilePath -> TimeZone -> Outputter
normalOutput lookupdescription file zone present ts us =
liftIO $ mapM_ (putStrLn . format) us
time = showTimeStamp zone ts
addel = if present then "+" else "-"
format u = unwords [ addel, time, file, "|",
fromUUID u ++ " -- " ++ lookupdescription u ]
gourceOutput :: (UUID -> String) -> FilePath -> Outputter
gourceOutput lookupdescription file present ts us =
liftIO $ mapM_ (putStrLn . intercalate "|" . format) us
time = takeWhile isDigit $ show ts
addel = if present then "A" else "M"
format u = [ time, lookupdescription u, addel, file ]
{- Generates a display of the changes (which are ordered with newest first),
- by comparing each change with the previous change.
- Uses a formatter to generate a display of items that are added and
- removed. -}
compareChanges :: Ord a => (Bool -> POSIXTime -> [a] -> b) -> [(POSIXTime, S.Set a)] -> [b]
compareChanges format changes = concatMap diff $ zip changes (drop 1 changes)
diff ((ts, new), (_, old)) =
[format True ts added, format False ts removed]
added = S.toList $ S.difference new old
removed = S.toList $ S.difference old new
{- Gets the git log for a given location log file.
- This is complicated by git log using paths relative to the current
- directory, even when looking at files in a different branch. A wacky
- relative path to the log file has to be used.
- The --remove-empty is a significant optimisation. It relies on location
- log files never being deleted in normal operation. Letting git stop
- once the location log file is gone avoids it checking all the way back
- to commit 0 to see if it used to exist, so generally speeds things up a
- *lot* for newish files. -}
getLog :: Key -> [CommandParam] -> Annex [String]
getLog key os = do
top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath
p <- liftIO $ relPathCwdToFile top
let logfile = p </> Logs.Location.logFile key
inRepo $ pipeNullSplitZombie $
[ Params "log -z --pretty=format:%ct --raw --abbrev=40"
, Param "--remove-empty"
] ++ os ++
[ Param $ show Annex.Branch.fullname
, Param "--"
, Param logfile
readLog :: [String] -> [RefChange]
readLog = mapMaybe (parse . lines)
parse (ts:raw:[]) = let (old, new) = parseRaw raw in
Just RefChange
{ changetime = parseTimeStamp ts
, oldref = old
, newref = new
parse _ = Nothing
-- Parses something like ":100644 100644 oldsha newsha M"
parseRaw :: String -> (Git.Ref, Git.Ref)
parseRaw l = go $ words l
go (_:_:oldsha:newsha:_) = (Git.Ref oldsha, Git.Ref newsha)
go _ = error $ "unable to parse git log output: " ++ l
parseTimeStamp :: String -> POSIXTime
parseTimeStamp = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds . fromMaybe (error "bad timestamp") .
parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s"
showTimeStamp :: TimeZone -> POSIXTime -> String
showTimeStamp zone = show . utcToLocalTime zone . posixSecondsToUTCTime