Added a cabal.config file; the result of running cabal freeze. It's not used yet (needs a newer cabal than is in debian stable), but the plan is that once the autbuilders are swiched to jessie, this can be used to make cabal install the same versions of packages that this patch got building, and so avoid breaking every time eg, yesod is upgraded. This commit was sponsored by Daniel Atlas.
2041 lines
96 KiB
2041 lines
96 KiB
From 98077d391b930a4c1f69e3b8810409fd261eee34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: androidbuilder <androidbuilder@example.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 03:17:38 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] expand and remove TH
Yesod/Form/Bootstrap3.hs | 186 +++++++++--
Yesod/Form/Fields.hs | 797 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
Yesod/Form/Functions.hs | 257 ++++++++++++---
Yesod/Form/Jquery.hs | 134 ++++++--
Yesod/Form/MassInput.hs | 226 ++++++++++---
Yesod/Form/Nic.hs | 46 +--
6 files changed, 1279 insertions(+), 367 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Yesod/Form/Bootstrap3.hs b/Yesod/Form/Bootstrap3.hs
index 84e85fc..1954fb4 100644
--- a/Yesod/Form/Bootstrap3.hs
+++ b/Yesod/Form/Bootstrap3.hs
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Yesod.Core
import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Text.Hamlet
+import qualified Text.Blaze.Internal
+import qualified Data.Foldable
import Yesod.Form.Types
import Yesod.Form.Functions
@@ -152,44 +155,144 @@ renderBootstrap3 formLayout aform fragment = do
let views = views' []
has (Just _) = True
has Nothing = False
- widget = [whamlet|
- $newline never
- #{fragment}
- $forall view <- views
- <div .form-group :fvRequired view:.required :not $ fvRequired view:.optional :has $ fvErrors view:.has-error>
- $case formLayout
- $of BootstrapBasicForm
- $if fvId view /= bootstrapSubmitId
- <label for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
- ^{fvInput view}
- ^{helpWidget view}
- $of BootstrapInlineForm
- $if fvId view /= bootstrapSubmitId
- <label .sr-only for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
- ^{fvInput view}
- ^{helpWidget view}
- $of BootstrapHorizontalForm labelOffset labelSize inputOffset inputSize
- $if fvId view /= bootstrapSubmitId
- <label .control-label .#{toOffset labelOffset} .#{toColumn labelSize} for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
- <div .#{toOffset inputOffset} .#{toColumn inputSize}>
- ^{fvInput view}
- ^{helpWidget view}
- $else
- <div .#{toOffset (addGO inputOffset (addGO labelOffset labelSize))} .#{toColumn inputSize}>
- ^{fvInput view}
- ^{helpWidget view}
- |]
+ widget = do { (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml fragment);
+ Data.Foldable.mapM_
+ (\ view_as0a
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "<div class=\"form-group ");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(fvRequired view_as0a,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "required "))]
+ Nothing;
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(not (fvRequired view_as0a),
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "optional "))]
+ Nothing;
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(has (fvErrors view_as0a),
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "has-error"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "\">");
+ case formLayout of {
+ ; BootstrapBasicForm
+ -> do { Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [((/=) (fvId view_as0a) bootstrapSubmitId,
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "<label for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvId view_as0a));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvLabel view_as0a));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "</label>") })]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (fvInput view_as0a);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (helpWidget view_as0a) }
+ ; BootstrapInlineForm
+ -> do { Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [((/=) (fvId view_as0a) bootstrapSubmitId,
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "<label class=\"sr-only\" for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvId view_as0a));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvLabel view_as0a));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "</label>") })]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (fvInput view_as0a);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (helpWidget view_as0a) }
+ ; BootstrapHorizontalForm labelOffset_as0b
+ labelSize_as0c
+ inputOffset_as0d
+ inputSize_as0e
+ -> Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [((/=) (fvId view_as0a) bootstrapSubmitId,
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "<label class=\"control-label ");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (toOffset labelOffset_as0b));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) " ");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (toColumn labelSize_as0c));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "\" for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvId view_as0a));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvLabel view_as0a));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "</label><div class=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (toOffset inputOffset_as0d));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) " ");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (toColumn inputSize_as0e));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (fvInput view_as0a);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (helpWidget view_as0a);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "</div>") })]
+ (Just
+ (do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "<div class=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ (toHtml
+ (toOffset
+ (addGO
+ inputOffset_as0d
+ (addGO labelOffset_as0b labelSize_as0c))));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) " ");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (toColumn inputSize_as0e));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (fvInput view_as0a);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (helpWidget view_as0a);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "</div>") })) };
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "</div>") })
+ views }
return (res, widget)
-- | (Internal) Render a help widget for tooltips and errors.
helpWidget :: FieldView site -> WidgetT site IO ()
-helpWidget view = [whamlet|
- $maybe tt <- fvTooltip view
- <span .help-block>#{tt}
- $maybe err <- fvErrors view
- <span .help-block>#{err}
+helpWidget view = do { Text.Hamlet.maybeH
+ (fvTooltip view)
+ (\ tt_as0k
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "<span class=\"help-block\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml tt_as0k);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "</span>") })
+ Nothing;
+ Text.Hamlet.maybeH
+ (fvErrors view)
+ (\ err_as0l
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "<span class=\"help-block\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml err_as0l);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "</span>") })
+ Nothing }
-- | How the 'bootstrapSubmit' button should be rendered.
