checkpresentkey: When no remote is specified, try all remotes, not only ones that the location log says contain the key. This is what the documentation has always said it did. Still try the logged remotes first, because they are far more likely to have the key.
82 lines
2.3 KiB
82 lines
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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2015-2016 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.CheckPresentKey where
import Command
import qualified Remote
import Remote.List
cmd :: Command
cmd = noCommit $ noMessages $
command "checkpresentkey" SectionPlumbing
"check if key is present in remote"
(paramPair paramKey (paramOptional paramRemote))
(seek <$$> optParser)
data CheckPresentKeyOptions = CheckPresentKeyOptions
{ params :: CmdParams
, batchOption :: BatchMode
optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser CheckPresentKeyOptions
optParser desc = CheckPresentKeyOptions
<$> cmdParams desc
<*> parseBatchOption
seek :: CheckPresentKeyOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = case batchOption o of
NoBatch -> case params o of
(ks:rn:[]) -> toRemote rn >>= (check ks . Just) >>= exitResult
(ks:[]) -> check ks Nothing >>= exitResult
_ -> wrongnumparams
Batch fmt -> do
checker <- case params o of
(rn:[]) -> toRemote rn >>= \r -> return (flip check (Just r))
[] -> return (flip check Nothing)
_ -> wrongnumparams
batchInput fmt (pure . Right) $ checker >=> batchResult
wrongnumparams = giveup "Wrong number of parameters"
data Result = Present | NotPresent | CheckFailure String
check :: String -> Maybe Remote -> Annex Result
check ks mr = case mr of
Just r -> go Nothing [r]
Nothing -> do
mostlikely <- Remote.keyPossibilities k
otherremotes <- flip Remote.remotesWithoutUUID
(map Remote.uuid mostlikely)
<$> remoteList
go Nothing (mostlikely ++ otherremotes)
k = toKey ks
go Nothing [] = return NotPresent
go (Just e) [] = return $ CheckFailure e
go olderr (r:rs) = Remote.hasKey r k >>= \case
Right True -> return Present
Right False -> go olderr rs
Left e -> go (Just e) rs
exitResult :: Result -> Annex a
exitResult Present = liftIO exitSuccess
exitResult NotPresent = liftIO exitFailure
exitResult (CheckFailure msg) = liftIO $ do
hPutStrLn stderr msg
exitWith $ ExitFailure 100
batchResult :: Result -> Annex ()
batchResult Present = liftIO $ putStrLn "1"
batchResult _ = liftIO $ putStrLn "0"
toKey :: String -> Key
toKey = fromMaybe (giveup "Bad key") . deserializeKey
toRemote :: String -> Annex Remote
toRemote rn = maybe (giveup "Unknown remote") return
=<< Remote.byNameWithUUID (Just rn)