* annex.addunlocked can be set to an expression with the same format used by annex.largefiles, in case you want to default to unlocking some files but not others. * annex.addunlocked can be configured by git-annex config. Added a git-annex-matching-expression man page, broken out from tips/largefiles. A tricky consequence of this is that git-annex add --relaxed honors annex.addunlocked, but an expression might want to know the size or content of an url, which it's not going to download. I decided it was better not to fail, and just dummy up some plausible data in that case. Performance impact should be negligible. The global config is already loaded for annex.largefiles. The expression only has to be parsed once, and in the simple true/false case, it should not do any additional work matching it.
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{- git branch stuff
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Git.Branch where
import Common
import Git
import Git.Sha
import Git.Command
import qualified Git.Config
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
{- The currently checked out branch.
- In a just initialized git repo before the first commit,
- symbolic-ref will show the master branch, even though that
- branch is not created yet. So, this also looks at show-ref
- to double-check.
current :: Repo -> IO (Maybe Branch)
current r = do
v <- currentUnsafe r
case v of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just branch ->
ifM (B.null <$> pipeReadStrict [Param "show-ref", Param $ fromRef branch] r)
( return Nothing
, return v
{- The current branch, which may not really exist yet. -}
currentUnsafe :: Repo -> IO (Maybe Branch)
currentUnsafe r = parse . firstLine'
<$> pipeReadStrict [Param "symbolic-ref", Param "-q", Param $ fromRef Git.Ref.headRef] r
parse b
| B.null b = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ Git.Ref $ decodeBS b
{- Checks if the second branch has any commits not present on the first
- branch. -}
changed :: Branch -> Branch -> Repo -> IO Bool
changed origbranch newbranch repo
| origbranch == newbranch = return False
| otherwise = not . null
<$> changed' origbranch newbranch [Param "-n1"] repo
changed' :: Branch -> Branch -> [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO String
changed' origbranch newbranch extraps repo =
decodeBS <$> pipeReadStrict ps repo
ps =
[ Param "log"
, Param (fromRef origbranch ++ ".." ++ fromRef newbranch)
, Param "--pretty=%H"
] ++ extraps
{- Lists commits that are in the second branch and not in the first branch. -}
changedCommits :: Branch -> Branch -> [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO [Sha]
changedCommits origbranch newbranch extraps repo =
catMaybes . map extractSha . lines
<$> changed' origbranch newbranch extraps repo
{- Check if it's possible to fast-forward from the old
- ref to the new ref.
- This requires there to be a path from the old to the new. -}
fastForwardable :: Ref -> Ref -> Repo -> IO Bool
fastForwardable old new repo = not . B.null <$>
[ Param "log"
, Param $ fromRef old ++ ".." ++ fromRef new
, Param "-n1"
, Param "--pretty=%H"
, Param "--ancestry-path"
] repo
{- Given a set of refs that are all known to have commits not
- on the branch, tries to update the branch by a fast-forward.
- In order for that to be possible, one of the refs must contain
- every commit present in all the other refs.
fastForward :: Branch -> [Ref] -> Repo -> IO Bool
fastForward _ [] _ = return True
fastForward branch (first:rest) repo =
-- First, check that the branch does not contain any
-- new commits that are not in the first ref. If it does,
-- cannot fast-forward.
ifM (changed first branch repo)
( no_ff
, maybe no_ff do_ff =<< findbest first rest
no_ff = return False
do_ff to = do
update' branch to repo
return True
findbest c [] = return $ Just c
findbest c (r:rs)
| c == r = findbest c rs
| otherwise = do
better <- changed c r repo
worse <- changed r c repo
case (better, worse) of
(True, True) -> return Nothing -- divergent fail
(True, False) -> findbest r rs -- better
(False, True) -> findbest c rs -- worse
(False, False) -> findbest c rs -- same
{- The user may have set commit.gpgsign, intending all their manual
- commits to be signed. But signing automatic/background commits could
- easily lead to unwanted gpg prompts or failures.