@@ -244,7 +347,22 @@ mbootstrapSubmit
=> BootstrapSubmit msg -> MForm m (FormResult (), FieldView site)
mbootstrapSubmit (BootstrapSubmit msg classes attrs) =
let res = FormSuccess ()
- widget = [whamlet|<button class="btn #{classes}" type=submit *{attrs}>_{msg}|]
+ widget = do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "<button class=\"btn ");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml classes);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack)
+ "\" type=\"submit\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Hamlet.attrsToHtml . Text.Hamlet.toAttributes) attrs);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) ">");
+ ((liftM (toHtml .) getMessageRender)
+ >>= (\ urender_as0w -> (asWidgetT . toWidget) (urender_as0w msg)));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . T.pack) "</button>") }
fv = FieldView { fvLabel = ""
, fvTooltip = Nothing
, fvId = bootstrapSubmitId
diff --git a/Yesod/Form/Fields.hs b/Yesod/Form/Fields.hs
index 8173e78..68a284c 100644
--- a/Yesod/Form/Fields.hs
+++ b/Yesod/Form/Fields.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
@@ -18,9 +17,6 @@ module Yesod.Form.Fields
, timeField
, htmlField
, emailField
- , multiEmailField
- , searchField
- , AutoFocus
, urlField
, doubleField
, parseDate
@@ -37,15 +33,11 @@ module Yesod.Form.Fields
, selectFieldList
, radioField
, radioFieldList
- , checkboxesFieldList
- , checkboxesField
, multiSelectField
, multiSelectFieldList
, Option (..)
, OptionList (..)
, mkOptionList
- , optionsPersist
- , optionsPersistKey
, optionsPairs
, optionsEnum
) where
@@ -72,6 +64,15 @@ import Control.Monad (when, unless)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe)
+import qualified Text.Blaze as Text.Blaze.Internal
+import qualified Text.Blaze.Internal
+import qualified Text.Hamlet
+import qualified Yesod.Core.Widget
+import qualified Text.Css
+import qualified Data.Monoid
+import qualified Data.Foldable
+import qualified Control.Monad
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Html.Utf8 as B
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (writeByteString, toLazyByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Internal.Write (fromWriteList)
@@ -87,15 +88,12 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T (drop, dropWhile)
import qualified Data.Text.Read
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Yesod.Persist (selectList, runDB, Filter, SelectOpt, Key, YesodPersist, PersistEntity, PersistQuery)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>))
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser, char, string, digit, skipSpace, endOfInput, parseOnly)
-import Yesod.Persist.Core
defaultFormMessage :: FormMessage -> Text
defaultFormMessage = englishFormMessage
@@ -107,10 +105,25 @@ intField = Field
Right (a, "") -> Right a
_ -> Left $ MsgInvalidInteger s
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
-$newline never
-<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="number" step=1 :isReq:required="" value="#{showVal val}">
+ , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget $ \ _render_aJJh
+ -> do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ id (toHtml theId);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "\" type=\"number\" step=\"1\"");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required=\"\""))]
+ Nothing;
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " value=\"");
+ id (toHtml (showVal val));
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ id ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
@@ -124,10 +137,25 @@ doubleField = Field
Right (a, "") -> Right a
_ -> Left $ MsgInvalidNumber s
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
-$newline never
-<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="number" step=any :isReq:required="" value="#{showVal val}">
+ , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget $ \ _render_aJJu
+ -> do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ id (toHtml theId);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "\" type=\"number\" step=\"any\"");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required=\"\""))]
+ Nothing;
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " value=\"");
+ id (toHtml (showVal val));
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ id ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
where showVal = either id (pack . show)
@@ -135,10 +163,24 @@ $newline never
dayField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Day
dayField = Field
{ fieldParse = parseHelper $ parseDate . unpack
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
-$newline never
-<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="date" :isReq:required="" value="#{showVal val}">
+ , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget $ \ _render_aJJF
+ -> do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ id (toHtml theId);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" type=\"date\"");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required=\"\""))]
+ Nothing;
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " value=\"");
+ id (toHtml (showVal val));
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ id ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
where showVal = either id (pack . show)
@@ -146,10 +188,23 @@ $newline never
timeField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m TimeOfDay
timeField = Field
{ fieldParse = parseHelper parseTime
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
-$newline never
-<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} :isReq:required="" value="#{showVal val}">
+ , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget $ \ _render_aJJT
+ -> do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ id (toHtml theId);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required=\"\""))]
+ Nothing;
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " value=\"");
+ id (toHtml (showVal val));
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ id ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
@@ -162,10 +217,23 @@ $newline never
htmlField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Html
htmlField = Field
{ fieldParse = parseHelper $ Right . preEscapedText . sanitizeBalance
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
-$newline never
-<textarea :isReq:required="" id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs}>#{showVal val}
+ , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget $ \ _render_aJK4
+ -> do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<textarea");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required=\"\""))]
+ Nothing;
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " id=\"");
+ id (toHtml theId);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ id ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">");
+ id (toHtml (showVal val));
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</textarea>") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
where showVal = either id (pack . renderHtml)
@@ -193,10 +261,17 @@ instance ToHtml Textarea where
textareaField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Textarea
textareaField = Field
{ fieldParse = parseHelper $ Right . Textarea
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
-$newline never
-<textarea id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" :isReq:required="" *{attrs}>#{either id unTextarea val}
+ , fieldView = \theId name attrs val _isReq -> toWidget $ \ _render_aJKe
+ -> do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<textarea id=\"");
+ id (toHtml theId);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ id ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">");
+ id (toHtml (either id unTextarea val));
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</textarea>") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
@@ -204,10 +279,19 @@ hiddenField :: (Monad m, PathPiece p, RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage)
=> Field m p
hiddenField = Field
{ fieldParse = parseHelper $ maybe (Left MsgValueRequired) Right . fromPathPiece
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val _isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
-$newline never
-<input type="hidden" id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} value="#{either id toPathPiece val}">
