Works around this bug in unix-compat: https://github.com/jacobstanley/unix-compat/issues/56 getFileStatus and other FilePath using functions in unix-compat do not do UNC conversion on Windows. Made Utility.RawFilePath use convertToWindowsNativeNamespace to do the necessary conversion on windows to support long filenames. Audited all imports of System.PosixCompat.Files to make sure that no functions that operate on FilePath were imported from it. Instead, use the equvilants from Utility.RawFilePath. In particular the re-export of that module in Common had to be removed, which led to lots of other changes throughout the code. The changes to Build.Configure, Build.DesktopFile, and Build.TestConfig make Utility.Directory not be needed to build setup. And so let it use Utility.RawFilePath, which depends on unix, which cannot be in setup-depends. Sponsored-by: Dartmouth College's Datalad project
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{- Tests the system and generates SysConfig. -}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
module Build.TestConfig where
import Utility.Path
import Utility.Monad
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.SystemDirectory
import System.IO
import System.FilePath
type ConfigKey = String
data ConfigValue =
BoolConfig Bool |
StringConfig String |
MaybeStringConfig (Maybe String) |
MaybeBoolConfig (Maybe Bool)
data Config = Config ConfigKey ConfigValue
type Test = IO Config
type TestName = String
data TestCase = TestCase TestName Test
instance Show ConfigValue where
show (BoolConfig b) = show b
show (StringConfig s) = show s
show (MaybeStringConfig s) = show s
show (MaybeBoolConfig s) = show s
instance Show Config where
show (Config key value) = unlines
[ key ++ " :: " ++ valuetype value
, key ++ " = " ++ show value
valuetype (BoolConfig _) = "Bool"
valuetype (StringConfig _) = "String"
valuetype (MaybeStringConfig _) = "Maybe String"
valuetype (MaybeBoolConfig _) = "Maybe Bool"
writeSysConfig :: [Config] -> IO ()
writeSysConfig config = writeFile "Build/SysConfig" body
body = unlines $ header ++ map show config ++ footer
header = [
"{- Automatically generated. -}"
, ""
footer = []
runTests :: [TestCase] -> IO [Config]
runTests [] = return []
runTests (TestCase tname t : ts) = do
testStart tname
c <- t
testEnd c
rest <- runTests ts
return $ c:rest
{- Checks if a command is available by running a command line. -}
testCmd :: ConfigKey -> String -> Test
testCmd k cmdline = do
ok <- boolSystem "sh" [ Param "-c", Param $ quiet cmdline ]
return $ Config k (BoolConfig ok)
{- Ensures that one of a set of commands is available by running each in
- turn. The Config is set to the first one found. -}
selectCmd :: ConfigKey -> [(String, String)] -> Test
selectCmd k = searchCmd
(return . Config k . StringConfig)
(\cmds -> do
testEnd $ Config k $ BoolConfig False
error $ "* need one of these commands, but none are available: " ++ show cmds
maybeSelectCmd :: ConfigKey -> [(String, String)] -> Test
maybeSelectCmd k = searchCmd
(return . Config k . MaybeStringConfig . Just)
(\_ -> return $ Config k $ MaybeStringConfig Nothing)
searchCmd :: (String -> Test) -> ([String] -> Test) -> [(String, String)] -> Test
searchCmd success failure cmdsparams = search cmdsparams
search [] = failure $ fst $ unzip cmdsparams
search ((c, params):cs) = do
ok <- boolSystem "sh" [ Param "-c", Param $ quiet $ c ++ " " ++ params ]
if ok
then success c
else search cs
{- Finds a command, either in PATH or perhaps in a sbin directory not in
- PATH. If it's in PATH the config is set to just the command name,
- but if it's found outside PATH, the config is set to the full path to
- the command. -}
findCmdPath :: ConfigKey -> String -> Test
findCmdPath k command = do
ifM (inSearchPath command)
( return $ Config k $ MaybeStringConfig $ Just command
, do
r <- getM find ["/usr/sbin", "/sbin", "/usr/local/sbin"]
return $ Config k $ MaybeStringConfig r
find d =
let f = d </> command
in ifM (doesFileExist f) ( return (Just f), return Nothing )
quiet :: String -> String
quiet s = s ++ " >/dev/null 2>&1"
testStart :: TestName -> IO ()
testStart s = do
putStr $ " checking " ++ s ++ "..."
hFlush stdout
testEnd :: Config -> IO ()
testEnd (Config _ (BoolConfig True)) = status "yes"
testEnd (Config _ (BoolConfig False)) = status "no"
testEnd (Config _ (StringConfig s)) = status s
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeStringConfig (Just s))) = status s
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeStringConfig Nothing)) = status "not available"
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeBoolConfig (Just True))) = status "yes"
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeBoolConfig (Just False))) = status "no"
testEnd (Config _ (MaybeBoolConfig Nothing)) = status "unknown"
status :: String -> IO ()
status s = putStrLn $ ' ':s