data CommitMode = ManualCommit | AutomaticCommit
deriving (Eq)
{- Prevent signing automatic commits. -}
applyCommitMode :: CommitMode -> [CommandParam] -> [CommandParam]
applyCommitMode commitmode ps
| commitmode == AutomaticCommit = Param "--no-gpg-sign" : ps
| otherwise = ps
{- Some versions of git commit-tree honor commit.gpgsign themselves,
- but others need -S to be passed to enable gpg signing of manual commits. -}
applyCommitModeForCommitTree :: CommitMode -> [CommandParam] -> Repo -> [CommandParam]
applyCommitModeForCommitTree commitmode ps r
| commitmode == ManualCommit =
case Git.Config.getMaybe "commit.gpgsign" r of
Just s | Git.Config.isTrueFalse' s == Just True ->
Param "-S":ps
_ -> ps'
| otherwise = ps'
ps' = applyCommitMode commitmode ps
{- Commit via the usual git command. -}
commitCommand :: CommitMode -> [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO Bool
commitCommand = commitCommand' runBool
commitCommand' :: ([CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO a) -> CommitMode -> [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO a
commitCommand' runner commitmode ps = runner $
Param "commit" : applyCommitMode commitmode ps
{- Commits the index into the specified branch (or other ref),
- with the specified parent refs, and returns the committed sha.
- Without allowempy set, avoids making a commit if there is exactly
- one parent, and it has the same tree that would be committed.
- Unlike git-commit, does not run any hooks, or examine the work tree
- in any way.
commit :: CommitMode -> Bool -> String -> Branch -> [Ref] -> Repo -> IO (Maybe Sha)
commit commitmode allowempty message branch parentrefs repo = do
tree <- getSha "write-tree" $
decodeBS' <$> pipeReadStrict [Param "write-tree"] repo
ifM (cancommit tree)
( do
sha <- commitTree commitmode message parentrefs tree repo
update' branch sha repo
return $ Just sha
, return Nothing
cancommit tree
| allowempty = return True
| otherwise = case parentrefs of
[p] -> maybe False (tree /=) <$> Git.Ref.tree p repo
_ -> return True
commitAlways :: CommitMode -> String -> Branch -> [Ref] -> Repo -> IO Sha
commitAlways commitmode message branch parentrefs repo = fromJust
<$> commit commitmode True message branch parentrefs repo
commitTree :: CommitMode -> String -> [Ref] -> Ref -> Repo -> IO Sha
commitTree commitmode message parentrefs tree repo =
getSha "commit-tree" $
pipeWriteRead ([Param "commit-tree", Param (fromRef tree)] ++ ps)
sendmsg repo
sendmsg = Just $ flip hPutStr message
ps = applyCommitModeForCommitTree commitmode parentparams repo
parentparams = map Param $ concatMap (\r -> ["-p", fromRef r]) parentrefs
{- A leading + makes git-push force pushing a branch. -}
forcePush :: String -> String
forcePush b = "+" ++ b
{- Updates a branch (or other ref) to a new Sha or branch Ref. -}
update :: String -> Branch -> Ref -> Repo -> IO ()
update message branch r = run
[ Param "update-ref"
, Param "-m"
, Param message
, Param $ fromRef branch
, Param $ fromRef r
update' :: Branch -> Ref -> Repo -> IO ()
update' branch r = run
[ Param "update-ref"
, Param $ fromRef branch
, Param $ fromRef r
{- Checks out a branch, creating it if necessary. -}
checkout :: Branch -> Repo -> IO ()
checkout branch = run
[ Param "checkout"
, Param "-q"
, Param "-B"
, Param $ fromRef $ Git.Ref.base branch
{- Removes a branch. -}
delete :: Branch -> Repo -> IO ()
delete branch = run
[ Param "branch"
, Param "-q"
, Param "-D"
, Param $ fromRef $ Git.Ref.base branch