+ , fieldView = \theId name attrs val _isReq -> toWidget $ \ _render_aJKo
+ -> do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"");
+ id (toHtml theId);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" value=\"");
+ id (toHtml (either id toPathPiece val));
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ id ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
@@ -215,20 +299,53 @@ textField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Tex
textField = Field
{ fieldParse = parseHelper $ Right
, fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq ->
- [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="text" :isReq:required value="#{either id id val}">
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" type=\"text\"");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " value=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (either id id val));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
passwordField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Text
passwordField = Field
{ fieldParse = parseHelper $ Right
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
-$newline never
-<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="password" :isReq:required="" value="#{either id id val}">
+ , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget $ \ _render_aJKH
+ -> do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ id (toHtml theId);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "\" type=\"password\"");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required=\"\""))]
+ Nothing;
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " value=\"");
+ id (toHtml (either id id val));
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ id ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
@@ -300,10 +417,24 @@ emailField = Field
case Email.canonicalizeEmail $ encodeUtf8 s of
Just e -> Right $ decodeUtf8With lenientDecode e
Nothing -> Left $ MsgInvalidEmail s
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
-$newline never
-<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="email" :isReq:required="" value="#{either id id val}">
+ , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget $ \ _render_aJLq
+ -> do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ id (toHtml theId);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" type=\"email\"");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required=\"\""))]
+ Nothing;
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " value=\"");
+ id (toHtml (either id id val));
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ id ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
@@ -318,10 +449,25 @@ multiEmailField = Field
in case partitionEithers addrs of
([], good) -> Right good
(bad, _) -> Left $ MsgInvalidEmail $ cat bad
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
-$newline never
-<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="email" multiple :isReq:required="" value="#{either id cat val}">
+ , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget $ \ _render_aJMd
+ -> do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ id (toHtml theId);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "\" type=\"email\" multiple");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required=\"\""))]
+ Nothing;
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " value=\"");
+ id (toHtml (either id cat val));
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ id ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
@@ -337,20 +483,75 @@ searchField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => AutoFocus
searchField autoFocus = Field
{ fieldParse = parseHelper Right
, fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> do
- [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="search" :isReq:required="" :autoFocus:autofocus="" value="#{either id id val}">
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" type=\"search\"");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required=\"\""))]
+ Nothing;
+ condH
+ [(autoFocus,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " autofocus=\"\""))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " value=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (either id id val));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
when autoFocus $ do
-- we want this javascript to be placed immediately after the field
- [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<script>if (!('autofocus' in document.createElement('input'))) {document.getElementById('#{theId}').focus();}
- toWidget [cassius|
- ##{theId}
- -webkit-appearance: textfield
- |]
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<script>if (!('autofocus' in document.createElement('input'))) {document.getElementById('");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "').focus();}</script>") }
+ toWidget $ \ _render_aJMx
+ -> (Text.Css.CssNoWhitespace
+ . (foldr ($) []))
+ [((++)
+ $ (map
+ Text.Css.TopBlock
+ (((Text.Css.Block
+ {Text.Css.blockSelector = Data.Monoid.mconcat
+ [(Text.Css.fromText
+ . Text.Css.pack)
+ "#",
+ toCss theId],
+ Text.Css.blockAttrs = (Prelude.concat
+ $ ([Text.Css.Attr
+ (Data.Monoid.mconcat
+ [(Text.Css.fromText
+ . Text.Css.pack)
+ "-webkit-appearance"])
+ (Data.Monoid.mconcat
+ [(Text.Css.fromText
+ . Text.Css.pack)
+ "textfield"])]
+ :
+ (map
+ Text.Css.mixinAttrs
+ []))),
+ Text.Css.blockBlocks = (),
+ Text.Css.blockMixins = ()} :)
+ . ((foldr (.) id [])
+ . (concatMap Text.Css.mixinBlocks [] ++)))
+ [])))]
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
@@ -361,7 +562,28 @@ urlField = Field
Nothing -> Left $ MsgInvalidUrl s
Just _ -> Right s
, fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq ->
- [whamlet|<input ##{theId} name=#{name} *{attrs} type=url :isReq:required value=#{either id id val}>|]
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" type=\"url\"");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " value=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (either id id val));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
@@ -374,18 +596,54 @@ selectField :: (Eq a, RenderMessage site FormMessage)
=> HandlerT site IO (OptionList a)
-> Field (HandlerT site IO) a
selectField = selectFieldHelper
- (\theId name attrs inside -> [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<select ##{theId} name=#{name} *{attrs}>^{inside}
-|]) -- outside
- (\_theId _name isSel -> [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<option value=none :isSel:selected>_{MsgSelectNone}
-|]) -- onOpt
- (\_theId _name _attrs value isSel text -> [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<option value=#{value} :isSel:selected>#{text}
-|]) -- inside
+ (\theId name attrs inside -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<select id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) inside;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</select>") })
+ -- outside
+ (\_theId _name isSel -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<option value=\"none\"");
+ condH
+ [(isSel,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " selected"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">");
+ ((Control.Monad.liftM (toHtml .) getMessageRender)
+ >>=
+ (\ urender_aJMX
+ -> (asWidgetT . toWidget) (urender_aJMX MsgSelectNone)));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</option>") })
+ -- onOpt
+ (\_theId _name _attrs value isSel text -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<option value=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml value);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ condH
+ [(isSel,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " selected"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml text);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</option>") })
+ -- inside
multiSelectFieldList :: (Eq a, RenderMessage site FormMessage, RenderMessage site msg)
=> [(msg, a)]
@@ -408,11 +666,45 @@ multiSelectField ioptlist =
view theId name attrs val isReq = do
opts <- fmap olOptions $ handlerToWidget ioptlist
let selOpts = map (id &&& (optselected val)) opts
- [whamlet|
- <select ##{theId} name=#{name} :isReq:required multiple *{attrs}>
- $forall (opt, optsel) <- selOpts
- <option value=#{optionExternalValue opt} :optsel:selected>#{optionDisplay opt}
- |]
