Joey Hess b4d5c10fb7 refine new unused code
Fixed the laziness space leak, so it runs in 60 mb or so again. Slightly
faster due to using Data.Set.difference now, although this also makes it
use slightly more memory.

Also added display of the refs being checked, and made unused --from
also check all refs for things in the remote.
2011-09-28 17:35:47 -04:00

337 lines
9.7 KiB

{- management of the git-annex branch
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Branch (
) where
import Control.Monad (unless, liftM)
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Data.String.Utils
import System.Cmd.Utils
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO
import System.IO.Binary
import System.Posix.Process
import System.Exit
import Types.BranchState
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.UnionMerge
import qualified Annex
import Utility
import Utility.Conditional
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Types
import Messages
import Locations
import CatFile
type GitRef = String
{- Name of the branch that is used to store git-annex's information. -}
name :: GitRef
name = "git-annex"
{- Fully qualified name of the branch. -}
fullname :: GitRef
fullname = "refs/heads/" ++ name
{- Branch's name in origin. -}
originname :: GitRef
originname = "origin/" ++ name
{- A separate index file for the branch. -}
index :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
index g = gitAnnexDir g </> "index"
{- Populates the branch's index file with the current branch contents.
- Usually, this is only done when the index doesn't yet exist, and
- the index is used to build up changes to be commited to the branch,
- and merge in changes from other branches.
genIndex :: Git.Repo -> IO ()
genIndex g = Git.UnionMerge.ls_tree g fullname >>= Git.UnionMerge.update_index g
{- Runs an action using the branch's index file. -}
withIndex :: Annex a -> Annex a
withIndex = withIndex' False
withIndex' :: Bool -> Annex a -> Annex a
withIndex' bootstrapping a = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let f = index g
reset <- liftIO $ Git.useIndex f
e <- liftIO $ doesFileExist f
unless e $ do
unless bootstrapping create
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory f
liftIO $ unless bootstrapping $ genIndex g
r <- a
liftIO reset
return r
withIndexUpdate :: Annex a -> Annex a
withIndexUpdate a = update >> withIndex a
getState :: Annex BranchState
getState = Annex.getState Annex.branchstate
setState :: BranchState -> Annex ()
setState state = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.branchstate = state }
setCache :: FilePath -> String -> Annex ()
setCache file content = do
state <- getState
setState state { cachedFile = Just file, cachedContent = content }
invalidateCache :: Annex ()
invalidateCache = do
state <- getState
setState state { cachedFile = Nothing, cachedContent = "" }
getCache :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe String)
getCache file = getState >>= handle
handle state
| cachedFile state == Just file =
return $ Just $ cachedContent state
| otherwise = return Nothing
{- Creates the branch, if it does not already exist. -}
create :: Annex ()
create = unlessM hasBranch $ do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
e <- hasOrigin
if e
then liftIO $ g "branch" [Param name, Param originname]
else withIndex' True $
liftIO $ Git.commit g "branch created" fullname []
{- Stages the journal, and commits staged changes to the branch. -}
commit :: String -> Annex ()
commit message = whenM stageJournalFiles $ do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
withIndex $ liftIO $ Git.commit g message fullname [fullname]
{- Ensures that the branch is up-to-date; should be called before
- data is read from it. Runs only once per git-annex run. -}
update :: Annex ()
update = do
state <- getState
unless (branchUpdated state) $ withIndex $ do
{- Since branches get merged into the index, it's important to
- first stage the journal into the index. Otherwise, any
- changes in the journal would later get staged, and might
- overwrite changes made during the merge.
- It would be cleaner to handle the merge by updating the
- journal, not the index, with changes from the branches.
staged <- stageJournalFiles
refs <- siblingBranches
updated <- catMaybes <$> mapM updateRef refs
g <- Annex.gitRepo
unless (null updated && not staged) $ liftIO $
Git.commit g "update" fullname (fullname:updated)
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.branchstate = state { branchUpdated = True } }
{- Checks if a git ref exists. -}
refExists :: GitRef -> Annex Bool
refExists ref = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ Git.runBool g "show-ref"
[Param "--verify", Param "-q", Param ref]
{- Does the main git-annex branch exist? -}
hasBranch :: Annex Bool
hasBranch = refExists fullname
{- Does origin/git-annex exist? -}
hasOrigin :: Annex Bool
hasOrigin = refExists originname
{- Does the git-annex branch or a foo/git-annex branch exist? -}
hasSomeBranch :: Annex Bool
hasSomeBranch = not . null <$> siblingBranches
{- List of all git-annex branches, including the main one and any
