When a nonexistant file is passed to a command and --json-error-messages is enabled, output a JSON object indicating the problem. (But git ls-files --error-unmatch still displays errors about such files in some situations.) I don't like the duplication of the name of the command introduced by this, but I can't see a great way around it. One way would be to pass the Command instead. When json is not enabled, the stderr is unchanged. This is necessary because some commands like find have custom output. So dislaying "find foo not found" would be wrong. So had to complicate things with toplevelFileProblem having different output with and without json. When not using --json-error-messages but still using --json, it displays the error to stderr, but does display a json object without the error. It does have an errorid though. Unsure how useful that behavior is. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's Datalad project
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2010-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.Uninit where
import Command
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Command.Unannex
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Annex.Queue
import qualified Database.Keys
import Annex.Content
import Annex.Init
import Annex.CheckIgnore
import Annex.WorkTree
import Utility.FileMode
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import System.PosixCompat.Files (linkCount)
cmd :: Command
cmd = addCheck check $
command "uninit" SectionUtility
"de-initialize git-annex and clean out repository"
paramPaths (withParams seek)
check :: Annex ()
check = do
b <- current_branch
when (b == Just $ giveup $
"cannot uninit when the " ++ Git.fromRef ++ " branch is checked out"
top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath
currdir <- liftIO R.getCurrentDirectory
whenM ((/=) <$> liftIO (absPath top) <*> liftIO (absPath currdir)) $
giveup "can only run uninit from the top of the git repository"
current_branch =
ifM (inRepo Git.Ref.headExists)
( Just . Git.Ref . encodeBS . Prelude.head . lines . decodeBS <$> revhead
, return Nothing
revhead = inRepo $ Git.Command.pipeReadStrict
[Param "rev-parse", Param "--abbrev-ref", Param "HEAD"]
seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
seek ps = do
l <- workTreeItems ww ps
(CheckGitIgnore False)
(WarnUnmatchWorkTreeItems "uninit")
withFilesInGitAnnex ww (Command.Unannex.seeker True) l
ww = WarnUnmatchLsFiles "uninit"
checksymlinks (_, f) =
commandAction $ lookupKey f >>= \case
Nothing -> stop
Just k -> startCheckIncomplete (fromRawFilePath f) k
{- git annex symlinks that are not checked into git could be left by an
- interrupted add. -}
startCheckIncomplete :: FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart
startCheckIncomplete file _ = giveup $ unlines
[ file ++ " points to annexed content, but is not checked into git."
, "Perhaps this was left behind by an interrupted git annex add?"
, "Not continuing with uninit; either delete or git annex add the file and retry."
finish :: Annex ()
finish = do
annexdir <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo gitAnnexDir
annexobjectdir <- fromRepo gitAnnexObjectDir
leftovers <- removeUnannexed =<< listKeys InAnnex
prepareRemoveAnnexDir annexdir
if null leftovers
then liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive annexdir
else giveup $ unlines
[ "Not fully uninitialized"
, "Some annexed data is still left in " ++ fromRawFilePath annexobjectdir
, "This may include deleted files, or old versions of modified files."
, ""
, "If you don't care about preserving the data, just delete the"
, "directory."
, ""
, "Or, you can move it to another location, in case it turns out"
, "something in there is important."
, ""
, "Or, you can run `git annex unused` followed by `git annex dropunused`"
, "to remove data that is not used by any tag or branch, which might"
, "take care of all the data."
, ""
, "Then run `git annex uninit` again to finish."
-- avoid normal shutdown
saveState False
whenM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists Annex.Branch.fullname) $
inRepo $
[Param "branch", Param "-D", Param $ Git.fromRef]
liftIO exitSuccess
{- Turn on write bits in all remaining files in the annex directory, in
- preparation for removal.
- Also closes sqlite databases that might be in the directory,
- to avoid later failure to write any cached changes to them. -}
prepareRemoveAnnexDir :: FilePath -> Annex ()
prepareRemoveAnnexDir annexdir = do
liftIO $ prepareRemoveAnnexDir' annexdir
prepareRemoveAnnexDir' :: FilePath -> IO ()
prepareRemoveAnnexDir' annexdir =
dirTreeRecursiveSkipping (const False) annexdir
>>= mapM_ (void . tryIO . allowWrite . toRawFilePath)
{- Keys that were moved out of the annex have a hard link still in the
- annex, with > 1 link count, and those can be removed.
- Returns keys that cannot be removed. -}
removeUnannexed :: [Key] -> Annex [Key]
removeUnannexed = go []
go c [] = return c
go c (k:ks) = ifM (inAnnexCheck k $ liftIO . enoughlinks)
( do
lockContentForRemoval k noop removeAnnex
go c ks
, go (k:c) ks
enoughlinks f = catchBoolIO $ do
s <- R.getFileStatus f
return $ linkCount s > 1