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<select id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " multiple");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">");
+ Data.Foldable.mapM_
+ (\ (opt_aJNs, optsel_aJNt)
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<option value=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (optionExternalValue opt_aJNs));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ condH
+ [(optsel_aJNt,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " selected"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (optionDisplay opt_aJNs));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</option>") })
+ selOpts;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</select>") }
optselected (Left _) _ = False
optselected (Right vals) opt = (optionInternalValue opt) `elem` vals
@@ -435,54 +727,196 @@ checkboxesField ioptlist = (multiSelectField ioptlist)
opts <- fmap olOptions $ handlerToWidget ioptlist
let optselected (Left _) _ = False
optselected (Right vals) opt = (optionInternalValue opt) `elem` vals
- [whamlet|
- <span ##{theId}>
- $forall opt <- opts
- <label>
- <input type=checkbox name=#{name} value=#{optionExternalValue opt} *{attrs} :optselected val opt:checked>
- #{optionDisplay opt}
- |]
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<span id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\">");
+ Data.Foldable.mapM_
+ (\ opt_aJNI
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" value=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (optionExternalValue opt_aJNI));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ condH
+ [(optselected val opt_aJNI,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " checked"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (optionDisplay opt_aJNI));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</label>") })
+ opts;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</span>") }
radioField :: (Eq a, RenderMessage site FormMessage)
=> HandlerT site IO (OptionList a)
-> Field (HandlerT site IO) a
radioField = selectFieldHelper
- (\theId _name _attrs inside -> [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<div ##{theId}>^{inside}
- (\theId name isSel -> [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<label .radio for=#{theId}-none>
- <div>
- <input id=#{theId}-none type=radio name=#{name} value=none :isSel:checked>
- _{MsgSelectNone}
- (\theId name attrs value isSel text -> [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<label .radio for=#{theId}-#{value}>
- <div>
- <input id=#{theId}-#{value} type=radio name=#{name} value=#{value} :isSel:checked *{attrs}>
- \#{text}
+ (\theId _name _attrs inside -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<div id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) inside;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</div>") })
+ (\theId name isSel -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<label class=\"radio\" for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "-none\"><div><input id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "-none\" type=\"radio\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" value=\"none\"");
+ condH
+ [(isSel,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " checked"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">");
+ ((Control.Monad.liftM (toHtml .) getMessageRender)
+ >>=
+ (\ urender_aJNY
+ -> (asWidgetT . toWidget) (urender_aJNY MsgSelectNone)));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</div></label>") })
+ (\theId name attrs value isSel text -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<label class=\"radio\" for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "-");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml value);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "\"><div><input id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "-");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml value);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "\" type=\"radio\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" value=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml value);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ condH
+ [(isSel,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " checked"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml text);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</div></label>") })
boolField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Bool
boolField = Field
{ fieldParse = \e _ -> return $ boolParser e
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> [whamlet|
-$newline never
- $if not isReq
- <input id=#{theId}-none *{attrs} type=radio name=#{name} value=none checked>
- <label for=#{theId}-none>_{MsgSelectNone}
+ , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> do { condH
+ [(not isReq,
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "-none\" type=\"radio\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "\" value=\"none\" checked");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "><label for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "-none\">");
+ ((Control.Monad.liftM (toHtml .) getMessageRender)
+ >>=
+ (\ urender_aJOn
+ -> (asWidgetT . toWidget) (urender_aJOn MsgSelectNone)));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</label>") })]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "-yes\" type=\"radio\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" value=\"yes\"");
+ condH
+ [(showVal id val,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " checked"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "><label for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "-yes\">");
+ ((Control.Monad.liftM (toHtml .) getMessageRender)
+ >>=
+ (\ urender_aJOo
+ -> (asWidgetT . toWidget) (urender_aJOo MsgBoolYes)));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "</label><input id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "-no\" type=\"radio\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" value=\"no\"");
+ condH
+ [(showVal not val,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " checked"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "><label for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "-no\">");
+ ((Control.Monad.liftM (toHtml .) getMessageRender)
+ >>=
+ (\ urender_aJOp
+ -> (asWidgetT . toWidget) (urender_aJOp MsgBoolNo)));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</label>") }
-<input id=#{theId}-yes *{attrs} type=radio name=#{name} value=yes :showVal id val:checked>
-<label for=#{theId}-yes>_{MsgBoolYes}
-<input id=#{theId}-no *{attrs} type=radio name=#{name} value=no :showVal not val:checked>
-<label for=#{theId}-no>_{MsgBoolNo}
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
@@ -508,10 +942,24 @@ $newline never
checkBoxField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Bool
checkBoxField = Field
{ fieldParse = \e _ -> return $ checkBoxParser e
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val _ -> [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<input id=#{theId} *{attrs} type=checkbox name=#{name} value=yes :showVal id val:checked>
+ , fieldView = \theId name attrs val _ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml theId);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" value=\"yes\"");
+ condH
+ [(showVal id val,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " checked"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
@@ -555,51 +1003,6 @@ optionsPairs opts = do
optionsEnum :: (MonadHandler m, Show a, Enum a, Bounded a) => m (OptionList a)
optionsEnum = optionsPairs $ map (\x -> (pack $ show x, x)) [minBound..maxBound]
-optionsPersist :: ( YesodPersist site, PersistEntity a
- , PersistQuery (PersistEntityBackend a)
- , PathPiece (Key a)
- , RenderMessage site msg
- , YesodPersistBackend site ~ PersistEntityBackend a
- )
- => [Filter a]
- -> [SelectOpt a]
- -> (a -> msg)
- -> HandlerT site IO (OptionList (Entity a))
-optionsPersist filts ords toDisplay = fmap mkOptionList $ do
- mr <- getMessageRender
- pairs <- runDB $ selectList filts ords
- return $ map (\(Entity key value) -> Option
- { optionDisplay = mr (toDisplay value)
- , optionInternalValue = Entity key value
- , optionExternalValue = toPathPiece key
- }) pairs
--- | An alternative to 'optionsPersist' which returns just the @Key@ instead of
--- the entire @Entity@.