- from remotes. -}
siblingBranches :: Annex [String]
siblingBranches = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
r <- liftIO $ Git.pipeRead g [Param "show-ref", Param name]
return $ map (last . words) (lines r)
{- Ensures that a given ref has been merged into the index. -}
updateRef :: GitRef -> Annex (Maybe String)
updateRef ref
| ref == fullname = return Nothing
| otherwise = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
-- checking with log to see if there have been changes
-- is less expensive than always merging
diffs <- liftIO $ Git.pipeRead g [
Param "log",
Param (name++".."++ref),
Params "--oneline -n1"
if null diffs
then return Nothing
else do
showSideAction $ "merging " ++ Git.refDescribe ref ++ " into " ++ name
-- By passing only one ref, it is actually
-- merged into the index, preserving any
-- changes that may already be staged.
-- However, any changes in the git-annex
-- branch that are *not* reflected in the
-- index will be removed. So, documentation
-- advises users not to directly modify the
-- branch.
liftIO $ Git.UnionMerge.merge g [ref]
return $ Just ref
{- Records changed content of a file into the journal. -}
change :: FilePath -> String -> Annex ()
change file content = do
setJournalFile file content
setCache file content
{- Gets the content of a file on the branch, or content from the journal, or
- staged in the index.
- Returns an empty string if the file doesn't exist yet. -}
get :: FilePath -> Annex String
get file = do
cached <- getCache file
case cached of
Just content -> return content
Nothing -> do
j <- getJournalFile file
case j of
Just content -> do
setCache file content
return content
Nothing -> withIndexUpdate $ do
content <- catFile fullname file
setCache file content
return content
{- Lists all files on the branch. There may be duplicates in the list. -}
files :: Annex [FilePath]
files = withIndexUpdate $ do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
bfiles <- liftIO $ Git.pipeNullSplit g
[Params "ls-tree --name-only -r -z", Param fullname]
jfiles <- getJournalFiles
return $ jfiles ++ bfiles
{- Records content for a file in the branch to the journal.
- Using the journal, rather than immediatly staging content to the index
- avoids git needing to rewrite the index after every change. -}
setJournalFile :: FilePath -> String -> Annex ()
setJournalFile file content = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ catch (write g) $ const $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ gitAnnexJournalDir g
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ gitAnnexTmpDir g
write g
-- journal file is written atomically
write g = do
let jfile = journalFile g file
let tmpfile = gitAnnexTmpDir g </> takeFileName jfile
writeBinaryFile tmpfile content
renameFile tmpfile jfile
{- Gets journalled content for a file in the branch. -}
getJournalFile :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe String)
getJournalFile file = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ catch (liftM Just . readFileStrict $ journalFile g file)
(const $ return Nothing)
{- List of journal files. -}
getJournalFiles :: Annex [FilePath]
getJournalFiles = map fileJournal <$> getJournalFilesRaw
getJournalFilesRaw :: Annex [FilePath]
getJournalFilesRaw = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
fs <- liftIO $ catch (getDirectoryContents $ gitAnnexJournalDir g)
(const $ return [])
return $ filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) fs
{- Stages all journal files into the index, and returns True if the index
- was modified. -}
stageJournalFiles :: Annex Bool
stageJournalFiles = do
l <- getJournalFilesRaw
if null l
then return False
else do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
withIndex $ liftIO $ stage g l
return True
stage g fs = do
let dir = gitAnnexJournalDir g
let paths = map (dir </>) fs
-- inject all the journal files directly into git
-- in one quick command
(pid, fromh, toh) <- hPipeBoth "git" $ toCommand $
Git.gitCommandLine g [Param "hash-object", Param "-w", Param "--stdin-paths"]
_ <- forkProcess $ do
hPutStr toh $ unlines paths
hClose toh
hClose toh
s <- hGetContents fromh
-- update the index, also in just one command
Git.UnionMerge.update_index g $
index_lines (lines s) $ map fileJournal fs
hClose fromh
forceSuccess pid
mapM_ removeFile paths
index_lines shas fs = map genline $ zip shas fs
genline (sha, file) = Git.UnionMerge.update_index_line sha file
{- Produces a filename to use in the journal for a file on the branch.
- The journal typically won't have a lot of files in it, so the hashing
- used in the branch is not necessary, and all the files are put directly
- in the journal directory.
journalFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath -> FilePath
journalFile repo file = gitAnnexJournalDir repo </> concatMap mangle file
mangle '/' = "_"
mangle '_' = "__"
mangle c = [c]
{- Converts a journal file (relative to the journal dir) back to the
- filename on the branch. -}
fileJournal :: FilePath -> FilePath
fileJournal = replace "//" "_" . replace "_" "/"