Values in AnnexRead can be read more efficiently, without MVar overhead. Only a few things have been moved into there, and the performance increase so far is not likely to be noticable. This is groundwork for putting more stuff in there, particularly a value that indicates if debugging is enabled. The obvious next step is to change option parsing to not run in the Annex monad to set values in AnnexState, and instead return a pure value that gets stored in AnnexRead.
126 lines
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126 lines
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{- git-annex worker thread pool
- Copyright 2015-2019 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Annex.WorkerPool where
import Annex
import Annex.Common
import Types.WorkerPool
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
{- Runs an action and makes the current thread have the specified stage
- while doing so. If too many other threads are running in the specified
- stage, waits for one of them to become idle.
- Noop if the current thread already has the requested stage, or if the
- current thread is not in the worker pool, or if concurrency is not
- enabled.
- Also a noop if the stage is not one of the stages that the worker pool
- uses.
enteringStage :: WorkerStage -> Annex a -> Annex a
enteringStage newstage a = Annex.getState Annex.workers >>= \case
Nothing -> a
Just tv -> do
mytid <- liftIO myThreadId
let set = changeStageTo mytid tv (const newstage)
let restore = maybe noop (void . changeStageTo mytid tv . const)
bracket set restore (const a)
{- Transition the current thread to the initial stage.
- This is done once the thread is ready to begin work.
enteringInitialStage :: Annex ()
enteringInitialStage = Annex.getState Annex.workers >>= \case
Nothing -> noop
Just tv -> do
mytid <- liftIO myThreadId
void $ changeStageTo mytid tv initialStage
{- This needs to leave the WorkerPool with the same number of
- idle and active threads, and with the same number of threads for each
- WorkerStage. So, all it can do is swap the WorkerStage of our thread's
- ActiveWorker with an IdleWorker.
- Must avoid a deadlock if all worker threads end up here at the same
- time, or if there are no suitable IdleWorkers left. So if necessary
- we first replace our ActiveWorker with an IdleWorker in the pool, to allow
- some other thread to use it, before waiting for a suitable IdleWorker
- for us to use.
- Note that the spareVals in the WorkerPool does not get anything added to
- it when adding the IdleWorker, so there will for a while be more IdleWorkers
- in the pool than spareVals. That does not prevent other threads that call
- this from using them though, so it's fine.
changeStageTo :: ThreadId -> TMVar (WorkerPool t) -> (UsedStages -> WorkerStage) -> Annex (Maybe WorkerStage)
changeStageTo mytid tv getnewstage = liftIO $
replaceidle >>= maybe
(return Nothing)
(either waitidle (return . Just))
replaceidle = atomically $ do
pool <- takeTMVar tv
let newstage = getnewstage (usedStages pool)
let notchanging = do
putTMVar tv pool
return Nothing
if memberStage newstage (usedStages pool)
then case removeThreadIdWorkerPool mytid pool of
Just ((myaid, oldstage), pool')
| oldstage /= newstage -> case getIdleWorkerSlot newstage pool' of
Nothing -> do
putTMVar tv $
addWorkerPool (IdleWorker oldstage) pool'
return $ Just $ Left (myaid, newstage, oldstage)
Just pool'' -> do
-- optimisation
putTMVar tv $
addWorkerPool (IdleWorker oldstage) $
addWorkerPool (ActiveWorker myaid newstage) pool''
return $ Just $ Right oldstage
| otherwise -> notchanging
_ -> notchanging
else notchanging
waitidle (myaid, newstage, oldstage) = atomically $ do
pool <- waitIdleWorkerSlot newstage =<< takeTMVar tv
putTMVar tv $ addWorkerPool (ActiveWorker myaid newstage) pool
return (Just oldstage)
-- | Waits until there's an idle StartStage worker in the worker pool,
-- removes it from the pool, and returns its state.
-- If the worker pool is not already allocated, returns Nothing.
waitStartWorkerSlot :: TMVar (WorkerPool t) -> STM (Maybe (t, WorkerStage))
waitStartWorkerSlot tv = do
pool <- takeTMVar tv
v <- go pool
return $ Just (v, StartStage)
go pool = case spareVals pool of
[] -> retry
(v:vs) -> do
let pool' = pool { spareVals = vs }
putTMVar tv =<< waitIdleWorkerSlot StartStage pool'
return v
waitIdleWorkerSlot :: WorkerStage -> WorkerPool t -> STM (WorkerPool t)
waitIdleWorkerSlot wantstage = maybe retry return . getIdleWorkerSlot wantstage
getIdleWorkerSlot :: WorkerStage -> WorkerPool t -> Maybe (WorkerPool t)
getIdleWorkerSlot wantstage pool = do
l <- findidle [] (workerList pool)
return $ pool { workerList = l }
findidle _ [] = Nothing
findidle c ((IdleWorker stage):rest)
| stage == wantstage = Just (c ++ rest)
findidle c (w:rest) = findidle (w:c) rest