--- Since 1.3.2
- :: (YesodPersist site
- , PersistEntity a
- , PersistQuery (PersistEntityBackend a)
- , PathPiece (Key a)
- , RenderMessage site msg
- , YesodPersistBackend site ~ PersistEntityBackend a
- )
- => [Filter a]
- -> [SelectOpt a]
- -> (a -> msg)
- -> HandlerT site IO (OptionList (Key a))
-optionsPersistKey filts ords toDisplay = fmap mkOptionList $ do
- mr <- getMessageRender
- pairs <- runDB $ selectList filts ords
- return $ map (\(Entity key value) -> Option
- { optionDisplay = mr (toDisplay value)
- , optionInternalValue = key
- , optionExternalValue = toPathPiece key
- }) pairs
:: (Eq a, RenderMessage site FormMessage)
=> (Text -> Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> WidgetT site IO () -> WidgetT site IO ())
@@ -642,9 +1045,21 @@ fileField = Field
case files of
[] -> Right Nothing
file:_ -> Right $ Just file
- , fieldView = \id' name attrs _ isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
- <input id=#{id'} name=#{name} *{attrs} type=file :isReq:required>
- |]
+ , fieldView = \id' name attrs _ isReq -> toWidget $ \ _render_aJPt
+ -> do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ id (toHtml id');
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" type=\"file\"");
+ condH
+ [(isReq,
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required"))]
+ Nothing;
+ id ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fieldEnctype = Multipart
@@ -671,10 +1086,19 @@ fileAFormReq fs = AForm $ \(site, langs) menvs ints -> do
{ fvLabel = toHtml $ renderMessage site langs $ fsLabel fs
, fvTooltip = fmap (toHtml . renderMessage site langs) $ fsTooltip fs
, fvId = id'
- , fvInput = [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<input type=file name=#{name} ##{id'} *{fsAttrs fs}>
+ , fvInput = do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<input type=\"file\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml id');
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) (fsAttrs fs));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fvErrors = errs
, fvRequired = True
@@ -703,10 +1127,19 @@ fileAFormOpt fs = AForm $ \(master, langs) menvs ints -> do
{ fvLabel = toHtml $ renderMessage master langs $ fsLabel fs
, fvTooltip = fmap (toHtml . renderMessage master langs) $ fsTooltip fs
, fvId = id'
- , fvInput = [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<input type=file name=#{name} ##{id'} *{fsAttrs fs}>
+ , fvInput = do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<input type=\"file\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml name);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" id=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml id');
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) ((attrsToHtml . toAttributes) (fsAttrs fs));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
, fvErrors = errs
, fvRequired = False
diff --git a/Yesod/Form/Functions.hs b/Yesod/Form/Functions.hs
index 9e6abaf..0c2a0ce 100644
--- a/Yesod/Form/Functions.hs
+++ b/Yesod/Form/Functions.hs
@@ -60,12 +60,16 @@ import Text.Blaze (Markup, toMarkup)
#define toHtml toMarkup
import Yesod.Core
import Network.Wai (requestMethod)
-import Text.Hamlet (shamlet)
+--import Text.Hamlet (shamlet)
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import Control.Arrow (first)
+import qualified Text.Blaze.Internal
+import qualified Yesod.Core.Widget
+import qualified Data.Foldable
+import qualified Text.Hamlet
-- | Get a unique identifier.
newFormIdent :: Monad m => MForm m Text
@@ -217,7 +221,14 @@ postHelper form env = do
let token =
case reqToken req of
Nothing -> mempty
- Just n -> [shamlet|<input type=hidden name=#{tokenKey} value=#{n}>|]
+ Just n -> do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml tokenKey);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" value=\"");
+ id (toHtml n);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\">") }
m <- getYesod
langs <- languages
((res, xml), enctype) <- runFormGeneric (form token) m langs env
@@ -297,7 +308,12 @@ getHelper :: MonadHandler m
-> Maybe (Env, FileEnv)
-> m (a, Enctype)
getHelper form env = do
- let fragment = [shamlet|<input type=hidden name=#{getKey}>|]
+ let fragment = do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml getKey);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\">") }
langs <- languages
m <- getYesod
runFormGeneric (form fragment) m langs env
@@ -332,10 +348,15 @@ identifyForm
identifyForm identVal form = \fragment -> do
-- Create hidden <input>.
let fragment' =
- [shamlet|
- <input type=hidden name=#{identifyFormKey} value=#{identVal}>
- #{fragment}
- |]
+ do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml identifyFormKey);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" value=\"");
+ id (toHtml identVal);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\">");
+ id (toHtml fragment) }
-- Check if we got its value back.
mp <- askParams
@@ -365,22 +386,70 @@ renderTable, renderDivs, renderDivsNoLabels :: Monad m => FormRender m a
renderTable aform fragment = do
(res, views') <- aFormToForm aform
let views = views' []
- let widget = [whamlet|
-$newline never
-$if null views
- \#{fragment}
-$forall (isFirst, view) <- addIsFirst views
- <tr :fvRequired view:.required :not $ fvRequired view:.optional>
- <td>
- $if isFirst
- \#{fragment}
- <label for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
- $maybe tt <- fvTooltip view
- <div .tooltip>#{tt}
- <td>^{fvInput view}
- $maybe err <- fvErrors view
- <td .errors>#{err}
+ let widget = do { Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(null views, (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml fragment))] Nothing;
+ Data.Foldable.mapM_
+ (\ (isFirst_ab5u, view_ab5v)
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<tr");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(or [fvRequired view_ab5v, not (fvRequired view_ab5v)],
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " class=\"");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(fvRequired view_ab5v,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "required "))]
+ Nothing;
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(not (fvRequired view_ab5v),
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "optional"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"") })]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "><td>");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(isFirst_ab5u, (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml fragment))] Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<label for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvId view_ab5v));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvLabel view_ab5v));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</label>");
+ Text.Hamlet.maybeH
+ (fvTooltip view_ab5v)
+ (\ tt_ab5w
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<div class=\"tooltip\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml tt_ab5w);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</div>") })
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</td><td>");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (fvInput view_ab5v);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</td>");
+ Text.Hamlet.maybeH
+ (fvErrors view_ab5v)
+ (\ err_ab5x
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<td class=\"errors\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml err_ab5x);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</td>") })
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</tr>") })
+ (addIsFirst views) }
return (res, widget)
addIsFirst [] = []
@@ -396,19 +465,66 @@ renderDivsMaybeLabels :: Monad m => Bool -> FormRender m a
renderDivsMaybeLabels withLabels aform fragment = do
(res, views') <- aFormToForm aform
let views = views' []
- let widget = [whamlet|
-$newline never
-$forall view <- views
- <div :fvRequired view:.required :not $ fvRequired view:.optional>
- $if withLabels
- <label for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
- $maybe tt <- fvTooltip view
- <div .tooltip>#{tt}
- ^{fvInput view}
- $maybe err <- fvErrors view
- <div .errors>#{err}
+ let widget = do { (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml fragment);
+ Data.Foldable.mapM_
+ (\ view_ab5K
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<div");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(or [fvRequired view_ab5K, not (fvRequired view_ab5K)],
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " class=\"");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(fvRequired view_ab5K,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "required "))]
+ Nothing;
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(not (fvRequired view_ab5K),
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "optional"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"") })]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(withLabels,
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<label for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvId view_ab5K));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvLabel view_ab5K));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</label>") })]
+ Nothing;
+ Text.Hamlet.maybeH
+ (fvTooltip view_ab5K)
+ (\ tt_ab5L
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<div class=\"tooltip\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml tt_ab5L);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</div>") })
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (fvInput view_ab5K);
+ Text.Hamlet.maybeH
+ (fvErrors view_ab5K)
+ (\ err_ab5M
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<div class=\"errors\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml err_ab5M);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</div>") })
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</div>") })
+ views }
return (res, widget)
-- | Render a form using Bootstrap v2-friendly shamlet syntax.
@@ -436,19 +552,62 @@ renderBootstrap2 aform fragment = do
let views = views' []
has (Just _) = True
has Nothing = False
- let widget = [whamlet|
- $newline never
- \#{fragment}
- $forall view <- views
- <div .control-group .clearfix :fvRequired view:.required :not $ fvRequired view:.optional :has $ fvErrors view:.error>
- <label .control-label for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
- <div .controls .input>
- ^{fvInput view}
- $maybe tt <- fvTooltip view
- <span .help-block>#{tt}
- $maybe err <- fvErrors view
- <span .help-block>#{err}
- |]
+ let widget = do { (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml fragment);
+ Data.Foldable.mapM_
+ (\ view_ab5Y
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<div class=\"control-group clearfix ");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(fvRequired view_ab5Y,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "required "))]
+ Nothing;
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(not (fvRequired view_ab5Y),
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "optional "))]
+ Nothing;
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(has (fvErrors view_ab5Y),
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "error"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "\"><label class=\"control-label\" for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvId view_ab5Y));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvLabel view_ab5Y));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "</label><div class=\"controls input\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (fvInput view_ab5Y);
+ Text.Hamlet.maybeH
+ (fvTooltip view_ab5Y)
+ (\ tt_ab5Z
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<span class=\"help-block\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml tt_ab5Z);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</span>") })
+ Nothing;
+ Text.Hamlet.maybeH
+ (fvErrors view_ab5Y)
+ (\ err_ab60
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<span class=\"help-block\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml err_ab60);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</span>") })
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "</div></div>") })
+ views }
return (res, widget)
-- | Deprecated synonym for 'renderBootstrap2'.
diff --git a/Yesod/Form/Jquery.hs b/Yesod/Form/Jquery.hs
index 362eb8a..1df9966 100644
--- a/Yesod/Form/Jquery.hs
+++ b/Yesod/Form/Jquery.hs
@@ -17,11 +17,23 @@ import Yesod.Core
import Yesod.Form
import Data.Time (Day)
import Data.Default
-import Text.Hamlet (shamlet)
-import Text.Julius (julius, rawJS)
+--import Text.Hamlet (shamlet)
+import Text.Julius (rawJS)
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
+import qualified Text.Blaze as Text.Blaze.Internal
+import qualified Text.Blaze.Internal
+import qualified Text.Hamlet
+import qualified Yesod.Core.Widget
+import qualified Text.Css
+import qualified Data.Monoid
+import qualified Data.Foldable
+import qualified Control.Monad
+import qualified Text.Julius
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder
+import qualified Text.Shakespeare
-- | Gets the Google hosted jQuery UI 1.8 CSS file with the given theme.
googleHostedJqueryUiCss :: Text -> Text
googleHostedJqueryUiCss theme = mconcat
@@ -61,27 +73,59 @@ jqueryDayField jds = Field
. readMay
. unpack
, fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> do
- toWidget [shamlet|
-$newline never
-<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="date" :isReq:required="" value="#{showVal val}">
+ toWidget $ do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "<input id=\"");
+ id (toHtml theId);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" type=\"date\"");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(isReq,
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required=\"\""))]
+ Nothing;
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " value=\"");
+ id (toHtml (showVal val));
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ id ((Text.Hamlet.attrsToHtml . Text.Hamlet.toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
addScript' urlJqueryJs
addScript' urlJqueryUiJs
addStylesheet' urlJqueryUiCss
- toWidget [julius|
- var i = document.getElementById("#{rawJS theId}");
- if (i.type != "date") {
- $(i).datepicker({
- dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd',
- changeMonth:#{jsBool $ jdsChangeMonth jds},
- changeYear:#{jsBool $ jdsChangeYear jds},
- numberOfMonths:#{rawJS $ mos $ jdsNumberOfMonths jds},
- yearRange:#{toJSON $ jdsYearRange jds}
- });
- }
+ toWidget $ Text.Julius.asJavascriptUrl
+ (\ _render_a2l4S
+ -> mconcat
+ [Text.Julius.Javascript
+ ((Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText
+ . Text.Shakespeare.pack')
+ "\n$(function(){\n var i = document.getElementById(\""),
+ Text.Julius.toJavascript (rawJS theId),
+ Text.Julius.Javascript
+ ((Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText
+ . Text.Shakespeare.pack')
+ "\");\n if (i.type != \"date\") {\n $(i).datepicker({\n dateFormat:'yy-mm-dd',\n changeMonth:"),
+ Text.Julius.toJavascript (jsBool (jdsChangeMonth jds)),
+ Text.Julius.Javascript
+ ((Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText
+ . Text.Shakespeare.pack')
+ ",\n changeYear:"),
+ Text.Julius.toJavascript (jsBool (jdsChangeYear jds)),
+ Text.Julius.Javascript
+ ((Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText
+ . Text.Shakespeare.pack')
+ ",\n numberOfMonths:"),
+ Text.Julius.toJavascript (rawJS (mos (jdsNumberOfMonths jds))),
+ Text.Julius.Javascript
+ ((Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText
+ . Text.Shakespeare.pack')
+ ",\n yearRange:"),
+ Text.Julius.toJavascript (toJSON (jdsYearRange jds)),
+ Text.Julius.Javascript
+ ((Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText
+ . Text.Shakespeare.pack')
+ "\n });\n }\n});")])
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
@@ -108,16 +152,52 @@ jqueryAutocompleteField' :: (RenderMessage site FormMessage, YesodJquery site)
jqueryAutocompleteField' minLen src = Field
{ fieldParse = parseHelper $ Right
, fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> do
- toWidget [shamlet|
-$newline never
-<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="text" :isReq:required="" value="#{either id id val}" .autocomplete>
+ toWidget $ do { id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack)
+ "<input class=\"autocomplete\" id=\"");
+ id (toHtml theId);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" name=\"");
+ id (toHtml name);
+ id
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\" type=\"text\"");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(isReq,
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " required=\"\""))]
+ Nothing;
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) " value=\"");
+ id (toHtml (either id id val));
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) "\"");
+ id ((Text.Hamlet.attrsToHtml . Text.Hamlet.toAttributes) attrs);
+ id ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . pack) ">") }
addScript' urlJqueryJs
addScript' urlJqueryUiJs
addStylesheet' urlJqueryUiCss
- toWidget [julius|
-$(function(){$("##{rawJS theId}").autocomplete({source:"@{src}",minLength:#{toJSON minLen}})});
+ toWidget $ Text.Julius.asJavascriptUrl
+ (\ _render_a2l58
+ -> mconcat
+ [Text.Julius.Javascript
+ ((Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText
+ . Text.Shakespeare.pack')
+ "\n$(function(){$(\"#"),
+ Text.Julius.toJavascript (rawJS theId),
+ Text.Julius.Javascript
+ ((Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText
+ . Text.Shakespeare.pack')
+ "\").autocomplete({source:\""),
+ Text.Julius.Javascript
+ (Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText
+ (_render_a2l58 src [])),
+ Text.Julius.Javascript
+ ((Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText
+ . Text.Shakespeare.pack')
+ "\",minLength:"),
+ Text.Julius.toJavascript (toJSON minLen),
+ Text.Julius.Javascript
+ ((Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText
+ . Text.Shakespeare.pack')
+ "})});")])
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
diff --git a/Yesod/Form/MassInput.hs b/Yesod/Form/MassInput.hs
index a2b434d..75eb484 100644
--- a/Yesod/Form/MassInput.hs
+++ b/Yesod/Form/MassInput.hs
@@ -9,6 +9,16 @@ module Yesod.Form.MassInput
, massTable
) where
+import qualified Data.Text
+import qualified Text.Blaze as Text.Blaze.Internal
+import qualified Text.Blaze.Internal
+import qualified Text.Hamlet
+import qualified Yesod.Core.Widget
+import qualified Text.Css
+import qualified Data.Monoid
+import qualified Data.Foldable
+import qualified Control.Monad
import Yesod.Form.Types
import Yesod.Form.Functions
import Yesod.Form.Fields (checkBoxField)
@@ -70,16 +80,27 @@ inputList label fixXml single mdef = formToAForm $ do
{ fvLabel = label
, fvTooltip = Nothing
, fvId = theId
- , fvInput = [whamlet|
-$newline never
-^{fixXml views}
- $forall xml <- xmls
- ^{xml}
- <input .count type=hidden name=#{countName} value=#{count}>
- <input type=checkbox name=#{addName}>
- Add another row
+ , fvInput = do { (asWidgetT . toWidget) (fixXml views);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack) "<p>");
+ Data.Foldable.mapM_
+ (\ xml_a1yM1 -> (asWidgetT . toWidget) xml_a1yM1) xmls;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "<input class=\"count\" type=\"hidden\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml countName);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "\" value=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml count);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml addName);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "\">Add another row</p>") }
, fvErrors = Nothing
, fvRequired = False
@@ -92,10 +113,14 @@ withDelete af = do
deleteName <- newFormIdent
(menv, _, _) <- ask
res <- case menv >>= Map.lookup deleteName . fst of
- Just ("yes":_) -> return $ Left [whamlet|
-$newline never
-<input type=hidden name=#{deleteName} value=yes>
+ Just ("yes":_) -> return $ Left $ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml deleteName);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "\" value=\"yes\">") }
_ -> do
(_, xml2) <- aFormToForm $ areq checkBoxField FieldSettings
{ fsLabel = SomeMessage MsgDelete
@@ -121,32 +146,149 @@ fixme eithers =
massDivs, massTable
:: [[FieldView site]]
-> WidgetT site IO ()
-massDivs viewss = [whamlet|
-$newline never
-$forall views <- viewss
- <fieldset>
- $forall view <- views
- <div :fvRequired view:.required :not $ fvRequired view:.optional>
- <label for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
- $maybe tt <- fvTooltip view
- <div .tooltip>#{tt}
- ^{fvInput view}
- $maybe err <- fvErrors view
- <div .errors>#{err}
+massDivs viewss = Data.Foldable.mapM_
+ (\ views_a1yMm
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "<fieldset>");
+ Data.Foldable.mapM_
+ (\ view_a1yMn
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack) "<div");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(or [fvRequired view_a1yMn, not (fvRequired view_a1yMn)],
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ " class=\"");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(fvRequired view_a1yMn,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "required "))]
+ Nothing;
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(not (fvRequired view_a1yMn),
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "optional"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "\"") })]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "><label for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvId view_a1yMn));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack) "\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvLabel view_a1yMn));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack) "</label>");
+ Text.Hamlet.maybeH
+ (fvTooltip view_a1yMn)
+ (\ tt_a1yMo
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "<div class=\"tooltip\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml tt_a1yMo);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "</div>") })
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (fvInput view_a1yMn);
+ Text.Hamlet.maybeH
+ (fvErrors view_a1yMn)
+ (\ err_a1yMp
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "<div class=\"errors\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml err_a1yMp);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "</div>") })
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack) "</div>") })
+ views_a1yMm;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "</fieldset>") })
+ viewss
+massTable viewss = Data.Foldable.mapM_
+ (\ views_a1yMv
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "<fieldset><table>");
+ Data.Foldable.mapM_
+ (\ view_a1yMw
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack) "<tr");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(or [fvRequired view_a1yMw, not (fvRequired view_a1yMw)],
+ do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ " class=\"");
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(fvRequired view_a1yMw,
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "required "))]
+ Nothing;
+ Text.Hamlet.condH
+ [(not (fvRequired view_a1yMw),
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "optional"))]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "\"") })]
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "><td><label for=\"");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvId view_a1yMw));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack) "\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml (fvLabel view_a1yMw));
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack) "</label>");
+ Text.Hamlet.maybeH
+ (fvTooltip view_a1yMw)
+ (\ tt_a1yMx
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "<div class=\"tooltip\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml tt_a1yMx);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "</div>") })
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "</td><td>");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (fvInput view_a1yMw);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack) "</td>");
+ Text.Hamlet.maybeH
+ (fvErrors view_a1yMw)
+ (\ err_a1yMy
+ -> do { (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "<td class=\"errors\">");
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget) (toHtml err_a1yMy);
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "</td>") })
+ Nothing;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack) "</tr>") })
+ views_a1yMv;
+ (asWidgetT . toWidget)
+ ((Text.Blaze.Internal.preEscapedText . Data.Text.pack)
+ "</table></fieldset>") })
+ viewss
-massTable viewss = [whamlet|
-$newline never
-$forall views <- viewss
- <fieldset>
- <table>
- $forall view <- views
- <tr :fvRequired view:.required :not $ fvRequired view:.optional>
- <td>
- <label for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
- $maybe tt <- fvTooltip view
- <div .tooltip>#{tt}
- <td>^{fvInput view}
- $maybe err <- fvErrors view
- <td .errors>#{err}
diff --git a/Yesod/Form/Nic.hs b/Yesod/Form/Nic.hs
index 2862678..7a0f25a 100644
--- a/Yesod/Form/Nic.hs
+++ b/Yesod/Form/Nic.hs
@@ -6,14 +6,24 @@
-- | Provide the user with a rich text editor.
module Yesod.Form.Nic
( YesodNic (..)
- , nicHtmlField
) where
+import qualified Text.Blaze as Text.Blaze.Internal
+import qualified Text.Blaze.Internal
+import qualified Text.Hamlet
+import qualified Yesod.Core.Widget
+import qualified Text.Css
+import qualified Data.Monoid
+import qualified Data.Foldable
+import qualified Control.Monad
+import qualified Text.Julius
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder
+import qualified Text.Shakespeare
import Yesod.Core
import Yesod.Form
import Text.HTML.SanitizeXSS (sanitizeBalance)
-import Text.Hamlet (shamlet)
-import Text.Julius (julius, rawJS)
+import Text.Julius ( rawJS)
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
@@ -22,33 +32,3 @@ class Yesod a => YesodNic a where
-- | NIC Editor Javascript file.
urlNicEdit :: a -> Either (Route a) Text
urlNicEdit _ = Right "http://js.nicedit.com/nicEdit-latest.js"
-nicHtmlField :: YesodNic site => Field (HandlerT site IO) Html
-nicHtmlField = Field
- { fieldParse = \e _ -> return . Right . fmap (preEscapedToMarkup . sanitizeBalance) . listToMaybe $ e
- , fieldView = \theId name attrs val _isReq -> do
- toWidget [shamlet|
-$newline never
- <textarea id="#{theId}" *{attrs} name="#{name}" .html>#{showVal val}
- addScript' urlNicEdit
- master <- getYesod
- toWidget $
- case jsLoader master of
- BottomOfHeadBlocking -> [julius|
-bkLib.onDomLoaded(function(){new nicEditor({fullPanel:true}).panelInstance("#{rawJS theId}")});
- _ -> [julius|
-(function(){new nicEditor({fullPanel:true}).panelInstance("#{rawJS theId}")})();
- , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
- }
- where
- showVal = either id (pack . renderHtml)
-addScript' :: (MonadWidget m, HandlerSite m ~ site)
- => (site -> Either (Route site) Text)
- -> m ()
-addScript' f = do
- y <- getYesod
- addScriptEither $ f y